Indiewire/The Playlist reported about the addition of Cosmopolis on the Sight & Sound Best Of 2012 top 10 list:
Decided by a poll of around 100 critics, Paul Thomas Anderson's "The Master" has topped Sight & Sound's Best Of 2012. American cinema made a particularly strong showing, with Benh Zeitlin's "Beasts Of The Southern Wild" and Wes Anderson's "Moonrise Kingdom" also making the grade. Leos Carax, Miguel Gomes and David Cronenberg continue to get international love as "Holy Motors," "Tabu" and "Cosmopolis" all find slots here, as they did on the Cahiers Du Cinema list. The lone UK film is "Berberian Sound Studio" which is a nice boost for the little thriller.
1. The Master (Paul Thomas Anderson, USA)Pre-order Cosmopolis in the US - released Jan. 1st and look out for our Cosmopolis Countdown giveaways later this month!
2. Tabu (Miguel Gomes, Portugal/Germany/France)
3. Amour (Michael Haneke, France/Germany/Austria)
4. Holy Motors (Leos Carax, France/Germany)
5. Beasts of the Southern Wild (Benh Zeitlin, USA)
= Berberian Sound Studio (Peter Strickland, UK/Germany)
7. Moonrise Kingdom (Wes Anderson, USA)
8. Beyond the Hills (Christian Mungiu, Romania/France/Belgium
= Cosmopolis (David Cronenberg, Canada/France/Portugal/Italy) = Once Upon a Time in Anatolia (Nuri Bilge Ceylan, Turkey/Bosnia & Herzegovina)
= This is Not A Film (Jafar Pahani & Mojtaba Mirtahmaseb, Iran)
Really really pleased about this news and well done to Rob and David for all their good promoting - it was a film that made you sit and listen properly and I was very impressed with it - nice one!
You go Mr. Pattinson and Mr. Cronenberg. Well done.
Go Rob!! Well deserved
That's awesome! Congratulations to Rob...and to David Cronenberg. Pretty hard not to have a soft spot in my heart for DC...
Love hearing good things about Cosmopolis!
It's only 8pm.
Think I'll pop in the DVD and spend some time with Eric Packer.
Nice news! And as Maybird said for all their good promoting, great to see some critical acknowledgement/appreciation of DC's work and Rob's performance.
Great Job!!! Then again it's no real surprise, we all knew it was a GREAT film.
great to hear this.
That is so cool! I love that he is getting critical acclaim like this. And David too, of course, but he always gets critical acclaim.
I'm so jealous! I have yet to see this movie at all! It never opened in a theater near me, and I don't think we get the DVD here in the US until January.
These are the posts I hope Robert gets to see on Robsessed. I am sure he would be very pleased to know that he is in a worldwide top 10 list!
I saw it in the theater here in US but still jealous. I am so very pleased that it is getting the recognition it so deserves!!!! DC has his fame and professional acclaim , now maybe Rob will get some of his much deserved professional, accolades or just plain recognition.
Couldn't agree with you more !
yeah that would be great !
congrats Rob !
How cool to keep getting good news about Cosmopolis. I am pretty sure Rob is proud along with his castmates and DC. Recognization well deserved for all of them and specially Rob for giving him the confidence to continue in the acting world. I was afraid he will quit or retire after the saga was done but it was good to hear that he sign up on so many projects for 2013. I am looking forward to see it On Demand on December 18. If not I will have to wait until it comes in DVD. Cannot wait. Congratulations to all of them and very proud of being her fan.
Good for Rob.I bet he's really proud.
loved Rob's performance in cosmopolis ...really hope he wins an award for his performance in this movie .
This is great news, but critics have always adored David Cronenberg films because they are not made for the masses, i.e. not the generic crap that they have to sit through day after day. To be honest I have not seen any of the other nine films, partially because I cannot recall any of them being on in my local cinema (and partially because I am a film Philistine). By doing the roles he has chosen next year, critics will be able to see him on screen in films that they actually like and hopefully, when he chooses to do a role that is an audience-pleaser rather than for the art, they will have learned to watch him without prejudice, which is what they are doing now.
