365 Days of Robert Pattinson! June calendar (Twilight themed Part 1) with updates
May was such an awesome month!
We had THREE birthdays on the blog (Gözde, Rob and Kate) as well as our first ever ROBsessed interview with a Rob co-star! Patricia McKenzie (Kendra, Cosmopolis) had us all ahhhhh-ing in Part 1: The Sugar and then buying stock in white sport socks while trying to stay conscious for Part 2: The Spice. Plus there was still the daily DoRs to get excited about.
We celebrated a favorite - CannesRob - for several days and revisited his time there in 2009 and 2012. It was the perfect time for that since it was the month of the festival and it was our Cosmopolis month. We let the month kick off with Robenberg and quickly dived into our favorite still, BTS shots, and the best Eric Packer images. That worked out well since we interviewed Mr. Packer too. ;) There was a lot of RedCarpetRob for Cosmopolis besides Cannes so we got to revisit the dashing EuroPromoRob, the toothpick-fiddling Rob in Toronto and the blazing hot NYCRob. It was a family month too with mother's day stateside, family-guy time and even with our birthday countdown activity, we still had to awww for BabyRob on May 13th. There was plenty of Robporn in the mix with his thighs, pursed lips and fingers causing quite the stir.
All and all...a spectacular month of Rob! So with Bel Ami (February), Water for Elephants (April) and Cosmopolis (May) under our belts, it's time we tackle Twilight. This billion dollar franchise pumped out 5 films and seemingly endless promo. There's no way it can all be contained in one month. June will serve as Part 1 of our Twilight themed month and Part 2 will be back in November - the month that start and ended it all.
Click HERE if you'd like to see all the months! The current month is always available on the side bar along with a link to the entire year.
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