365 Days of Robert Pattinson 2013 edition

365 Days of Robert Pattinson 2013 edition

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Hey hey hey! WE DID IT!!!!

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365 Days of Rob is complete! Our 365 Days of Rob challenge is over and we wanted to keep a roundup post on the sidebar for you guys to reference if you're ever in need of some serious Robert Pattinson reflection time. 365DoR covered so many aspects of Rob (which I'll color coordinate later to satisfy my RCD - Robsessive Compulsive Disorder) and we listed them for you to always have them just a click away.

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  1. Future Rob Film That Excites You
  2. Rarely Shared Pic of Rob
  3. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  4. Black & White Pic
  5. Pic of Rob in jeans
  6. Shirtless Rob Pic
  7. 1st Pic Of Rob You Saw Today
  8. Rob Pic From PCA's 2011
  9. Rob Pic From PCA's 2012
  10. Rob Pic/Gif That Reflects Your Mood
  11. Gif Of Rob Laughing
  12. Pic Of Rob In A White Tee
  13. Golden Globe Rob
  14. One of the 1st pics of Rob you saw today
  15. 2008 Pic Of Rob From Presscon Or Portrait Session
  16. Rob Pic With A Fan
  17. Rob Pic Or Gif That Reflects Your Mood
  18. Pic of Rob In A Grey Suit
  19. Rob Characters You Would FMK
  20. Pic Of Rob's Back
  21. One of the 1st pics of Rob you saw today
  22. Fave pic edit of the day
  23. Pic of Rob's hair color
  24. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  25. Pic Of Rob In Germany
  26. Best Magazine Cover
  27. Pic of Rob biting his lip
  28. 1st Pic of Rob You Saw Today
  29. Fave RobPorn Pic Of The Day
  30. Fave Josh Interview
  31. Rob Pic/Gif That Reflects Your Mood
February ~ Bel Ami themed

  1. Pic from "Bel Ami" premiere
  2. Details pic
  3. Pic of Rob on awards show red carpet
  4. Pic of Rob adjusting his pants waistline
  5. BTS filming Pic/gif from Bel Ami
  6. Pic with Christina Ricci
  7. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  8. Fave Robporn of the day
  9. Bel Ami still
  10. Pic of Rob with his mouth open
  11. 1st pic of Rob you saw today
  12. Pic of Rob's flushed cheeks
  13. Love quote from a Rob film
  14. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  15. Sex scene
  16. Pic with Uma Thurman
  17. Fave wallpaper of the moment
  18. 1st pic of Rob you saw today
  19. Pic from Bel Ami pressoncon/photocall
  20. Pic of Rob with shorter hair or buzz
  21. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  22. Fave Georges Duroy pic
  23. Fave pic edit of the day
  24. Pic of Rob at the Oscars
  25. Rob pic begging for a straddle
  26. Pic of Rob in Tokyo
  27. Pic/gis of Rob from the BAFTAs
  28. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood

  1. Pic of Rob & a piano
  2. Blackbook photoshoot pic
  3. Candid pic from 2008
  4. Pic of Rob wearing untidy shoes
  5. Fave movie poster of Rob
  6. Fave Leno interview
  7. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  8. Pic of Rob's bottom lip
  9. Pic of Rob's lashes
  10. Pic of Rob with a watch
  11. Cheekboneporn
  12. Fave Robporn of the day
  13. Pic of Rob with a full beard
  14. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  15. 2009 Rob pic from presscon/portrait session
  16. Rarely shared pic of Rob
  17. Rob with a beer
  18. 1st pic of Rob you saw today
  19. Fave Rob character
  20. Fave tie Rob has worn
  21. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  22. Fave pic edit of the day
  23. Pic of Rob in a hoodie
  24. Cute pic of Rob from Harry Potter days
  25. Pic of Rob with his high beams on
  26. Black & White pic
  27. Pic or mentions of Bear
  28. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  29. Pic of Rob in the UK
  30. Pic of Rob in a beanie
  31. Fave soundtrack/score
April ~ Water for Elephants themed

  1. Gif of Rob laughing
  2. BTS/filming pic/gif from WFE
  3. Candid pic from 2009
  4. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  5. Pic with Christoph Waltz
  6. Still from Water for Elephants
  7. Pic of Rob with Tai
  8. 1st pic of Rob you saw today
  9. Rarely shared pic of Rob
  10. Pic of Rob's wonky legs
  11. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  12. Pic of Rob from the MTV Movie Awards 2009
  13. Pic of Rob from the MTV Movie Awards 2010
  14. Pic of Rob from the MTV Movie Awards 2011
  15. Panty dropping pic of Rob
  16. Fave wallpaper of the moment
  17. Pic from NYC WFE premiere
  18. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  19. Best Kimmel interview
  20. Fave Rob shoes
  21. Fave pic edit of the day
  22. 1st pic of Rob you saw today
  23. Pic of Rob in a jacket
  24. Pic with Reese Witherspoon
  25. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  26. Fave Robporn of the day
  27. Pic of Rob with an animal from WFE
  28. Pic of Rob from Euro or Sydney WFE promo
  29. Pic of Rob with a wrinkled pensive brow
  30. Pic of Rob in Paris
May ~ Cosmopolis themed

