Just kidding. There's no vote.
I know, I know. It's too bad we don't have a say in which actor displays the sexual content and graphic nudity in Maps To The Stars.
What, Robert. Don't look like that. In 2012 you had multiple sex scenes between all 3 of your films. Multiple. We even gave them a ROBsessed Award category that year that resulted in a two part, exclusive interview with your sex scene costar that allowed us to talk more about your sex scene. Standards were set. Bars were raised. Loins were....ungirded.
Do you know how many you had in 2013 that was for public consumption?
That's right. You know. You're well aware. It's made us wild! Crazy, leathered-up cat women desperate and prowling!
Ropes of Silicon revealed the MPAA's first bulletin of 2014 and Maps To The Stars was included. The film, not surprisingly, received an R rating for: strong disturbing violence and sexual content, graphic nudity, language and some drug material.
This is a Cronenberg film so anything less is laughable. Is it too much to hope Rob is the reason for all of the above? Mainly issues 2-4? Could the shadows disappear???
I'm Team ShadowsNoMore!
Only God can judge me, you know that right, Rob? Only God. I know you rapped that song in Barnes long ago. I just know it. So show some understanding to the hotness spread all over this site for over 5 years, you unknowingly creating dark recesses because of said hotness and you decisively being the most gorgeous (and talented...let me try and class up this post...too late? Yeah...) actor we know.
Still the Judgey Judy! That's ok. This is an ensemble piece so my little one-track,
(recedes into the dark dark dark recesses)
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