ROBsessed Awards - Robert Pattinson's Best Non- Fandom Supporter

ROBsessed Awards - Robert Pattinson's Best Non- Fandom Supporter 

Robert Pattinson has been very fortunate to have had some wonderful support again this year from outside the fandom. We have some of our old regular faces....... and a couple of new ones too. 

Josh Horowitz ~ The reigning champ is back to defend his title. He may not have had any interviews with Rob this year but he made sure Rob was mentioned in interviews with Benedict Cumberbatch, Ashley Tisdale and James Franco

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David Cronenberg ~ (Maps To The Stars Director) David is one of Rob's biggest cheerleaders. As his director in "Cosmopolis" and this year in "Maps to the Stars" he has had many good things to say about Rob like, "I really think he's a terrific actor. He's extremely inventive. He surprised me every day on 'Cosmopolis' with the nuances and things that he did which were unexpected".

Click on each pic below to read more

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Werner Herzog ~ (Queen Of The Desert Director) Werner was full of praise for Rob this year saying "He has charisma, he is smart, he writes. I hope we will see him one day as a director" & "This is a very intelligent man. Writes well. Knows exactly what he's doing. He also knows that he must be out of this short-lived type of role of Teen Stars."

Click on the pics below to read more

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David Michod ~ (The Rover Director) David worked with Rob on The Rover at the beginning of the year and was quick to tell people that Rob was 'really smart, and not the sort of pretty boy I was expecting. As soon as it was time to start testing… he was my first choice, by a long way.'' 

Click on the pics below to read more

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Dior ~ Dior and Robert Pattinson seem to have been made for each other. With their Dior Homme campaign it's clear that they have been listening to what Rob fans want. From the Dior Homme video down to the #DiorRob tag on twitter. It's pretty obvious how happy and proud they are to have Robert Pattinson as their front man.  

Click on the pic below for a refresher of the editorial from their Dior Mag 

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A24 ~ I think we have all seen how much A24 share our excitement at seeing Robert Pattinson star in The Rover next year. As the US production company for The Rover they have been very vocal in their support of Rob on their social media.

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You get one vote per category and the polls close at midnight (ET) on Dec. 31st

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