365 Days of Robert Pattinson! March calendar with updates

365 Days of Robert Pattinson! March calendar with updates 

February was quiet the month of love! We celebrated Bel Ami including favorite pics of DuRob as well as Rob and his costars, Christina and Uma. We also reminisced on AwardShowRob at the Oscars and BAFTA. Valentine's Day was more like a week with pink cheeks, sexytime and whispering sweet nothings. There was plenty of Robporn and fun with Rob's pants, mouth, hair and lap plus celebrating the 3 years anniversary of Rob's hot Details shoot. As if that wasn't enough, our 365DoR got noticed by the French press and praised for all of our devotion to the one and only Robert Pattinson.

February was a blast and March should keep the good times rolling!

There were some changes to the Mondays so be sure to swap out this calendar for any you have saved. There isn't a theme for this month except pure and awesome Rob....like every month!

Click HERE if you'd like to see all the months! The current month is always available on the side bar along with a link to the entire year.

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