Natasha Braier Cinematographer For 'The Rover' Talks About Eric & Rey's "Moment"

The Rover's cinematographer Natasha Braier spoke to Movie Maker Magazine about how she and Director David Michod created the world of The Rover and the challenges of shooting in the punishing heat of the Australian desert.

My favourite part though is when she talks about a scene in the movie that she considers to be Rob & Guy's "moment".  Have a read of the excerpt below:

 photo TheRoverStill.jpg
"Despite not wanting to shoot during magic hour, we did have one scene with very low sun in the late afternoon, which was intentional—when Guy is cleaning Robert [Pattinson’s] wounds. If there is such a thing as a love story between the two characters, then that would have been their moment, when they get closer to each other. That was their romantic scene in the movie."

Make sure and check out the rest of the article over at Movie Maker Magazine it's such an interesting read.
And DON'T FORGET The Rover goes nationwide tomorrow. Check out the list of theaters HERE to find one near YOU!

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