In an interview with Collider last month Bill Condon revealed that as far as he knew there wouldn't be any commentary from Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart on the "Breaking Dawn Part 2" dvd/bluray and this list of dvd/bluray extras from Amazon France pretty much confirms that BUT there are some pretty exciting things on there (like a longer version of BD1)
The extras listed are for the French version of the movie but the extras for other countries will likely be very similiar.
The DVD/BluRay has a release date of March 14th 2013. There is a rumoured US release date of February 16, 2013. Obviously we'll keep you up to date as soon as we know more about that.
3-Disc DVD
You can Pre order HERE
- Disc 1
- Longer version of ‘Breaking Dawn – Part 1′ (7 mins bonus)
- ‘Breaking Dawn – Part 2′
- Disc 2
- Commentary with Bill Condon
- Making of (60-90mins)
- Featurettes on Breaking Dawn Part 1 and Part 2 (5-7mins)
- Featurette on the music
- Disc 3
- Vampires and their powers
- Vampires and their stories
- Aro and the Volturi
2-Disc Blu Ray
You can Pre order HERE
- Longer version of ‘Breaking Dawn – Part 1′ (7 mins bonus)
- ‘Breaking Dawn – Part 2′
- Commentary with Bill Condon
- Making of (60-90mins)
- Featurettes on Breaking Dawn Part 1 and Part 2 (5-7mins)
- Featurette on the music
- Vampires and their powers
- Vampires and their stories
- Aro and the Volturi
1 Disc DVD
You can Pre order HERE
- Commentary with Bill Condon
- Making of (60-90mins)
- Featurettes on Breaking Dawn Part 1 and Part 2 (5-7mins)
- Featurette on the music
1 Disc Blu Ray
You can Pre order HERE
- Commentary with Bill Condon
- Making of (60-90mins)
- Featurettes on Breaking Dawn Part 1 and Part 2 (5-7mins)
- Featurette on the music
- Picture in Picture Movie Mode
Thanks to Twilight Belgium via
I guess it was too much to ask for.
I was hoping we'd get a commentary by Rob and Taylor this time. I would love to hear that.
Oh but I just realized - Taylor isn't even in the final scene, is he? I guess he wouldn't have much to say for the last third of the DVD lol...
OT: I peeked in VH1 survey(?) and Edward is losing to someone in Mortal Instrument(no idea what's that)...not important but just letting you guys know :)
Up to now I've had hope :( Not that I have something against Bill Condon, but Robert's commentary would be priceless. His views on certain things are... innovative, but extremely funny ;)
No deleted or extended scenes for BD2? What happened to the extended version Bill was talking about? I bet they're saving it to screw us out of more money later on. Summit sucks.
Dear Scummit........
We are not feeling appreciated. One would think, since this is the finally of the whole saga, they would give us a little something. Especially since we have been so dedicated to the franchise for so many years. You know how much we love/obsess over these guys, one would think you would be a little more generous to us. Why do you think we buy the freaking DVD? Yes, we want to watch the movie over and over again, but we also want our extras, we want our commentary, we want our deleted scenes, We want the little cuts, we want the left behinds. it's the last one for crying out load:((((( Why so cheap?
You think? Typical scummit screwing us as always.
Hi Alex, good evening, it would have been so great to have Rob's commentary, but I guess we can't have everything :-|
But 7 more minutes of BD1 isn't such a bad compensation, right? Hopefully more Edward or Edward/Bella in it, or the Jacob/Rosaly fighting. Awesome :-)
BTW did you get my email-answer?
just my thoughts!
Totally agree, so not happy, I thought this one for sure was going to have all of the deleted scenes from both parts of BD. I actually can't believe there are no deleted scenes!! What is with that!? And no Rob commentary :(
I just hope its not the deleted scenes we've already got on BD1.
and just bill doing the commentary - dont they like him, lol
So disappointing.
I know what you mean Simone.
