VOTE For Robert Pattinson's 'The Rover' & 'Maps To The Stars' In Round 2 Of The MTV Movie Brawl
The Rover and Maps To the Stars are both through to Round 2of the MTV Movie Brawl.
In Round 2 The Rover is up against Veronica Mars and Maps To The Stars is up against X-Men: Days Of The Future Past.
You know what you have to do!
Both The Rover and Maps To The Stars are currently losing and need your votes.
We got an email from @Robspromotion and @Cazteamrobert. They're organising a vote-a-thon. They'll be chatting and voting from 9pm GMT/4pm EST/1pm PST tonight, tomorrow and Sunday.
But basically the message is vote as much as you can (no matter what the time of day ;))
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