365 Days of Robert Pattinson: April 6 - Still from Water for Elephants

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: April 6 - Still from Water for Elephants

Ahhhhhh WFE stills.....so beautiful and rich. Rob's performance as Jacob Jankowski was perfect and you can see it shining through even in still frame.

"Such a tough choice because there are SO many that I LOVE but I’m going with this one. I love how the giraffe is almost in a trance as Rob is stroking it."
 photo RobertPattinsonWFE3.jpg

"This has always been a favourite, amazing animal, amazing man, amazingness. They look like best buddies."
 photo robertpattinsonwfeuhqstills1.jpg

"i love this photo so much. that soulful face. Rob made Jacob look abandoned, displaced and achingly sad in this one frame. his hunched body and collapsed legs. look at it closer and feel your heart cry in those eyes."
 photo robertpattinsonwfejacobstills1.jpg

Click the thumbnail if you need to review the April calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)
 photo April-1.jpg

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