This time VH1 are asking us to pick our Favourite Supernatural Character of 2012.
Do I need to tell you who is leading ?
Let's keep it that way shall we?
You can vote for Rob as Edward HERE
And also don't forget you can still vote for Rob as Fave Male Celeb in Popsugar's Poll and as Leading Man in EOnline's Poll
Check out the details of how to vote for both of those HERE
wooooooooo *goes too vote for Edward* be back in a few :D
just voted! :p
yep got to be done !!!
wow good for Edward and also for Rob tooooooooo!!!! xx
LET's!!! Just voted. No brainer indeed!
Always there with my finger for Mr. Pattinson. Who the heck are some of these names?
OT: If you are voting for Eonline poll our link still have the round 1 between Rob and Andrew was already done,it's 2nd round now between Rob and Ryan Reynolds.Very close race as of the moment.
I kind of want to vote for Alcide from True Blood cause he is so hot...but no one is better than Edward!
Can we post the link for the e online poll again?
Thank you will go back and vote now :)
Thanks for posting this. Bella was leading earlier, but now Edward is in the lead by a wide margin.
Oh man, Edward is smokin' it! Thanks for posting all the polls. I always vote for our man!!
just did! :D
do I! I just voted too :)
ladies keep voting!
ooohhhooooo Alcide MISTER BOD! I LOVE that show I never miss it I need too get the 4th season on DVD and the soundtrack as well
aw thanks hon!
finger huh? *smirks* oh I'd say hand *giggles*
thank goodness you told us, i was still voting from the link for round one! robs at 58% now, still too close ;) keep voting
did you see the post below by selfish_biatch? the eonline link is for round one and thats closed. need to vote for round two against ryan reynolds :)
you may have already seen leah, but there is an interesting post on
:-O - oops! LOL
just vote for him
Rob winning this easy but has dropped to 57% on the Eonline pole round 2 !!!
He will always and forever have my vote!
I think someone needs to give Rob an award for having the "Most Unique and Best Facial expressions during any promo tour ever"! And Joshie should present it to him!:)
I'm on it !!!
Thank you for voting!
Edward (Twilight) 76.93%
Bella (Twilight) 18.03%
poll Round 2
Robert Pattinson
56.6%Ryan Reynolds43.4%
now he is almost at 77% , unbeatableRob !!!
Rob should be king...King Robert
wait, what? Where is this Ryan Reynolds kid coming from? haha Could someone refresh my memory and tell me what he has been in this past year?
****Please vote for Rob on Eonline.....he's NOT that far ahead of Ryan Reynolds !!!!!!
who the hell is Ryan Reynolds ????? last time I check, Robert Pattinson 56.6% , Ryan Reynolds 43.4%
i voted
Hey ladies I just finnished watching a breaking dawn special on the reelz channel. Aww the memories but guess what else I am doing right to make me feel even better watching cute puppies
I have no idea! lol
back up to 58.7% when I got up !!
I just voted--86% to Edward! Whoo hoo! :D
have done several times,Ryan must not win,I like him,but not a patch on Rob
For sure voted
I am constantly voting. Im so excited for Rob
Voted a few times already.
Great idea! I'm with you... ;-)
Keep voting to keep Edward ahead! He was ahead this morning when I voted. I'll keep voting as often as I can.
I would never know about these polls. The ladies here at Robsessed make it all happen! I DO hope Rob looks in on you every once in awhile, if only to thank you! Rob should get be the winner of every poll known to man! One day his name will be on the Oscar winner list, too!!!
Edward is loosing steam. Please vote!
Voted... seriously... is there anyone more beautiful that Edward?
ha ha ha ha ha I am SO bad!
****Rob is only in the 30% in this poll..... please go vote !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Favourite Supernatural Character has dropped to 33.99% !!! Still the best on there BUT it was 35% only a short while ago!
Can you only vote once for the Favourite Supernatural Character???? Every time I vote the percentage goes DOWN!!
I only voted 4 times tonight but I think I will leave it alone unless someone can tell me categorically it is a coincidence!!
You need Tech Support to help you out pushing those buttons in the right way Maria ..., LOL ... wink wink :-)))
Hello stranger! :-)
Has Tech support gone to bed? :-)
Yesterday it wouldn't let me vote again so I thought maybe that was how it was...fine. Then tonight, every time I vote it goes DOWN :-(
evening :) that happened to me with that poll for mtv and cosmopolis. hmmm. and who is magnus?!!!!
:-) I have no idea! Look at the doesn't inspire you to find out does it?? LOL
Have you finished DoW yet?
