It's Wednesday which means it's time once again for 'Wish He Was Mine'.
First up thank you SO much for sending in all your fabulous pic choices. My inbox was a dangerous place to be last week and I had to take lots of cold showers after looking thorough your emails.
It's such a hard job but someone has to do it right?
Anyway one thing was becoming quite clear as I was going through your emails and that was that Cannes Rob was on a LOT of people's minds. I wonder why? *smiles*.
I just had to choose Cannes Rob for today's 'Wish He Was Mine Wednesday' BUT I couldn't decide between the 2009 Rob sent in by Linda or the 2012 version that Lyn sent and then I thought, sure why do I have to decide? So here they both are for you.
Tomorrow we'll find out if we're going to get a 2014 version but until then ............................
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