There are some classic pics of 2008 Rob, so many to choose from. Can't wait to see what ones you choose!
"Tooooo many good ones so i just went into my stash and grabbed the first thing that hasn’t been seen in a while. he’s one hot tamale. *turns on KoL playlist and stares*"
"Flicking through the pics to choose one for today's 365, I can't believe that they're from 2008. It really feels like only yesterday & it's so hard to chose a favourite, there are so many that I like from that time so I just randomly chose this one. It's Rome Rob leaving the Ciak Magazine party. The gorgeous sex hair peeking out from under the beanie, shirt unbuttoned to drive us all mad, just the right amount of scruff and those fingers______________"
"I love flashback days! A candid pic from 2008, seems so long ago. Is there ANYTHING not to love in this photo? Anything? I think not!"
Click the thumbnail if you need to review the March calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)
If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)
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