ROBsessed Awards - Robert Pattinson's Best Official Surprise of 2013

Have you been checking in to vote in all the other categories - you have until midnight on December 31st to go back and vote if you've missed any.

Now onto the sixth, Robert Pattinson's Best Official Surprise of 2013... .

Charity Surprise ~ Attending the Go Go Gala: I kind of dig that cello...

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Screening Surprise ~ Seduced and Abandoned: Supporting friends...

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Visit Surprise ~ leaving smiles at the Children's Hospital: Could we love him more?

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Project Announcement Surprises ~ Life, The Lost City of Z and The Childhood of a Leader: Lots of projects = lucky fans...

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Keeps on Giving Surprise ~ DiorRob: It just keeps getting better...

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Presenting Surprise ~ The Australians in Film Awards: Comedy Rob :-)

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There they are, your six nominees in this category.
And remember, you only get one vote per category and the polls close at midnight (ET) on Dec. 31st

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