I transcribed the Rob mentions but the scans are all below if you'd like to read the interview in its entirety:
Like her pyrotechnic stage outfits, her humour is saucy and postcard style - all double entendres and faintly inappropriate fart jokes. "OK, so here's the proof there was never anything going on with me and Robert Pattinson. I fart in front of him. Properly fart. And I never, ever fart in front of a man I am dating. That's a rule." It's typical Katy - a disarming way to diffuse an awkward topic. "He's my bud, I'm like his big sister. We just hang out. The other day, I said: 'One of the things I'm most proud of is not sleeping with you, Robert.' And that's true."
Part of me thinks quiet, English Robert might be a loverly boyfriend for Katy. Yet it's clear, given her predilection for bad, big-mouthed boys, that he is absolutely not her type.
She also has A-list girlfriend, with whom relations sometimes seem a little strained. Mortified at being painted as the other woman, she made sure Kristen Stewart knew the Robert Pattinson relationship rumors were just that. "I sent her a text message saying: 'I know you've seen all this stuff, but you know I would never disrespect you. I'm not that person. I'm just trying to be a friend to him but it is unfortunate that I do have a set of tits.'"
Source | Thanks C! | Photo from 2010 TCA when Katy was hosting
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