Here come the next round of nominations in the 2nd Annual ROBsessed Awards, the Most Wow Robert Pattinson Moments of 2012.
Buzzed it and rocked it. Wow.
In January we all tuned in to watch the People's Choice Awards, but we were surprised to see BuzzCut Rob hanging with Betty White.
Wowzer - MalibuRob
In March we learned that the self-proclaimed non-athlete, could actually muster some moves on the paddle board. A wowzer moment indeed.
Wows us with another possible talent - he's SkaterRob too?
On his birthday another surprise... SkaterRob? Really? We need to see more, a pretty please.
Only Rob can wow us in Emerald Green
What do you get when you cross DesignerRob and an idea about emerald green? GreenGucciGodRob... that's what.
Wow-amazing - King of Cannes
What an announcement... Cosmopolis was heading to Cannes, but topping that it would play In Competition. The most deserving wow moment for both Rob and David. Proud fans everywhere and Rob's pride shining through on the red carpet.
Wow-whoah - Filming in Iraq
A different kind of wow for this one... more of a whoah, than a wow. Heading to Iraq? Mixed thoughts all around on this one.
Wow if true - Dior deal rumor
Last but not least, what seems to be the worst kept celebrity secret ever. A deal with Dior? Still no confirmation but a complete wow moment if true.
That's it... your nominations for Most Wow Rob Moments. Cast your vote below.
And remember, you only get 1 vote and polls close at midnight (ET) on Dec. 31st
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