David Cronenberg was a guest on the french programme 'Rencontre de Cinéma' where he talked about Maps To the Stars, going to Cannes again and of course, working with Robert Pattinson!
The interview unfortunately is dubbed but there are quotes from it at the bottom of this post
He talks about Rob at the 15:52 mark.
Quotes from the interview (thanks to Pattinson AW)
David says it's magical and exciting to go back to present a film at Cannes. He is proud to be a Canadian selected for Cannes Film Festival.
David loves the crazyness in the actors. That they are like children playing at being someone else
David says he makes his films very simply. Two days after the shooting, editing was finished!
David recites the poem by Paul Eluard 'Liberty' in French and without mistakes :) The poem has some significance and special meaning in the film.
David said that the film gives a very dark interpretation of what is freedom in Hollywood but he says that we must go see the movie to find out more lol
About Rob and Mia, David says they are fantastic actors, they bring a freshness and a different way of seeing the world. Because they are Internet generation, they have very sharp mind and great wisdom for their age. He says he feels like a father or maybe a grandfather for them lol
David doesn't have movie project for now, he has written a book and 5 producers have already called him to make a film of it.
Julianne Moore was also interviewed. You can listen to her interview over at MapsToTheStars.com (and it's not dubbed)
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