We were spoiled with the King of Cannes last year. And this year he is featured in the festival trailer.
Also if you're lucky enough to find yourself staying at the Dior suite in Hotel Majestic in Cannes you can have DiorRob watching over you as you sleep!
Caption on Pic:
"#hotelmajectic #cannes #festivaldufilm suite #diorparfum #robertpattinson veille sur notre sommeil... Graou !"
"#hotelmajectic #cannes #festivaldufilm following #diorparfum #robertpattinson watching over our sleep ... Roar !"
Start saving NOW people. If you want to stay there it'll cost you from €16k a night. For that money I'd be expecting Rob to bring me breakfast in bed as well ;)
Take a virtual tour of the suite HERE (obviously the decor has been slightly updated.)
Thanks Cali & Nancy
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