Here it is...your moment of Robert Pattinson
Moment of Rob,
Robert Pattinson,
sexy stares,
Here Is..... Your Morning Wake Up Call With Robert Pattinson
Morning Wake Up Call,
Robert Pattinson,
Wakey Wakey
NEW PIC: Robert Pattinson and his hotness grabbing a bite with friends in Brooklyn
NEW PIC: Robert Pattinson and his hotness grabbing a bite with friends in Brooklyn
Source | Thanks Flavia!
A photo posted by AbFabMe (@lifeofjorge) on
Source | Thanks Flavia!
Here it is...your moment of Robert Pattinson
ROBsessed's 30 Days for Rob's 30 Years: Robert Pattinson and his BFF's
ROBsessed's 30 Days for Rob's 30 Years: Robert Pattinson and his BFF's
You can tell a lot about a person by the company they keep. You can tell even more about a person by the length of time they've kept that company. Rob and his talented mates, together before the fame and still supporting each other all these years after.
If they were ten year old girls you just know they'd have matching BFF bracelets from Claire's... chances are high they really do!!
You can tell a lot about a person by the company they keep. You can tell even more about a person by the length of time they've kept that company. Rob and his talented mates, together before the fame and still supporting each other all these years after.
If they were ten year old girls you just know they'd have matching BFF bracelets from Claire's... chances are high they really do!!
NEW PIC Robert Pattinson looking handsome in the Hamptons
NEW PIC Robert Pattinson looking handsome in the Hamptons yesterday (May 29)
A fan spotted Rob and had this lovely photo with him.
A fan spotted Rob and had this lovely photo with him.
Here Is..... Your Morning Wake Up Call With Robert Pattinson
Morning Wake Up Call,
Robert Pattinson,
Wakey Wakey
NEW FAN PIC: Robert Pattinson Looking Gorgeous With A Lucky Fan (28th May)
fan pic,
he looks gorgeous,
hello handsome,
Lucky fan.,
Robert Pattinson
ROBsessed's 30 Days for Rob's 30 Years: Robert Pattinson brings sexy back
ROBsessed's 30 Days for Rob's 30 Years: Robert Pattinson brings sexy back
In the past we've heard Rob say his back is too long and how he thinks he has an extra vertebra. But it looks pretty good to us!! We couldn't help but notice moles, muscles and more ...
In the past we've heard Rob say his back is too long and how he thinks he has an extra vertebra. But it looks pretty good to us!! We couldn't help but notice moles, muscles and more ...
Longer Video Of Behind The Scenes Of Peter Lindbergh's Robert Pattinson Photoshoot For Dior
Longer Video Of Behind The Scenes Of Peter Lindbergh's Robert Pattinson Photoshoot For Dior
Yesterday we saw a fantastic 1min video from behind the scenes of Peter Lindbergh's Robert Pattinson Photoshoot For Dior, now here's a 2 whole minutes! What a treat!
MAke sure and head ove to Peter Lindberg's Facebook HERE and give the video a like. And if you haven't already go give yesterday's vudeo all the love on Instagram as well
You Tube (Thanks to Pattinson Art Work)
Yesterday we saw a fantastic 1min video from behind the scenes of Peter Lindbergh's Robert Pattinson Photoshoot For Dior, now here's a 2 whole minutes! What a treat!
MAke sure and head ove to Peter Lindberg's Facebook HERE and give the video a like. And if you haven't already go give yesterday's vudeo all the love on Instagram as well
You Tube (Thanks to Pattinson Art Work)
ROBsessed's 30 Days for Rob's 30 Years: Robert Pattinson was an awesome Edward Cullen
ROBsessed's 30 Days for Rob's 30 Years: Robert Pattinson was an awesome Edward Cullen

YES YOU ARE!!!! *swooning begins*

There he is. Our guy playing the role that sparked the beginning of ROBsession for so so many of us. It all began here...

From the brood to the dazzle to the crooked smile and beyond, Rob was our Edward through and through. There will never be another and his awesome portrayal will make you swoon time and time again. Let us take a trip down nostalgia road! WARNING: Watch out for that inevitable goofy grin stuck on your face while scrolling because nosy folks will want to see what's got you beaming....and drooling...

YES YOU ARE!!!! *swooning begins*
There he is. Our guy playing the role that sparked the beginning of ROBsession for so so many of us. It all began here...
