Sneak Peek Inside "1000 Lives" by Nan Goldin Featuring NEW Robert Pattinson Pics

UPDATE : Added Better quality pics from Nicole 
UPDATE: 4 more pics added to the bottom of the post
Sneak Peek Inside "1000 Lives" by Nan Goldin Featuring NEW Robert Pattinson Pics 

If you ordered "1000 Lives" by Nan Goldin and are one of the lucky ones that get to receive it here's a little peek at what you have to look forward to.
It's not actually a book as Pattinson AW explains:
"So in #1000Lives is not a book but a box/coffret containing 13 large posters of the Dior campaign by Nan Goldin. It is superb!" 
"It contains 13 gorgeous posters, 57 x 42 cm (22 x 16 inch?). Some photos that we know already and new ones too!" 
"And between each poster there is the quote, word by word: "Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today."" 

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And here's a sneak peek inside, thanks to Nicole via Rob'sPromotion

Click for Larger
UPDATE Better quality pics

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More Pics Thanks to Clara

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