It's the most wonderful time of the year!

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

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A most joyous season of the year is here!!!!!

 photo Christmas.gif

But we change things up a bit around ROBsessed. Change the focus to nurture our Rob-inclined minds. Are you ready?? Are you? Are you??

We SO are! We're trying a new contest this year in exchange of our video contest. You are still more than welcome to create a ROBmas video and send it our way. We'll post it for the RobHoliday Season! Our new contest is designed to take us into the New Rob Year with a yummy banner. Details will be on the way mid-month but if you're interested, start planning a New Rob Year banner!

Here are the RobHoliday events we have planned for this year!
  • Our daily ROBmas Advent Calendar kicking off Dec. 1st
  • 12 Days of ROBmas kicking off Dec. 14th
  • Happy New Rob Year banner contest starts Dec. 18th
  • Merry ROBmas Giveaway on Dec. 25th
  • 5th Annual ROBsessed Awards kicking off Dec. 27th
Oh yeah's beginning to look a loooooot like....

 photo ROBmas.gif

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