Robert Pattinson pops up in ad for the upcoming The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon

Robert Pattinson pops up in ad for the upcoming The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon

This was pretty cool. Our reader, Jennifer O., sent us this heads up. If you follow late night TV or Jimmy Fallon, you know he's taking over The Tonight Show on Feb. 17th when Jay Leno leaves. If you didn't know, I just told you. ;)

Weeeelllll....guess what person pops up FIRST when they start showing highlights to Jimmy Fallon's Late Night Show? And what person pops up LAST?? And who is the only person to pop up TWICE???

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Now you know my inspiration for the "Moment of Rob" today. If you don't know what that is, look on the sidebar for the picture we tweeted. Kate tweets Morning Wake Up Robs and I tweet Moment of Robs. Since we added our twitter feed to the sidebar, you don't have to have twitter to enjoy the Robs. :)
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