Time to dish it! What Rob scene really blows you away and owns you??
"I’m gonna cheat here and go with 2. I know Tink has already picked this one but It’s also one of my fave scenes. I love that Rob said that Cosmopolis has funny parts in it because I thought there was something wrong with me when I was the only one in the cinema who actually laughed out loud when he shot himself in the hand. I should have been at Cannes when Rob actually wanted people to laugh ;-p Anyway this scene is a classic and is by far some of his best work (to date). I’m also choosing this scene in Bel Ami (sorry I can’t find a vid of it). I know you’ll know it when I describe it as the twirly scene ;) It just makes me smile everytime I see it. Yes I’m a sap and I know it! So there you have it 2 VERY different scenes but I love them both."
"time for a philosophical pause. some reflection. yes. from the start to the finish, this is my favorite scene from all of Rob’s films. i was captivated by the verbal and physical ballet between Rob and Paul. what else. it was a final showdown and what we were waiting for. it didn’t disappoint. what else. the scene is brilliant and Rob has never been better. this is my sensibility. ;)"

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"time for a philosophical pause. some reflection. yes. from the start to the finish, this is my favorite scene from all of Rob’s films. i was captivated by the verbal and physical ballet between Rob and Paul. what else. it was a final showdown and what we were waiting for. it didn’t disappoint. what else. the scene is brilliant and Rob has never been better. this is my sensibility. ;)"
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