Robert Pattinson talking about Keri Hilson: "She's kind of hot so I hope she [reacts to Pretty Girl Rock scene]"

Robert Pattinson talking about Keri Hilson: "She's kind of hot so I hope she [reacts to Pretty Girl Rock scene]"

UPDATE3: Now that we've all see the film, here's the epic moment!

UPDATE2: Keri Hilson tweeted about The Rover again :))
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UPDATE: EPIC. Keri Hilson replied!
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Ummm...SO CUTE!!! I love that Rob is basically lurking Keri's twitter timeline for her reaction to the Pretty Girl Rock scene in The Rover and put out that she's talking about other stuff. If I were Keri, I would be dead now after he called me hot too. DEAD I TELL YA!!!


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