From the brood to the dazzle to the crooked smile and beyond, Rob was our Edward through and through. There will never be another and his awesome portrayal will make you swoon time and time again. Let us take a trip down nostalgia road! WARNING: Watch out for that inevitable goofy grin stuck on your face while scrolling because nosy folks will want to see what's got you beaming....and drooling...
NEW Behind The Scenes Video Of Robert Pattinson Strutting His Stuff For Dior
NEW Behind The Scenes Video Of Robert Pattinson Strutting His Stuff For Dior
Well hello there DiorRob all pouty and beautiful *sigh*
Well hello there DiorRob all pouty and beautiful *sigh*
Thanks Sally
Happy Birthday Kate!
Dear ROBsessors,
Today is a great day because our most loved and least violent "villager" Kate was born :) Please help us celebrate this sweet, thoughtful, wonderfully ROBsessed woman's birthday!
We love you Kate! Love your undying loyalty and love for Rob, for this blog, for our readers and most importantly for US ;)
Hope you have a happy, healthy, peaceful, Robfull year!
Gozde, Kat, Tink and PJ
Kat's signature picspam is after the cut and it's full of Rob handporn :)
Here Is..... Your Morning Wake Up Call With Robert Pattinson
Morning Wake Up Call,
Robert Pattinson,
Wakey Wakey
ROBsessed's 30 Days for Rob's 30 Years: Robert Pattinson Is Awesome To Work With
ROBsessed's 30 Days for Rob's 30 Years: Robert Pattinson Is Awesome To Work With
Over the years there have been NUMEROUS posts here on Robsessed from people who have worked with Rob (from co-stars to directors & producers to photgraphers) all saying how awesome it has been working with him and just what an awesome guy he is in general.
When I went diving into the archives to put this compilation post together I got lost down the rabbit hole and loved looking back on all the wonderful things people had to say about him.
So take my advice and go make a cuppa and get comfortable before you start reading. You're going to be here for a while.
Sarah Gadon
“I love what Rob (Pattinson) did in Cosmopolis…on the outside he’s all ‘I don’t know what I’m doing’, but he’s very smart….I get along really well with all my leading men.
"Um, what is Rob really good at? He's good at a lot of things! I think he was really great as Eric Packer. And I think that was one thing that kind of surprised me, because I didn't really know him very well. And in real life he's very kind of... I mean, you heard him in the press conference: he's British and he's self-deprecating and he's much more self-conscious [than his character].
And then all of a sudden he put on his suit, and this American accent would come out, and he would be so sure of himself and so powerful! And direct! And it was amazing to me to see that transformation of going from himself into Eric Packer. And I think that there's few, few guys right now in the industry who can pull off that kind of powerful masculinity at such a young age."
"He was refreshingly normal,and perhaps shockingly deeply concerned about the development of his career"
Julianne Moore
“[Co-star Robert Pattinson] is one of those people whose affect is so dissimilar to who he is. He has this gorgeous face and he seems like he’s going to be very remote and very serious. But he’s not. He’s incredibly chatty, fun, and smart.”
“Robert’s looks belie who he is inside. He has this formidable, very beautiful face. He’s such a gorgeous guy. He looks like he would be remote, but the minute I met him, he was very chatty. He’s very funny. He’s knowledgeable about film. He loves acting, actors and movies.
“Robert talked the entire time. I have to say I was shocked because I didn’t expect it. I mean, he’s so friendly, truly delightful, smart and talented. I loved him right away!”"
David MichĂ´d
"I immediately liked him." "Not just affable but available guy, obviously intelligent."
" He’s quite beautiful, but strange and very open. When I knew that The Rover was going to be the next movie and I started testing for it, Rob was at the top of my list for people I wanted to see. He came in and demonstrated to me immediately that he was a really interesting actor."
Around the 15:13 mark
“He has a really beguiling physical energy, clearly smart, and he was actively seeking out directors whose work he liked.”
"We met, I appreciated him a lot and then, he did some screen tests for me, awesome tests, full of life, never forced or artificial and then it was done. And there's something very exciting to have the opportunity to show to the whole world that a star, who was understimated and reduced to a certain image, has in fact a treasure of unexploited talent. I quickly notice that Rob is a great actor. And I'm looking forward to everyone seeing that."
"Rob is a “really smart guy and he knows exactly what he wants to do to build the career that he wants”. Rob was “incredibly hardworking and a fun guy to work with, he’s a really good actor”. Of course Rob thinks he’s a really bad actor, but it wasn’t long before I realised that “that was Rob’s schtick”."