Great words. I agree about the critics, I've read so many reviews of Rob's films where they seem to concentrate on personal attacks on him rather than reviewing the actual film. But on the positive side, I have read some great reviews of Cosmopolis, and I live in desperate hope that he might win an award(s) for his performance....what happy fans we would be !!!!
very well put :-)
Wonderful news! Joy, pride, excitement......
And this is for Maria, my tribute to our sunday morning music session.... Just came back from my walk with the dog and it was snowing very lightly so I HAVE to put this up ( have your voice of choice - Bing, Dean or Frank..... ;-)
Oh the weather outside is frightful,
But the fire is so delightful.
Since we've no place to go
Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow.
It doesn't show signs of stopping.
And I brought some corn for popping.
Lights are turned down low
Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow.
I have family and friends for lunch so I`ll be cooking in the kitchen - just holler....
I am naturally very pleased for Rob and Co, but why did S&S publish their list like a month early? Even if they don't anticipate any new releases to make their list, shouldn't they still give them a chance in all fairness?
That's fantastic! Great to hear Rob getting some credit for his work ! I had to return two copies of Cosmopolis to Amazon as they were faulty - so I need to buy it from somewhere else. Anyone from UK know which shops are stocking it?
Can you believe the stupidity of a person who has tweeted that she saw Rob and Kristen walking their dogs in a park? We all know what will happen now, don't we?!? Stupid stupid girl.
I would love to see the film or Rob nominated for GG's but I think foreign film award nominations are always in another language rather than English.
Thanks - I think it is going to be a long time before Rob is up there collecting the prestigious awards because of the negativity surrounding Twilight - but he will get there. Some critics will never be won around (that idiot at the Guardian), but awards are not the most important thing for him at the moment - credibility is what counts and next year, because of his choices, he will prove that he is a serious, talented actor.
Hi I saw it in ASDA the other day, although I got it from amazon and it was fine. Hope this helps. This is my first time commenting hope it works x
so happy) well-done and well-deserved)
Thanks for the tip! I want a blu ray copy but I will look in my nearest supermarkets. If not I'll have to order online somewhere.... My blu ray copy (and the replacement) were very "snowy".
Hi I saw it in ASDA the other day, although I got it from amazon myself and its fine. Hope this helps. This is my first comment I really hope this works x
Yes, you're probably right about the awards, but I'll keep hoping, you never know..!!! And yes, credibility and respect within the industry seems to be Rob's number one priority. The Guardian reviews tend to be so downbeat and negative, and the comments after...!! I've read some of the worse things said about Rob in those, miserable snobs...!!
I'm not sure if it was blu ray or not I can't remember just remember getting excited because I saw rob while shopping lol! I have really messed up this comment thing I'm sorry x
Well deserved !
This is so wonderful...but here's the frustrating part. This is from Box Office Mojo and all the films aren't listed, but in the U.S....
The Master opened in 864 theatres
Beasts of the Southern Wild in 318
Moonrise Kingdom in 924
Cosmopolis in 65
Cosmopolis will long be regarded as an important and valuable film, not only because of the famed director and unbelievably talented and charismatic actor, but because of how it captures the edgy mood of a specific economic time period so powerfully. But I have to say, given Bel Ami's distribution (opened in 15 theatres in the U.S.) and that of Cosmopolis, I just shake my head. I don't understand the distribution side of films at all. I hope Rob's upcoming films will have a distributor that knows their stuff. Who knew having a great script, fantastic director, powerful acting, and dynamic cinematography would be at the mercy of how much money the film's distributor wanted to invest?!
But I'm so proud of Rob...he's choosing his roles with so much thought and foresight...working so hard to grow in his craft. And I think he's pretty darn perfect right now.....Love him!
Rob pattinson Oscar and Golden Globes for the film cosmopolis
I got mine from play(.) com
Me too, Christine.
I'm in the U.S.
some computers, you can change the region settings on the dvd player.
I have the UK Cosmopolis dvd.
It won't work in my dvd player for the tv but I can cozy up to Eric Packer at my computer :)
Rob blows me away as Packer! just....WOW!
