UPDATE: Added a photo from the evening and details from E!online:
Robert Pattinson knows how to do low-key well. The actor quietly slipped into R&B singer The Weeknd's listening party last night at Hollywood's No Vacancy. Wearing a blue hoodie, Pattinson and three pals were escorted in through the back. They spent most of the Hennessy-hosted evening hanging in an upstairs balcony before taking off at about 2 a.m.
Click for HQ! Thanks TBB!
There were several sightings of Rob last night but once verified LA Times music writer, Gerrick Kennedy, chimed in, we took notice.
It took me seeing robert pattinson in the club to finally get it.
— Gerrick D. Kennedy (@GerrickKennedy) September 18, 2013
You know what that means....we're updating our Robert Pattinson Music Club!
We'll keep a look out for a report in LA Times and see if Rob is mentioned there as well.
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