Maybe we should go marching and demonstrating on summits lot demanding our extras. Lol!!!
that was beautifully said: *side too SCUMSHIT* yeah why don't you give us more what hell is this the SAME kind of SHIT they did on New Moon!!!! and now BD1 AND 2?! no cast commentary?! NO NOTHING oh okay so you only decided too do this for Eclipse and Twilight and that's it?! *sarcastic voice* wow it sure does sound like a really good line up*.......of SHIT THAT IS!!!! IF it is true of what BC said that there may be a extended version of THE WHOLE movie that is what I want! but will there be any extras that are worth looking at?! I bet ANTHING BC KNOWS that us women will NOT be interested in listening or seeing his commentary and I bet HE KNOWS we are NOT happy about this line up!!!and thats great that it will be possibly be out febuary 16th BUT I AM NOT HAPPY with the line up of what they are putting on the DVD as extras as I use the term VERY loosely!
yeah lets go!!! *goes too get chair, rope, ants, and molasses* I want them down and tie them too a chair and SLOOWWWLY pour molasses over them and then put ants(red ants!) all over them!
I just want the extended version of THE whole movie that is what I want OR the directors cut!
oh I agree with what ya said I don't have a problem with BC either he is a great guy and yeah we would LOVE it if Rob and the cast could do a commentary but for some damn reason I don't know why they cut that out JUST like they did with New Moon no cast commentary NOTHING!
I don't have any deleted sences on my DVD of BD1 they did not put any deleted sences in BD1 if they did I would seen them but again I don't have them maybe perhaps on the blu-ray set
tell me about it those SOB'S like I said they did the exact thing too New Moon they gave us ZERO
yeah it would have been nice but Taylor was invited too do the commentary on Eclipse but at the time he was in a legal dispute with a guy who sold him(long story) a defected trailor and so Taylor could not be apart of the commentary for eclipse which was a bummer I must say but I was hoping that if they did do a cast commentary that he would have a chance too be in it but SCUMSHIT robbed everyone of that chance including us fans as well because we won't be able too hear Rob speak! let alone taylor or the other cast members
Couldn't agree more. Bastards! I love Bill, but please....Scummit damn well knows who the fans want to hear on the final DVD of their billion dollar franchise. Perhaps they refused? I doubt it, if any of the cast members were asked, I imagine they would do it. I know a couple of them who currently aren't so busy with other commitments to sit down with a tape recorder for a couple of hours of their time. Perhaps Scummit got nervous about offering up another unfiltered, humorous "commentree". Idiots.
That's so good! I so agree with you. I also cannot imagine,...especially the two leads, refusing to make a commentary. They both know and understand the fans of these movies for too well to have said no. So yes we should hold scummit accountable.
I know they don't care, but I am going to write them an email and tell them exactly how I feel. They should know how we feel, and maybe that will put some pressure on them.
We should bombard them with emails to let them know how we feel. It definitely won't hurt. My mom always say if you want something, just asked, because the the reply can either be a simple yes or a no?
Lmao, I'm good with that!!
I don't want to be too selfish.........but damn.......why can't we get some BTS R rated sex and an R/K commentary?????????
Rob likes to write...........I wonder if he's had any time to write about his experiences over the last 5 years? I'd pay BIG money for that. What could he title it??? "Looking at fame through gold contacts" "White pasty hero?"
"Sparkly vamp love" The Robsten bubble Dean's homeboy! Let's go out for a little Scream! How to lose your hearing and privacy! Twit,FB,cellphone hell. "I don't know" (his famous response to almost everything)
hahahaha i like that. I see BD2 twice and I was fangirling telling my daughter that Edward was naked in the vamp sex scene my daughter kept on telling me he is half naked not naked.
Not putting Robert Pattinson in the commentary of the last Twilight film is the biggest crime ever committed. :( lol
I could understand if it was him that said No, but I feel rather the opposite. Hmm. We'll see next year...
