ROBsessed Awards - Robert Pattinson's Most Jaw Dropping Moment of 2013

Here we go with the second category... Rob's Most Jaw Dropping Moment this year, everything from selling his house, hosting a grand Hollywood style party to totally appropriate inappropriate comments at awards shows and more. Take your pick ...

Rob and Beyonce looking like besties!: I think Beyonce is starstruck... no?  Click the image for a reminder of the full story...

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Golden Showers and Rob's naughty mind!: May his word mind to voice filter stay broken forever.

Rob hosts a big Hollywood bash!: My invite got lost in the post... right? Click on the tweets below for a reminder of the event...

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Got a spare $7million? Rob sells his house: What a sweet little summer house that would be.

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Make love to ME, Rob! KaraokeRob emerges from 2008: Epic proportions of epic. I loved this and may have almost broken the internet hitting repeat. 

There they are, your five nominees in this category.
And remember, you only get one vote per category and the polls close at midnight (ET) on Dec. 31st

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