UPDATE: Thanks to Flavia, we have a link for Pre-Order on the Nan Goldin's book of Rob! Click HERE to purchase.
Google translation of Le Monde improved by Pattinson Art Work:
A body floating in the turquoise water of a pool, the face of a young man whose features are still teenagers. A raw, intimate light that stirs the sensuality of the flesh. It is Nan Goldin. And if it was not for the exceptional celebrity of the model, nothing in this picture - or in the other pictures that composed the series from which it is extracted - would not denote with the previous work of the American photographer. However, Robert Pattinson, the model we are talking about, is not really part of the elective family of Nan Goldin.
Neither clueless nor underground, the hero of Twilight had never met the artist before this project orchestrated by Dior, of which he is the new face for the Dior Homme fragrance. And without doubt, the photographer, supporter of Antonioni's films and Fassbinder, had never heard of him. But the alchemy worked: "I haven't seen his vampire movies, because it's not my style, says Nan Goldin with her hoarse timbre. What interests me about him is his person. Robert is a lovely boy, so sweet, he loves playing guitar. Music is his natural element, probably more than cinema." With this series, the photographer wanted to show the grace of a young man."
"WHAT SHE GIVES TO SEE ABOUT ROBERT PATTINSON is not his bulky celebrity - he spent most of his life trying to hide - nor his glamor image of the hero of a people culture of which he is totally foreign. Nan Goldin took in the actor what she has always highlighted in his models: the youth, the sexual body and the expression of an individual destiny.
"For the first time, I looked back, I looked back into my archives, which is something I never do because I don't want to repeat myself, or plagiarize myself. And I found in The Ballad of Sexual Dependency [her most famous work, a slideshow of 800 photos between autobiography and documentary, shown for the first time in 1987 at the Rencontres d'Arles] an image that I wanted to draw my inspiration from: French Chris on the Convertible [1979] (Photo above at the right).
Tink: Ooooooooooo.....we'll need to keep a look out for this "Robert Pattinson" from Dior.
Visit the source for the French translation!
Source: Le Monde | Via: Pattinson Art Work
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