WOW can you believe it's the last day of February already? It was a brilliant month wasn't it? BUT there's lots more to come in March!
For the last day of the month it's one of my favourites the pic/gif that reflects your mood!
So let us see what type of a mood you're in today.......
"i have to buy several things today (gluten, yeast in bulk, scale, pastry cutter, etc) and im sitting around thinking if there’s a store that can be one-stop-shop. probably not….but im thinking…"
"I caught up with an old friend today ;-)"
"Confused. Yes, I’m thoroughly confused today. Starting up with a new mind boggling tracking program for my projects and figuring it out is fun. Fun is said in the most sarcastic tone possible. Rob confused makes me smile though :-)"
Check out the March Calendar below by clicking on the thumbnail. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)
If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)
NOTE: Clicking on the links posted in comments takes you away from our site where we no longer have control over your security. Click at your own risk.
The links will inevitably also include hotness overdoses, which is a whole other issue entirely!