  1. Fave Robenberg
  2. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  3. Candid pic from 2010
  4. Fave Eric Packer pic
  5. SexyMexiRob
  6. 1st pic of Rob you saw today
  7. BTS filming pic/gif from Cosmopolis
  8. Pic with Sarah Gadon
  9. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  10. Cosmopolis still
  11. Fave Robporn of the day
  12. Pic of Rob with a family member
  13. Cute pic of young Rob
  14. Pic of Rob's puckered lips
  15. Pic of CannesRob 2009 photocall
  16. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  17. Pic of CannesRob 2009 in a tux
  18. Pic of CannesRob 2012 photocall
  19. Pic of CannesRob 2012 in a tux
  20. 1st pic of Rob you saw today
  21. Pic of Rob during NYC Cosmopolis promo
  22. Pic of Rob with Paul Giamatti
  23. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  24. Fave pic edit of the day
  25. Pic of Rob's thighs
  26. Pic of Rob from Euro Cosmopolis promo
  27. 1st pic of Rob you saw today
  28. Pic of Rob's fingers
  29. Pic with Juliette Binoche
  30. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  31. Pic of Rob from Toronto Cosmopolis promo
June ~ Twilight themed Part 1

  1. Rob's best MTV moment
  2. Gif of Rob laughing
  3. 1st pic of Rob I saw today
  4. BTS/filming pic/gif from Twilight
  5. Sexiest pic of Rob pre-Twilight
  6. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  7. Pic of Rob's nubbin/chin dimple
  8. Pic of Rob in Canada
  9. BTS/filming pic/gif from New Moon
  10. Fave Rob haircut
  11. Best Fallon interview
  12. Harpers Bazaar photoshoot pic
  13. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  14. Pic with Taylor Lautner
  15. 2010 pic of Rob from presscon/portrait session
  16. Rob comment about his dad
  17. 1st pic of Rob you saw today
  18. Pic of Rob's chest hair or collarbone
  19. Fave wallpaper of the moment
  20. Classic Edward pic or gif
  21. Rob dancing
  22. Fave Robporn of the day
  23. Pic with Kristen Stewart
  24. Pic of Rob's bare feet
  25. Fave pic edit of the day
  26. Pic from Eclipse premiere
  27. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  28. Pic of Rob in a tuxedo
  29. BTS/filming pic/gif from Eclipse
  30. Pic of Rob's blonde scruff
July ~ Little Ashes themed

  1. 1st pic of Rob you saw today
  2. Pic of Rob's eyebrowporn
  3. Candid pic from 2011
  4. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  5. Another Man photoshoot pic
  6. Little Ashes still
  7. TV Week photoshoot pic
  8. 1st pic of Rob you saw today
  9. US Mag (2009) photoshoot pic
  10. Clip of Rob speaking a foreign language
  11. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  12. WetRob
  13. Fave pic edit of the day
  14. Jawporn
  15. Little Ashes gif
  16. Pic of Rob with something in his mouth
  17. Comic Con 2008 Rob
  18. Comic Con 2009 Rob
  19. Comic Con 2011 Rob
  20. Comic Con 2012 Rob
  21. Pic of Rob from Teen Choice Awards
  22. 1st pic of Rob you saw today
  23. Pic/gif of Rob tearing in a film
  24. Fave Robporn of the day
  25. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  26. Tongueporn
  27. Pic of Rob's cheek moles
  28. Black & White pic
  29. 1st pic of Rob you saw today
  30. Pic of Rob in sunglasses
  31. Video of one of the best press junket interview
August ~ Harry Potter/The Bad Mother's Handbook themed

  1. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  2. Pic of Rob's TDP
  3. Candid pic from 2012
  4. Pic of Rob in shorts
  5. 1st pic of Rob you saw today
  6. Vanity Fair photoshoot pic
  7. Fave print interview
  8. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  9. Pic of Rob from Harry Potter premiere
  10. Fave Robporn of the day
  11. Fave kiss from a Rob film
  12. Pic/gif of Rob drinking a beverage
  13. Fave wallpaper of the moment
  14. Sexy fanmade video
  15. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  16. Gif of Rob laughing
  17. Premiere photoshoot pic
  18. Pic of Rob's sexhair
  19. Pic of Rob's crinkled eyes
  20. Pic of Rob's hands
  21. Best Ellen interview
  22. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  23. Fave pic edit of the day
  24. Fave pic of Cedric Diggory
  25. Pic of Rob's sideburns
  26. Fave DiorRob of the day
  27. Pic showing Rob's green/blue/grey eyes
  28. Cute/funny fan made video
  29. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  30. Fave Rob baseball cap
  31. Pic of Rob from The Bad Mother's Handbook
September ~ Remember Me themed

