Yes it's the last 365DOR but don't be sad, we did it guys!!
We have a final post to recap all the months coming soon, but for now let's take a little look back at what December's 365DOR brought us.
December was a mixed month which brought us some great 365's like Fave Career Move By Rob, so far, Pic of Rob with his Professional Team, Fave Rob Song, Director Compliment of Rob, Fave Professional Image from 2013 , Fave Movie Scene & BTS Filming Pic/GIF of Rob on set in 2013 .
We also kept the air conditioning busy in the DR with steamy posts like Pic of Rob's Neck Moles, Rob's Sex Stare , Pic of Rob with Stubble, Fave Rob in a suit of the day & Pic of Rob in plaid.
We had lots of laughs looking at Gifs of Rob's Laugh, Pics that made you happy, Videos of Funny Rob Interviews & Shocking or Funny Rob Quotes and of course we had our old regulars that popped up throughout the year like our Fave Pic Edit of the Day, Fave DiorRob of the Day, Rarely Shared Pics of Rob, Our How you Doin'? posts & the first pics we saw of Rob that day.
So here we are at our last 365DOR on the last day of 2013. 2014 is going to be a big & busy year for Rob & we couldn't be more excited about it.
Today's last 365DOR reflects that and one final time we want you to tell us.......... What Future Rob Film Excites YOU.
Here are our choices..........
"It has to be The Rover. Maybe because it’s likely going to be the first we see… and I’m just ready for more Rob :-) But more likely because I’m so curious about this quite secretive plot."
"It was the first DoR on Jan. 1, 2013 and it’s the last DoR on Dec. 31, 2013. my answer remains the same. i can not WAIT to see Rob as Rey in The Rover. it excites me so much and I’m thrilled to see my favorite actor take on another role that showcases his talent and tells a great story with a fantastic cast and crew. BRING IT, 2014!!!
and that’s a wrap. :’)"
"I cannot and will not decide between these two films. If i'm totally honest I'm excited for ALL of Rob's future films but probably a little more excited for these 2 seeing as we're going to see them next year ;D i'm equally as excited for both. I can't wait to see Rob working with Guy Pearce and David Michod. And what can I say about Robenberg being back together again!? So yes I'm cheating and picking both ;}"
If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)
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