Movie updates for Robert Pattinson

Robert Pattinson is continuing his flirtation with French Film Directors.  There were two updates this week with new movie news for Rob and both are with French filmmakers.   Add this to his role in the upcoming Claire Denis led High Life filming next year and we see a French connection!

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From The Playlist
"You may not know the name Houda Benyamina, but you’re probably going to hear much more about her. The filmmaker made waves with her feature debut “Divines,” which won the Camera d’Or at Cannes, and was snapped up by none other than Netflix. The movie is now streaming on the service, and Hollywood has taken note, with the director landing an American agent, and it has allowed her to meet with some name brand actors about her next movie.

According to Les InRocks, James Franco and Robert Pattinson are among the actors that Benyamina has discussed her next project with. The untitled film is apparently a love story and costume drama set against the backdrop of war, but there’s no further details at the moment. It all seems pretty early on, and casting still down the line, but it speaks to the heat Benyamina has generated that she’s nabbing this kind of attention from Hollywood types."

An update on Idol's Eye

Oliver Assayas was in Argentina to attend the Festival of Mar Del Plata and was interviewed by La Nacion (The Nation).
"about to realize a long – delayed and costly project as Idol’s Eye (the story of a petty thief who steals a sapphire belonging to the Mafia boss of Chicago), which will feature Robert Pattinson, Rachel Weisz and Sylvester Stallone (replaces last time Robert De Niro).
It is assumed that the film will be next March, the actors are confirmed, but it was an enormous debt of that frustrated filming for which was all ready, so the budget went to the clouds, because more than I think the $ 25 million. In addition, because that cost and that mishap, we cannot film in Canada, so we must find new locations. I will only do it if, as it seems now, it will have basically French control. It no longer interests me to work in the current conditions of Hollywood with producer despots and delirious. The only good thing of this experience is to be able to shoot Stallone, Pattinson or Weisz. The best of Hollywood, no doubt, are its actors."
          (Thanks Flavia for the tip)

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