It's Tuesday! Have you missed me?
Awww don't be like that. You know you love Torture Tuesday.
TOO BAD!!! Because your grumbles keep this day going. ;) Where shall I begin....
Yesterday, we found out that Rob was no longer going to be a part of Mission: Blacklist. I'm totally fine with this for reasons I shared in the comments but the one thing I am sad about is we lost a film with Rob in the lead and well, Rob as a lead......
This made me think about Rob taking on leading roles after he snagged Twilight yet before he became the KING OF CANNES with Cosmopolis...
In Remember Me, he was the charming and troubled Tyler, breaking our hearts and making us fall for him just like Ally.
In Water For Elephants, he was the compassionate, sweet Jacob, making us again fall in love with him like Rosie and Marlena.
In Bel Ami, he was back to charming and troubled....actually Troubled with a capital T. And this time, you were definitely in danger if you fell for poor Virginie here.
Rob would go on to knock it all out of the park in Cosmopolis as the leading man and start his reign as the KING OF CANNES but what do you think about these three leading roles/characters during the Twilight years? Great you say? Fantastic? Rob was the complete embodiment of Tyler/Jacob/Georges? Well what if I asked you this....
heheheheeeeee....happy Torture Tuesday!
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