365 Days of Robert Pattinson: April 4 - Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: April 4 - Rob pic/gif that reflects your mood

YAY!!!! You know this day ladies ;))

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"I’m feeling a bit like this today. It feels like spring has FINALLY arrived here and I got out in the garden and got some work done and I’m pretty pleased with myself. Also the Dior “rumours” are making me pretty excited too. So I’m a wee bit hyper to say the least {giggles}"

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"man this day! so many things happening at once it seems and i wanna do what Rob’s doing in this gif as they all come tumbling down. i have no time to marinate on anything before the next thing pops up - more Dior rumors that are KILLING me, Rob’s ass hanging out while he’s playing piano that’s KILLING me, brand spankin’ new Rob pics that are KILLING me….what else will happen today??? i lost track of what day it is and when i saw it was Thursday, a recurring DoR, i knew exactly what gif i wanted. "

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"I encountered my first idiotic person before 8am this morning at the bank drive-thru. Pretty sure this was the face I pulled at her lack of knowledge. The day of idiots has sadly continued. Bring on an idiot free Friday please!!"

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Click the thumbnail if you need to review the April calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)
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If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)
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