Well you've voted for your favourites and now it's time to find out the results.
We'll be posting up the results every hour on the hour, so keep a look out for them to see if you picked the winners.
First up is Robert Pattinson's Best Photoshoot Of 2014.
I always thought this would be a close one and boy was I right. The lead changed a few times as voting progressed but it was really a two horse race in the end.
The voting was ridiculously close with Esquire winning by only 11 votes at the close of the poll.
It came first with 30.96% of the votes and THR getting 30.38%. The Unknown Stock shoot was in 3rd place and put up a good fight getting 28.53%. Here's the breakdown.......
Were you curious to know what your mods voted for?
Tink: Premiere, Kat: Premiere, Kate: The Hollywood Reporter.
Our next winner for the 4th Annual ROBsessed Awards will be announced at 1pm ET! Stay tuned...
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