Time for a little trip down memory lane
"This is a popular one but I’m specifically picking the version on the right - the stitch job Stoli (from RM filming, pic on left from 2008). the Stoli is iconic in our Rob world. it predates a majority of his fans. click HERE for a brief glance through the archives. while the older version of the Stoli gave enticing glimpses of skin, it was the stitched up version of the Stoli that made me love Rob even more. who stitched it? Rob? Clare? elves? doesn’t matter. what matters is that it was guerrilla stitched in the first place and made Rob even more awesome and perfect than he already was."
"So many to choose from. The Stoli is the first one that always comes to mind so I'm going to go with this one that he wore for Stand Up 2 Cancer."
" Here's a little refresher of his speech on the programme"
I'll update with Kat's when she posts.
Click the thumbnail if you need to review the October calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)
If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)
He looks great in the beanie and in all of the other pictures, don't you think?
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