Over the years there have been NUMEROUS posts here on Robsessed from people who have worked with Rob (from co-stars to directors & producers to photgraphers) all saying how awesome it has been working with him and just what an awesome guy he is in general.
When I went diving into the archives to put this compilation post together I got lost down the rabbit hole and loved looking back on all the wonderful things people had to say about him.
So take my advice and go make a cuppa and get comfortable before you start reading. You're going to be here for a while.
Sarah Gadon
“I love what Rob (Pattinson) did in Cosmopolis…on the outside he’s all ‘I don’t know what I’m doing’, but he’s very smart….I get along really well with all my leading men.
"Um, what is Rob really good at? He's good at a lot of things! I think he was really great as Eric Packer. And I think that was one thing that kind of surprised me, because I didn't really know him very well. And in real life he's very kind of... I mean, you heard him in the press conference: he's British and he's self-deprecating and he's much more self-conscious [than his character].
And then all of a sudden he put on his suit, and this American accent would come out, and he would be so sure of himself and so powerful! And direct! And it was amazing to me to see that transformation of going from himself into Eric Packer. And I think that there's few, few guys right now in the industry who can pull off that kind of powerful masculinity at such a young age."
"He was refreshingly normal,and perhaps shockingly deeply concerned about the development of his career"
Julianne Moore
“[Co-star Robert Pattinson] is one of those people whose affect is so dissimilar to who he is. He has this gorgeous face and he seems like he’s going to be very remote and very serious. But he’s not. He’s incredibly chatty, fun, and smart.”
“Robert’s looks belie who he is inside. He has this formidable, very beautiful face. He’s such a gorgeous guy. He looks like he would be remote, but the minute I met him, he was very chatty. He’s very funny. He’s knowledgeable about film. He loves acting, actors and movies.
“Robert talked the entire time. I have to say I was shocked because I didn’t expect it. I mean, he’s so friendly, truly delightful, smart and talented. I loved him right away!”"
David MichĂ´d
"I immediately liked him." "Not just affable but available guy, obviously intelligent."
" He’s quite beautiful, but strange and very open. When I knew that The Rover was going to be the next movie and I started testing for it, Rob was at the top of my list for people I wanted to see. He came in and demonstrated to me immediately that he was a really interesting actor."
Around the 15:13 mark
“He has a really beguiling physical energy, clearly smart, and he was actively seeking out directors whose work he liked.”
"We met, I appreciated him a lot and then, he did some screen tests for me, awesome tests, full of life, never forced or artificial and then it was done. And there's something very exciting to have the opportunity to show to the whole world that a star, who was understimated and reduced to a certain image, has in fact a treasure of unexploited talent. I quickly notice that Rob is a great actor. And I'm looking forward to everyone seeing that."
"Rob is a “really smart guy and he knows exactly what he wants to do to build the career that he wants”. Rob was “incredibly hardworking and a fun guy to work with, he’s a really good actor”. Of course Rob thinks he’s a really bad actor, but it wasn’t long before I realised that “that was Rob’s schtick”."
Today is a very special day for a lady who is much loved here on Robsessed.
I'm sure you all know Audrey (aka Maybird36) from the gorgeous paintings that she does of Rob.
Audrey is a long time supporter of Rob's and has attended premieres, screenings and pretty much any Rob event that she can. She has camped out numerous times for premieres and even travelled to Rotterdam to see a screening of 'The Childhood of a Leader'. She's the sweetest lady with the biggest heart and today she celebrates a milestone, her 80th Birthday.
We wanted to wish her a fantastic day and to thank her for being part of the Robsessed community and for being such a great friend to so many!
Hope you have a fantastic day Aud, that it's full of everything you love (ie lots of Rob ;p) and that you get spoiled rotten.
Love and Best Wishes,
Gözde, Kate, Kat, Tink, PJ & all your Robsessed friends.
Here's a little selection of some of Audrey's gorgeous paintings which I know good number of you are lucky enough to own, including Rob himself (& Guy Pierce & David MichĂ´d & FKA Twigs)
Click To See Larger
Check out Audrey at the end of this video presenting Rob, Guy & David with their paintings! Love this so much.
And if you want to check out MORE of Audrey's fabulous paintings take a look at her galleries HERE & HERE
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