Martin Koolhaven (Brimstone Director) appeared on Dutch radio yesterday where he spoke about getting ready for the start of filming, Robert Pattinson fans and lots more.
Thanks to @RobsPromotion we have a transcript of the interview below.
"Martin Koolhoven, director of BRIMSTONE, appeared in the Radio 6 studio in The Netherlands, today March 10th 2015, to share his favorite Prince songs. He’s a huge fan of this performer. In between songs he shared some snippets of info about his new movie Brimstone.via PattinsonArtWork
He told that it took him a long time to write the script and many people are very enthusiastic about it. Although he has to prove it yet, he believes it is going to be a good movie.
Now the time that he is going to start filming comes closer things are a bit nerve-wrecking. He’s still figuring out what is possible and what he can and/or cannot do.
Today he had meetings with the people of sound and sound design. They had to determine which way to go and what to take into account during filming. E.g. there is an emotional scene that needs music and next is a very silent scene. Of course a scene is never completely without sound, there is always something like a ticking clock, but they want something more original, so what is that sound going to be? Sometimes that particular sound also needs images and those are things that have to be discussed. On set only the voices will be recorded and not the other sounds like footsteps, noise made with cups etc. Those sounds will be cut and added later in post-production. All decisions have certain consequences. He points out that this is a normal procedure with every movie.
When he’s asked about having Robert Pattinson in his movie, he said that Rob’s fans are unbelievable, all the time they search the internet for information and they translate everything. He said that he’s tagged in tweets and gets many questions. They follow him on Twitter and (laughed) that is definitely not because of his football related tweets.
He said that he will start filming Brimstone in less than two months from now. And doesn't want to give too much away about the project as he doesn't know yet how he wants to present the movie and things can always change. The movie started out as being a Western set in the late 19th century and now it’s more a thriller.
The movie starts with Mia Warsikowska as Liz who lives in a small village that is terrorized by the new preacher played by Guy Pearce. He doesn't expect that filming with huge stars will be any different for him. Until now the cast is really nice and down-to-earth without Hollywood bullsh*t and so far they haven’t made any crazy demands for their trailers.
He repeats that it took him a long time to write the script and it was really a ‘difficult delivery’. After finishing the script, he searched for financing and sent the script to numerous agencies in Hollywood. Everywhere he went he got the same answer: ‘We’ll read it next week’ But they never did. A producer friend of his business companion said they were doing it all wrong and gave them names of casting directors and Koolhoven chose Des Hamilton who was immediately enthusiastic and then things really started happening.
Koolhoven said that he only gets really really nervous before the start of a football match, but ……. there is not much time left and he admits to not having found all the film-locations yet."
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