NEW PIC? Sure, why not. Robert Pattinson in New York - the "desperate times, desperate measures" edition

NEW PIC? Sure, why not. Robert Pattinson in New York - the "desperate times, desperate measures" edition

When in drought, post pictures of clothes. Because that's the BEST you can get during a drought. *weeps*

So this is where we're at....

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I know.

You don't even need to tell me.

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Yeah. Who cares about Rob? Nobody in New York, that's for sure. He's a phantom. A cipher along the pavement. A transparent character in a mysterious production. A ghost wrapped in an enigma of nonexistence. What does that even mean? I don't know. Blame my Rob deprivation. Send me my straitjacket. I'm ready.

Click for full size of the "most desperate Rob pic of far" Happy for that twigs fan though. We know the feeling. *returns to weeping*
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