Don't tell me there's no deleted scenes at all! What, is the longer version of BD1 supposed to include all scenes that were deleted? You're telling me that BD2 had no deleted scenes at all? I'm not sure I like this.
Hello, Olive. I'll take whatever they give us :)
And yes, I got your email. Thank you <3
It's not that they are cheap... it greedy. Years down the road... they will put out box sets with everything and watch us gobble it up to the tune of a billion dollars. They are going to screw us for all they can get. Bastards!
I love voices and find it quite a turn on... I would love along with Bill's to have Robert, Peter, Elizabeth, Jackson amazing southern accent, Kristen, Ashley chatting on the commentary.... voices I am TRULY sorry to say, I just cannot take is Taylor's, Nikki and Kallen... I really am not hating... it just that I can't. So in a way I am can appreciate only Bill's. Plus the Eclipse commentary was so DAMN funny and good... could they capture that again? David Slade cocked up that movie, so we had to have great commentary to balance up his cock-up. :;-)
Monique you're right, It just cannot be that they don't know us and what we want? I think your are so right, of course they are gonna use it to make more money. Of course we are gonna pay for What ever they throw at us. Yes of course :) I am still gonna call them on Monday, and give them a piece of my mind. The greasy bastards even took out the dance the crew did for us to enjoy at the end of the movie. We were told it was gonna be there and then it was taken out. I agree with you this make the more sense, we will be spending money for years to come, maybe. They are gonna milk it and us..
All we wanted was a little mindless drivel from Rob, sprinkled with fast food talk... didn't think that was too much to ask. D'rn you, summit... d'rn you!
It was for the best though, huh Leah, that Taytor couldn't make it to the Eclipse commentary because wouldn't wanna change one word of it the way it turned out with just the two of them.. it's absolutely priceless! Now I think they've become great friends and the banter between the the three of them would have been awesome! Well, mostly it would have been Kris and Tay laughing at Rob being silly and funny and wonderful and dang it!!.. it would have been sooo good. Scummit sux for this :-(
Is it too late? Could they possibly change their minds? If Rob is willing (and you know he would be b/c he loves to please his fans) is it too late to add it to the DVD's?
I always watch that movie with the commentary on; that's the only way I can bear it.
Go give em heck and come back and let us know if you get any decent answer of why the money grubbing bee wax are screwing us of the deleted scenes. Where are that deleted scene that the hold back of Edward know that Wolf into the wall because they want to it would affect when Bella know him off his kister?
Good wasn't it... with the commentary I mean..
You will be the first to know, when I am done with them!
Monique I love it and I've listened to it so many times I nearly know it by heart.
Great point! You think they realized DS cocked it up and begged R/K to do the commentary to pump up the sales of the DVD? Perhaps. I love Bill's voice and agree with you about the others.
So it's really funny, I call scummit today and I was given the run around. Actually, I think they thought I was crazy. Lol
I was given to different people and they all pretended as if they were not sure who was in charged or what I was talking about.
Anyway, I left two different messages for two different people, with my phone #, lets see if they'll call me back? I am not holding my breath!
Nice try sweets... these people always said they want to hear from the fans, but, when the fans get in touch with them ... LOL... they don't seems to know how to handle them.:-D
Yes Lallie, they probably know... they get feed back all the time, right? And after the movie, I am sure people had a lot to say and not all positive. Plus, DS wasn't seen promoting the movie like the other Directors... and the stars didn't have much word of praised for him either. Little Gnome with his Napoleon complex... thinks he can come in an change the story.
for BD1 there were a lot of deleted scenes:
- -bella and Renée talk
-Edward and Carlisle talk
-Volturi learning the wedding
-wedding scene between Edward and Tanya
- longer sex scene
-Honeymoon scene where Bella saying she wants to be human longer
-the dog bowl scene
-Edward learning the imprinting and fighting Jacob
Thanks, they just want to make money, they could care less.
I sent an email today to them. Lol
I could just picture them looking at the email going, there goes that crazy person again.
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