Thank you Robert Pattinson! And sorry for bothering you 😘😘— 🥀 (@roselIiott) May 31, 2017

via Robsjaw & PAW
Thank you Robert Pattinson! And sorry for bothering you 😘😘— 🥀 (@roselIiott) May 31, 2017
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Aww rob in his goodtime top 😂❤️❤️❤️— imogen (@twenty22too) May 28, 2017
A little vino. A little stroll in France. And some fireworks. What a life :)dinner time for good time family!! (hey twigs and blurry faced rob) ❤️— Cartoon Squirrel (@ClaudiaandJimmy) May 28, 2017
aaww!! Rob walking and watching the fireworks✨💓— Cartoon Squirrel (@ClaudiaandJimmy) May 28, 2017
more of our baby and fireworks❤️— Cartoon Squirrel (@ClaudiaandJimmy) May 28, 2017
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Guess who my seat mate was during the premiere of Lynne Ramsay's film? Front runner for Best Actor Mr. Pattinson #Cannes70 🇫🇷🎥🎬— Adolfo B. Alix, Jr. (@aalix) May 28, 2017
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#RobertPattinson & #goodtime producer Oscar celebrate his birthday in #cannes— TizzyRazor (@TizzyRazor) May 28, 2017
Robert Pattinson à la sortie de la projection de #YouWereNeverReallyHere . Phœnix va t-il lui prendre le prix d'interprétation ? #cannes2017— Thibaut Buccellato (@Thibuch) May 27, 2017
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Happy boo is happy me— Mr Ninja (@Robsjaw) May 27, 2017
Rob looking dashing as ever on the cover of Gala Croisette.#Cannes2017 #RobertPattinson new pics - Dior Party - GalaCroisette #11— sally (@sallyvg) May 27, 2017
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"If the Safdie Brothers' last feature, Heaven Knows What, evoked The Panic in Needle Park with its cinema verite observation of the New York City heroin subculture, their impressive follow-up, Good Time, sees them continuing to draw inspiration from the gritty American movies of the 1970s, albeit with their own distinctive street edge. Led by Robert Pattinson, giving arguably his most commanding performance to date as a desperate bank robber cut from the same cloth as Al Pacino's Sonny Wortzik in Dog Day Afternoon, this is a richly textured genre piece that packs a visceral charge in its restless widescreen visuals and adrenalizing music, which recalls the great mood-shaping movie scores of Tangerine Dream."
"the magnetic center is Pattinson, playing a driven man whose ethics may be questionable even if his motivation at all times is rooted in fraternal devotion. It's a performance of can't-look-away intensity without an ounce of movie-star vanity."
"Even before the knowingly retro typography of the opening titles kicks in, it’s clear that the sweaty urgency of 1970s New Hollywood — in particular, such hard-headed urban dramas as “Dog Day Afternoon” and “Taxi Driver” — is a key point of reference for the Safdies here. Still, if there’s a grainy classicism to the film’s craft, balancing the fevered formal poetry of 2014’s heroin love story “Heaven Knows What” with Lumet-channeling tautness, it’s no simple throwback exercise. “Good Time’s” passing but pointed glimpses of social disenfranchisement across a range of demographics place its narrative squarely in Donald Trump’s America of 2017."
"Pattinson, by contrast, enters proceedings as a frenzied human cyclone of bad hair and worse decisions. It’s not so much the matted, cheaply peroxided mop and faux diamond earrings that banish the erstwhile “Twilight” star’s willowy brooding from memory: It’s the antic, stressful body language, the rapid, hungry gait of a man with more to run from than run to, that makes Connie sympathetic and repulsive in equal, sometimes simultaneous, measure."Click below for more
#RobertPattinson parle français et c'est... spécial... 😂 #Cannes2017 #Cannes70
— cinemacanalplus (@cinemacanalplus) May 25, 2017
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A post shared by TΞRRΛSSΞ & CLUB By ΛLBΛNΞ (@terrasseclubbyalbane) on
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A post shared by TΞRRΛSSΞ & CLUB By ΛLBΛNΞ (@terrasseclubbyalbane) on
— ma (@Ibabysky) May 26, 2017
— Michele Manelis (@MicheleManelis) May 26, 2017
#RobertPattinson felt #amazing at premiere #GoodTime In #Cannes2017 #obsessed about projects - not just #heartthrub— TinaJøhnkChristensen (@TinaJohnkLA) May 26, 2017
Volgens Josh Safdie lijdt Robert Patinson sinds Twilight aan post traumatische stress syndroom en is hij daarom zo goed in Good times— Jan Pieter EKKER (@jpekker) May 26, 2017
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Robert Pattinson dans le Journal du Festival du 25/05 - FESTIVAL DE CANNES 2017 #Cannes2017
— Rob Pattinson News (@AboutRPattinson) May 26, 2017
24h with Robert Pattinson #Cannes2017
— Rob Pattinson News (@AboutRPattinson) May 26, 2017
Rob at the after party hosted by Dior! (thanks @stephcav3)— Purely Pattinson (@PurelyPattinson) May 26, 2017
Rob heading to the after partyRob at the after party!— Purely Pattinson (@PurelyPattinson) May 26, 2017
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DiorRob party invitation. (thanks @stephcav3)— Purely Pattinson (@PurelyPattinson) May 25, 2017