A big Thank You to all of you who took part in "The Cosmopolis Quest" over the last 12 days.
It's time to announce the last 2 winners who will be winning one of these great prize packs containing 3 Rob DVDs and 2 gorgeous posters (Thanks to Hip Genius and EOne)
The answers we were looking for were:
1: Eric's doctor (the one who saw him in the limo) was Dr. Ingram (although a lot of you thought I was trying to trick you and also gave me his "regular" doctor who was Dr Nevius)
We accepted either answer and it wasn't a trick question ;-)
2. The release date for "Cosmopolis" in the US was 1st Jan 2013
3. Kevin Durand
AND the winners who were randomly drawn from the correct answers are:
K.Dawn Whitt
Paola Camacho
Congratulations Ladies you should have an email in your inboxs from us!
"Cosmopolis" has been included in SO many of Best of Lists. You may have missed some of them.
Check out this fantastic comprehensive compilation of the lists over at CosmopolisFilm.com
If you still haven't picked up your copy of "Cosmopolis" you can order it at the links below
OR you can view it NOW on Amazon | iTunes | Walmart
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