Martin Koolhoven the director of Brimstone was interviewed on Dutch Radio station KRO on Feb 9th and spoke about Rob joining the cast, briefly about his role in the movie & more
Thanks to @RobsPromotionTeam for translating the Rob parts of the interview.
If you want to listen to the interview (in Dutch) then head over HERE
Question: How did you get Pattinson to join?
Koolhoven: That goes through an agency. I was watching some movies Guy Pearce was in and last year he was in THE ROVER and Pattinson was in there too. So I happened to stumble on that and I fell for that role. It is completely different from his role in Brimstone, but I thought he was really good.
Question: What will he be doing exactly in your movie?
Koolhoven: He will play an outlaw and I'm not going to say more than that. It's a secret.
Question: And all Pattinson fans love you now?
Koolhoven: Yes ha ha ha last night things went crazy and Twitter exploded. People started to talk to me from all over the world in strange languages.
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