I think its coincidence I just voted 4 times and went up a little bit twice :-)
no it doesn't! lol i see another 'pretender' from the same thing, jace?!, is in 2nd place. whatever lol! no not finished yet, hopefully get more time to read at the weekend. really good though, i see you've been recomending everywhere. she should put you on commission ;)
I'm here Maria...but not many will listen to me anymore...just go vote dear...that's what I've been doing :)
OK... so I went and voted again. It was at 32.97%. I voted 3 change. So I voted again.....dropped to 32.96%. I voted another couple of times......32.95%!!!! I am not voting on the favourite supernatural character again.....I'm not helping LOL
I know :-) I was asked for more info from one person because of our conversation. I think I have mentioned it so many time recently I want to read it again!! I won't though as I have other books waiting.
I am off to bed now....night!
Well what can I say ?...........Its obviously just you !!!! :-P..........maybe you shouldn't vote anymore !!!
Don't sound sad! :-( I'm not voting for the favourite supernatural character anymore.......the more I vote the more the result goes down! It doesn't seem to happen to everyone else!
I keep voting on the leading man eonline though as I can see that go up and I don't think I am jinxing that one :-)
lol :) night!
That is happening to me too. I can't believe how quickly it's gone down since I started voting.
I was watching closely as I voted so it only went down 0.2% when I stopped. I won't vote again on that one I will concentrate on the other one.
robs 2nd :(((( 21% against whoever this magnus person is at 27% voteeeeeeeeeeeeeee
What's going on here the more I vote the less percentage Rob has? Who the hell is that Magnus, never heard of him? I think people that hate Edward are voting for that guy just to take down Edward:(
I've been voting for about 2 hrs (there is no one else in the office) is been coming up but soon I won't be able to vote any more. Please help keep voting for Edward, he has to win.
not sure who magnus is Nery, but as usual, certain people out there just want Rob to lose more than anything.
voting. voting. voting.
That's what I'm doing. Edward has to wing POWER TO ROBSESEED!!!!
You are so funny Maria, I really like your humour :)
Why thank you ma'am ;-p
Maybe it's something supernatural that won't let me vote? Vickie says Rob is in 2nd place atm. Maybe everybody should check that count each time they vote in case it isn't only me???!!!
If it works that way we all need to keep voting for the person in first place LMAO Would that be cheating????
Good evening stranger yourself ;-) Am OK...but struggling with some back issues at the moment but lurking as much as
possible ;-))))
So are you trying to be Tech Support here or not ??;-)
I see Tech Support is around so you should be safe....LOL ;-)))
Oh poor you :-( Not a good time of year to have any kind of issues! Stay in the warm where it's nice and cosy and watch Christmas films :-)
I sure will do, and enjoy the season and eat a whole lot.....! And talk to you lot too :-D:-D
Nobody beats Edward. NOBODY!!!! *growls at computer and votes in a rage*
Ah I like how you slipped that "forever" thing in there when you talked about Edward. Very sly. LOL
Poor Bella .... LOL
Edward is always smokin' it, if you know what I mean -- hubba hubba!!
And here people thought the November election would put an end to this talk of voting. AS IF!! GO ROB!!!!
We are a voting force to be reckoned with!!
Cute puppies always make me smile. :)
;-) That gets my mind much food do I need to feed the family to ensure they sleep all afternoon so I can visit here in peace? and will anybody else be on here Christmas Day?? LOL
I read somewhere that beef makes you sleepy, hard to digest, I can't remember....Or was it ham? Maybe they'll all be into their gifts ..?
I think it will have to be food.....if the gift that keeps them occupied is any kind of game I'll be expected to join in LOL
I'll probably be the one asleep :-)
No, there's not.
You could slip off to bed with your gadgets and get on that way. I f you get caught just tell them we're having cyber Christmas party with your Robsessed it you lot tonight or is it me?????
Slip off to bed with my "gadgets" ?? with my "ROBsessed sisters"?? Oh because that won't worry them AT ALL!! LOL
Lmfao!! This is what Rob has done to us...He's brought SEXY back to the lot of us! Gotta run..catch ya later I hope ;-)
Of course---wouldnt you be worried too ??? LOL I would....;-)
All right... food: protein tkes ages to just shove masses of that down their throat so you can come paly...LOL!
Actually I may be ZZZZZZZ myself ;-)))
I worried about Sonja when I read it LOL
Lots and lots of turkey then :-)
I'm awake hours before the rest of them I'll have to take my chance then :-) I'm not coming to play on my own though. Does anybody else visit at Christmas? Turkey in.....check the blog......breakfast made.......check the blog.......Do you think they would notice? LOL
Sorry Maria, but I´m no help.... I can only say that I can vote but don´t know why and don´t know either why you can´t....roger Roger? ;)))
So tell me Lotte why would I be Tech Support???? RD owns this name.... I´m just a blind chicken who finds a corn every now and then....
Hope you are ok btw?
I have tried again but the percentage went down AGAIN! So not going near it again! Not so sure about the other one at the moment either:-/
How could make me paranoid you know!!! I think you know one of my favourite sayings lol
Hope your day was o.k. ?
