This is fun chatter. Let's give all the big roles to Rob! I'm on board with this plan.
Danny Boyle, speaking to The Guardian about his upcoming film Yesterday and then addressing his attempt at a Bond film, got a little ROBsessed and correctly shared the following insight:
He insists he has put Bond behind him and no doubt that is true. But every now and then he is reminded of the bruising. Last month he went to see Claire Denis’s High Life and was especially taken by Robert Pattinson’s performance. “And it was so bizarre, because I was sitting there thinking: ‘Oh my God, they should get him to be the next Bond.’” Isn’t Pattinson a bit too young for the role? “No, no,” he scoffs. “He must be in his 30s. How old was Connery? He’s ready now.”Now, there's no way this could happen. Buuuuuut...didn't we think that with superhero movies? Would you have placed money on a bet that had Rob become the next Batman?? Hope springs eternal!
Source: The Guardian
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