  1. Pic of Rob looking pensive
  2. 1st pic of Rob you saw today
  3. Candid pic from 2013
  4. BTS/filming pic/gif from Remember Me Part 1
  5. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  6. Pic/gif of Rob from the NYC Remember Me premiere
  7. Black & White pic
  8. Pic of Rob from a red carpet event he wasn't promoting his films
  9. 1st pic of Rob you saw today
  10. Pic of Rob's profile
  11. Remember Me still
  12. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  13. Pic/gif of Rob from London Remember Me premiere
  14. Fave book from Rob's film adaptations
  15. 2011 pic of Rob from presscon/portrait session
  16. 1st pic of Rob you saw today
  17. GQ photoshoot picture
  18. Pic with Emilie De Ravin
  19. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  20. Bicepporn
  21. Pic of Rob with a guitar
  22. Official pic of Rob from a TV show
  23. Fave DiorRob of the day
  24. Fave pic edit of the day
  25. Fave pic of Tyler Hawkins
  26. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  27. BTS/filming pic/gif from Remember Me Part 2
  28. Fave Robporn of the day
  29. Rarely shared pic of Rob
  30. Fave DiorRob of the day
October ~ How To Be/The Haunted Airman themed

  1. Fave pic of one of Rob's shirts
  2. L'Uomo or Vogue US photoshoot pic
  3. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  4. Fave pic of Art
  5. Pic of Rob outside TV studio
  6. Pic of Rob in a car
  7. 1st pic of Rob you saw today
  8. Pic of Rob in Spain
  9. Rob in a sweater
  10. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  11. Fave wallpaper of the moment
  12. Pic of ScruffteeRob
  13. Fave Robporn of the day
  14. Fave DiorRob of the day
  15. 2012 pic of Rob from presscon/portrait session
  16. How To Be still
  17. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  18. Pic of Rob from Austin Film Festival for HTB
  19. Pic of Rob from Sex Drive premiere
  20. Pic/gif of a forehead kiss from a Rob film
  21. 1st pic of Rob you saw today
  22. Gif of Rob laughing
  23. RomeRob
  24. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  25. Forearmporn
  26. Neckporn/Rob's Adam's Apple
  27. Pic of Rob giving crazy/funny face
  28. Fave DiorRob of the day
  29. Haunted Airman still
  30. Fave ZygoteRob
  31. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
November ~ Twilight themed Part 2

  1. Pic from Twilight premiere
  2. BTS/filming pic/gif from Breaking Dawn
  3. Pic from Vanity Fair 2008
  4. 1st pic of Rob you saw today
  5. Pic of Rob from hand printing ceremony
  6. Pic of Rob from Twilight Euro promo
  7. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  8. Fave Entertainment Weekly cover
  9. Fave Robporn of the day
  10. Pic of BD1 Euro promo
  11. Fave DiorRob of the day
  12. Pic of Rob from New Moon LA or NYC premiere
  13. Pic of Rob with Brit Pack member(s)
  14. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  15. Pic of Rob from New Moon Euro promo
  16. Pic of Rob with Kristen & Taylor
  17. Pic of Rob with his hand in his hair
  18. 1st pic of Rob you saw today
  19. Pic of BD2 Euro or Sydney promo
  20. Pic of Rob running or being sporty
  21. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  22. Pic of Rob from BD1 premiere
  23. Fave pic edit of the day
  24. Fave interview from 2008 Twilight promo
  25. Fave DiorRob of the day
  26. Pic of Rob from 2008 photoshoot
  27. Pic of Rob with a clean shave
  28. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  29. Pic of Rob from BD2 premiere
  30. Fave pic of Edward

  1. Rob pic you can't live without
  2. 1st pic of Rob you saw today
  3. Fave Rob-in-a-suit of the day
  4. Pic of fave Robporn
  5. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  6. Rarely shared pic of Rob
  7. BTS/filming pic/gif of Rob on set in 2013
  8. Fave career move by Rob so far
  9. Fave DiorRob of the day
  10. Pic of Rob's neck moles
  11. Shocking or funny Rob quote
  12. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  13. Rob's sex stare
  14. Fave Robporn of the day
  15. Pic of Rob with his professional team
  16. 1st pic of Rob you saw today
  17. Fave Rob song
  18. Pic of Rob in plaid
  19. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  20. Director compliment of Rob
  21. Video of Funny Rob interview
  22. Fave pic edit of the day
  23. Fave DiorRob of the day
  24. Pic that makes you happy
  25. Pic of Rob with stubble
  26. Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood
  27. Gif of Rob's laugh
  28. Fave movie scene
  29. Fave professional image of Rob from 2013
  30. Fave DiorRob of the day
  31. Future Rob film that excited you
Several of you asked if we would do 365DoR again for 2014. Rob has two films back for the new year and we have other things we want to do creatively speaking but this won't be the last time we ever do 365DoR. It will return in the future....until then, cheers to every day being a day of Rob!
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