Beer makes tired too... and lots of sweets....
I might visit on Christmas day because we celebrate already on the evening ofthe 24th.
So I can play with you the turkey in- check the blog game if you want ;)
*hmmmmmmmm* (humms like Rob when he´s thinking) That is really err...interesting Maria.... But don´t worry, we still like you just the same :) (bute PLEASE don´t go there to "vote" again!!!! ;-))))))
LOL that's funny turkey-in-check-the-blog-game. Can we think of a better one by then? Bear in mind that I don't usually drink......turkey in..slurp of fizzy??
What do you do on the 25th then?
"hmmmmmmmm.... I mean..." LOL One day I am going to count how many times he says that :-) bless him. hands are away from the voting button I promise :-)
OMG THAT'S IT!!! I'm stopping on the Eonline Leading Men one too......That has gone down too!!! It didn't yesterday :-/
Yeah the slurp of fizzy game doesn´t sound so bad ;) I usually invite family and relatives on the 25th and 26th but will have tme in between. Must post the laptom strategically so that it isn´t that obvious....
Good girl :) you don´t want to ruin Rob´s winning chances all by yourself....:)
And the other thing he says countless times is "Bud-a...... ";)
Thank you Maria, I needed that - I´m laughing so hard right now... What a perfectly good thing to finish my tough day..) bless you!
Do you bake christmas cookies?
I can't believe how much its gone down since I went out !!
I'm so glad my chaos and confusion cheers you up !! LOL I'm not sure it has QUITE that effect on me :-)
Your tough day is to the busy weekend you have ahead :-) My aim for tomorrow is to make my wreath that I didn't get to all week!! Eldest daughter is looking forward to the smell of drying orange slices....she says then she knows it's Christmas :-/ When I get the chance I'll take her back to that bush I found her under.....I think I picked up the wrong child :-) She can't be mine........she's the Team Jacob one!!!!!
You're not giving ME the evil eye are you??? :-) I stepped away from the voting buttons. I accept only 0.03% blame!!!
I would have suggested the bathroom but I can just imagine the family and friend' faces when you have to keep popping to the loo and coming back a little bit tipsier every time LOL
"Bud-a" in......"but - er" ?? :-)
Nooooo !!! I just voted again and it went down for me too ! I noticed 3rd place is creeping up as well !!
Busy weekend will be even busyer....therefore I have to catch some zzzzz soon. I love the smell of drying orange slices too, maybe next week I´ll make some :) Do you know the picture of Jakob compared to an Alpaca? Try to google it and show it to your daughter, it´s cute :)
yes..of course :-)))
How about...................we go vote lots and lots of times for one of the others and see if it goes down????? *evil smirk* :-)
I'm not sure she will say it's cute.....funny though :-) Like that Rob and cat one :-)
Maybe Ill go now and see what happens !!
I´m laughing hard AGAIN.... how wonderfull! I am so visual and always can imagine what you say so perfectly - a whole movie is playing out before my eyes LOl. So the bathroom is out.... I have a walk in closet - how about that?
pick one that is very, very low so it won't affect Rob :-)
They'll all start searching the house for 'empties'. When you keep coming back from the closet giggling (more drinks later) they'll think you have a man hidden in there too LOL
Yeah, LOL!
Well I did it and Rob went went up .01 but cant bring myself to do it again.... must be coincidence !!!
:-) ;-p
And I WOULD have a man hidden (if only on my laptob...)
I´m really going to bed now, now more funny comments or I´ll blame you if I´m all pale and tired tomorrow ;) Good night!
We may just have to accept that we can only vote once.
To be fair that should be the system in most voting BUT........that wouldn't always give us the best results ;-) Is it a case of the end justifies the means?? ooooh heavy LOL
Blame seems to be my area tonight :-)
Night.....sleep well.....we wouldn't want you pale and tired :-) ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz ;-p
Mmm I'm not sure what is happening with these votes, It was going up ok this afternoon !! I give in :(
I'm definitely not going near the supernatural character one again.....that one definitely drops. The Eonline one I will try again tomorrow and keep an eye on the percentage. If it drops again then I stop on that one too!
I've got to get my ipad up and running so got perfect excuse to come here :-)
Must be nearly time for round 3 !! I'm not sure about supernatural one either now !!
You can get unexplainably tipsy with me and whence LOL
Going to bed now....been a busy week :-) Night
Sounds like a plan :) Me too got busy weekend....... Goodnight :)
Yup. Voted.
Yeah, I noticed that too! Last time I voted it was 86%, now it's 21%??????!! Never heard of Magnus either...
Rob is in 3rd place , I've been voting all night .....PLEASE HELP!!!! You can hit "return to poll" and keep voting! He needs our help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks !!!!!!
I've been voting just having a break. Cathy, thanks for spuring things up.
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