Money. Each blank space in the cinema harms owner. People pay for entertainment. Males Entertainment is a strenuous activity. Women's Entertainment is a good emotion. Cosmopolis and other good movies are often not fun. There are too many thoughts. the richer the owner of the cinema, the less he wants to set a good movie
Grrrr I'm so annoyed with myself I can't log back into my disqus. Had to make up another one. I'm really rubbish with this sorry ladies I'll climb back into my hole x
Ah well ... that I really enjoyed cosmopolis, I became a fan of the movie not only by having Rob in the cast, but because I really liked, I said I like weird movies ... furthermore , the sweet, the cute,the amazing of my boyfriend also liked the movie ... well he is not aware of any hype Robert Pattinson (yes he lives beneath a rock), then it means that he really liked the movie. this is just the beginning Rob, hope you have many other joys with your next movies ... I'm rooting for you.
i loved the movie , i laughed a lot while watching which was unexpected . Loved the last scene , the barber scene and scene with samantha morton while the prostrate exam was happening ...his expression and the dialogue delivery were perfect .Waiting for the dvd to arrive !
hope you guys are voting for Rob on E and glamour ...!!!
I loved the whole movie:)
Hmmm - why didn't I think to do that! Guess i will just have to wait another 28 days. Although I did get to see it twice already. Enjoy!
Hi Jen....I watched it last night. I find it more and more impressive with each watch. He is so different to anything else he has done.
Pleased to see you on here.....I was worrying .....needlessly :-)
OK off topic.....but back to our conversation this morning.......I've been here there and everywhere today and this is what comes to mind
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Ev'rywhere you go;
Take a look in the five and ten glistening once again
With candy canes and silver lanes aglow.
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Toys in ev'ry store
But the prettiest sight to see is the holly that will be
On your own front door.
The holly on my door is a bit delayed :-(
Warning! Conspiracy theory: Seems as if there may have been a hidden agenda in the poor distribution of these films...placed in so few theaters with no tv trailers...not a recipe for success that's for sure. Could it have been Summit in an attempt to keep Rob as Edward in our mind's eye until the saga was finished? Someone involved with US distribution could have been in Summits pocket so to speak. With Cosmopolis in 65 theaters and BA in only 15 they didn't stand a chance. The question is why? Why were they set up to fail?
If I see what Hollywood presents to the rest of the world, I'd say they make movies only for people who want to be entertained. If I see what Europe presents to the world, I'd say there are a lot of movies that make us think about us about how we behave...we have to question our we live. In the US all is about money, sometimes there are intelligent movies, but always with no wide release.
BD2 $702 million
You are so right .... what does it say about our culture, or more about our industry and how it is going to control the distribution and what we as the public sees and spends our money on. But, just maybe, we have the public to hold accountable for this , because it is usually the action, superhero movies that make the big bucks and not the artsy "thinking" type movie .... so that's all that gets large distribution. It is a shame. I, too, loved Cosmopolis....I saw the movie~then read the book and went back to see the movie again. It was so thought-provoking. Rob portrayed Eric to a T. Cronenberg brought the book to life and made the audience think.
Wow....good for you ! It doesn't seem like you messed up the comment.
Cosmopolis is my favourite movie of Rob. I'll always connect this movie with Cannes, where he was so successfull and honoured the way he deserved. There will be so many new movies but I'm sure, that this movie will stay my favourite forever. It was a turning point for him and for me as his fan, too.
Havent seen Cosmopolis but I just saw Bel Ami and was blown away by Rob's fantastic performance. In fact everyone in the movie was terrific. And then I saw The Artist. Aside from the dog, the movie was a piece of shit and yet it won every award going. I wish that those responsible for the Golden Globes and the Academy Awards would take their collective heads out of their collective asses and for once get it right.
I did and then I logged out and couldn't log back in so had to make up another one! I'm so bad lol! Anyways been looking at this site for a while now is a great site. Xx
Yes, it was such a turning point for him ..... seems like so many others finally took notice of him and offered him parts and are getting in touch with him now. It also boosted his confidence level !!!! He has such intelligence, high work codes, and a full range of facial expressions in his drama bag that I only wish the very best for his career.
that is so awesome way too go! that is awesome!
that was beautifully said I could not have said it better myself :)
We are a small poor country in Europe. we have only 40 cinemas and a population of 2 million. Movie theaters can not afford to run unprofitable films during the economic crisis.
