Now we have Werner Herzog speaking with The Playlist and he briefly mentioned Rob. It was brief but it carried a punch. Excerpt:
Herzog claims that cinema has “a very unique way” of dealing with the vampire myth, and while his high esteem for Kinski’s legacy has barred him from considering most future iterations, a surprising exception is the “Twilight” series of films. His reaction? “Not that bad, I was surprised to find.”
“We have to take it seriously that there are films out there that know how to address a 14 or 15-year-old,” he added. “This is a very special sort of approach and I couldn't do it, yet these films could. I see that much of it is silly but at the same time I respect these films. And I just worked with one of the actors, Robert Pattinson [in Herzog’s upcoming ‘Queen of the Desert’], and he's a wonderful, fine actor. He's clearly stepping out of these roles that make the teenies screech.”Directors continue to really step up to the plate for Rob.
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