But they showed. All 40 theaters. they show all the movies that have our critics 'assessment: "The film that you must see!" Usually it's one movie a month. (the critics' suggestions). All DC films are usually obtain recommendation. All cinemas showed Cosmopolis, BA and RM, and On the road. Television shows tons of movies, but only one gets into magazine advertising, "a film that must be seen!" In November, it was Remember me with a very nice reviews. Almost burst into tears of the joy.
Thanks Leah - I think you and I sing from the same song sheet x
Fascinating!!!!!! What country are you in ? Thanks so much for letting us all know.
Hi Leah! I keep getting spam from your email. :). Hope all is well with u.
Dean, Whence, I like his version best. :-)
I'm going nowhere. I too watched Cosmopolis last night. and you are right. each time i watch it, I see something I missed the first time and it gets better and better. :)
I would end up buying more than one copy anyway. I always do. I'm considering buying copies of all of Rob's movies and donating them to our public library. I read where someone else was considering that and it's actually a great idea. When I wanted to watch The Haunted Airman, I had to rent it from blockbuster. Our library had only the HP and RM and Twilight. I really think they are doing the public a disservice by not having them to lend out. The people not online need to know about Robert Pattinson and how amazing he is.
Donating to your public library is a great idea - my local library is very small and has very few dvds. I have all of Rob's movies and extra copies of about half of them. I had to search for the earliest ones in different places but I am so happy to have them all. I just watched Haunted Airman last night and I think I will watch How to Be tonight (love that one)!
I'm glad to hear it!! The little shift in his character are more noticeable each time :-)
I keep meaning to email but time has got away from me a lot the last week or so :-( Everywhere I look there are adverts and facebook pages about 'Beautiful Bastard' which started as fanfic and is predicted to be the next 50 shades. I thought I would find out more which made me think of you!! Do you know of it?
Beautiful Bastard from the fan fiction The Office. At least that is what comes to mind when beautiful bastard is mentioned. That's what Bella called Edward in the story. it's been published now too? wow. so many good ffs going to publication and making money for writers. some though, are only ebooks. which I can't read because I don't yet have a kindle. but I'm sure I have them all on pdf already anyhow. :P
That must be it. LOL I thought you would know! I remember it saying something about The Office but can't see it now. I have sent you the link on facebook. They also have twitter.
You need to get yours've got Christmas coming up to get in the way too. Hide somewhere lol
I have never felt more like crap than I do when I think about how LONG it's been since I posted a chapter Maria! It's terrible. As of right now, next Saturday is wide open with DH being gone all day and me not having to work. I'm planning on a couple chapters that day and hoping that inspiration is on my side as well. So much good fan fiction out there. Glad for The Office. Wallbanger is out too, but only on ebooks i think.
That's life though isn't it....there is always something waiting to jump on you and get in the way of what you would like to be doing. Warn everybody you will be 'out' next Saturday, have drinks and food ready and go for it :-) Don't have your computer on fb or blog either - too easy to get distracted.
Wallbanger is another one I hear mentioned. It's odd how things just seem to float in the air sometimes and you hear the same things in different places.
exactly! not even gonna turn the router on! I NEED to get this done. I've gone too long as it is. I'm sure many readers won't be back and I can't help that, but it's nobody's fault by my own. RL sure can suck sometimes.
Well I'm waiting for the finished project and I'm sure that a lot of the ones that were following the installments will be happy to read when finished. Don't worry about that side of it now - just move on to completion. It may be better for you that may have happened for a reason :-)
RL can be a bitch!! I don't know which way is up just lately!!
Excellent news misty... it will be way more than NM by the end of the week.. Am I pleased about it... darn tooten! Especially as Mr. Condon give us the Edward we've been waiting for since Twilight.
I want some kind of nod him in Cosmopolis... because he did such a excellent job in that movie.
Had my 2nd viewing last night.Had to pretend I'm shocked(you know what scene)cause no one knew I've already seen it.In spite of protest I suspect the bday girl is a closet Edward/Rob fan ..hmmm..wonder how many times you've seen it :)))
hmmmmm 9x , still have to beat my BD1 record(12x)
I watched it again today:-) I'm hoping it will reach 1 billion in couple weeks. yayyyy!
You're too far wanna watch it w/ you the week it will be gone,have no excuse to go that far,they will know why I wanna go there and the teasing I will get not worth it.My b*tch face is not good for think the AMC there will be the last one that will show it.With my 2nd viewing,my opinion is still the same that as much as I like BD2,Twilight is still by far my love :)
The Guardian had actually two movie critics who reviewed Cosmopolis. The one bashed the film and Rob, the other praised it and Rob into heaven. Rotten Tomatoes has counted both reviews though.
that idiot at guardian ( Peter Bradshaw) is usually very harsh
It is PB I am talking about (see Christine's comments). He was particularlly horrible about Rob in Cannes when everyone else was praising his performance, so he must have a particular bee in his bonnet.
no I don't think so. he just did not like the film. he did not like water for elephants either but said about rob that he"did not do too bad" which can be taken as praise from his lips. he is usuallyvery harsh in my opinion, and a little weird too. praised "knocked up" and gave 4 stars, and to me it was just another comedy
OK - didn't know about his WFE comments. Must be just a Twilight-hater then.
may I ask you? I have been wondering this: whatisokformadonna? " :)
I am roughly the same age as Madonna, she had a 'boyfriend' with roughly the same age gap. My friends all think I am nuts being Robsessed, so I say to them, "if its ok for Madonna then it is ok for me" !!
now everythiing is clear. lol
Hello my european neighour, loved what you had to say :)))))))))
and where is this "movie paradise?" :)
Yeah, Dean might be my winner too :)
Latvia. BA was filed to our film festival, but at the last minute took it away. Movie showed only after 1 year in Germany. Movie theaters can afford to show only one feature film together with two 'blockbuster'. (Money) Our Film Festival show only art films. Some 'Avangard' group movie is so weird that I just started laughing after 10 years. Cosmopolis is an avant-garde film group. So our viewers know what they're going to watch. Such films need to 'cash tractor'. Swathi and some horror (without having read the title I) dragged Cosmopolis. Bonds drifted 'on the road'. We're used to it. (Sorry, my language is terrible. Google translate weird, but I do not know how to correct)):
'Land of Fools', said our former prime minister and moved to the U.S. :)
I hope so too... if they keep it in the theater for Christmas, and don't open some of the lamos that they seem to be putting out there it might yet...worldwide if it keeps making that money it's been making.
Only 15 places are officially cinema. Other uses of concerts, conferences and receptions too
I agree with everything you said BA only opened in SF(San Francisco)I was in Forks Washington at the time and it was only for one or two nights that it was there and I never saw it in the theater and as for Cosmopolis it opened in my neck of woods but not close enough and not at my local theater as well so I hope I get too see at least one of his movies in my local theater like I said before he does not make it easy at all :/
I agree that was well said the men want too see "action" in movies like as an as example something like Die Hard or Ghost Rider(that stars Nicholas Cage) or the more recent one Sky Fall with Daniel Craig as James Bond and as for women they would prefer movies like Playing For Keeps or The Perks Of Being A Wallflower or The Vow so yeah it is very common the men love action movies and the women love movies with emotion and romance and what not I like anything I like sci-fi I like horror movies I like romance movies as well but the owners of the theaters do not want too except indies because they don't make a whole lot of money
I am very happy that RM got rave reviews I was very happy about that it was a awesome film
I guess I've missed something, I don't know who PB is and what he has said.
Peter Bradshaw - you can spot him at Cannes, he always looks miserable !
If he was nominated I would be SO happy *sigh*
Oh yes, the name sounds familiar now. He was the negative critic but there was another critic, not in Cannes I think, a rather famous one of the Guardian and he wrote a raving review of Cosmopolis and Rob. But Bradshaw can be very nasty, can't he?
ok. did not know where to post this, so I am posting it here. I saw cosmopolis (twice) and loved it. loved rob's performance, his scenes with sarah gadon, and with paul giamatti. it is great. I go around the house quoting the movie. my family think I have lost my mind-they don't even understans what I am saying.:)
I dared to express my negative opinion about rob's acting in Bel ami here, (and survived) so I thought it would be fair if I expressed some positive thoughts too
Which quotes do you repeat most often? The one I use the most is: "You wanted me to be a helpless robot soldier and all I could be was helpless."
That's one of my favourites too. Told it to my brother yesterday and now he is looking for a good psychiatrist for me:)
LOL your brother seems to be an optimist, I don't think that there is a help for us at all.
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