On The Road premiered last night at the American Film Institute Film Festival and Rob popped up with Kristen at the after party. Loads of journalists reported as well as some autograph/celebrity hunters. Here is a roundup of some from USA Today, Popsugar, Movieline and more:
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«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 333 Newer› Newest»Awwwww,they are each others biggest supporters,Rob was so proud of Kristen in this movie and btw,Kristen looked Stunning tonight,so many nice tweets about her...
Perfect boy friend with a perfect career and attitude of course the hotness looks !! what else can you ask for, that's ONLY ROBERT PATTINSON!!
happy for both of you..'long lasting love life wishing you all the best!! muahhhh love
Rob is a very supportive bf with a big,gold heart.K is a very lucky girl.
Awww! He's so supportive! Geez louise, they must be wiped out after this week! Always on the go!
It seems they will be more open about supporting each others future projects since everyone knows that they're together now. I bet Rob's relieved that he can be more open about the realtionship. Moving on from Twilight I hope they take a mature attitude about appearances. The more they're seen together the more it will be "ordinary" and the paps won't make a big deal of it and they can have some peace, as their pics will have no monetary value.
I agree. and i really hope that works too. papz just don't know how to lay off sometimes.:/
And it's only the second week for them Y Muri,they still have NY and the premieres in LA,London,Berlin and Madrid....
Definately one hell of a lucky girl.
Kiri,i see that some brats have pushed the vote down button.Ignore the idiots.
Could not agree more.
I noticed that !!!
Looking forward to see all the premieres ABV:-)
nonstens don't like it, lol!
I couldn't get on my computer yesterday. It seems I've missed out on a new disqus layout. Is that correct? or is my computer doing strange things?
if it is your computer doing strange things, than mine is doing the same for solidarity sake :)
Nope its not you computer, everything has changed and we spent most of yesterday helping each other work it all out, If you have any questions go ahead !! I think I have it mostly now but the main gripe that cant be changed is the size of our Avis !!!
Computers unite lol they'll be striking for better working conditions
oh no how are we to survive that?:)
A bloody murder for my ME avi. So tiny, I can't see ME anymore.:-(
Yeah size of avis not good. I know on some sites if someone gets a certain amount of dislikes their comment is removed, hopefully that's not the case here, as trolls could be pressing the dislike button just for the sake of it. On the plus side it does seem to load up a bit quicker.
I know that really is the saddest thing of all :(
Casey is that you?
Yes Ive already noticed on some of the comments they have already been doing that !!! and yes no refresh either which means real time convos work better. Once I set mine to newest comments first I found it easier to follow !!
Oooppps sorry misty I think I pressed the flag button on your reply... I dunno what I'm doing I think I need to go back to bed.
Omg, you did? lol! That's alright.
The ME looks like an ant now.:(
Morning Jaycee!!!! How ya doin girl!!! Yeah the new disqus takes a little getting used too doesnt it. Pity about the tiny avi's. Not long now till 16th Yipppeee!
Morning Yeah can't wait until 16th. I thought of you last night (not in the inappropriate sense) but it was raining cats and dogs and I hope to god its not going to be like that when you girls sleep out in Leicester Square.
I know right...eeekk. Gotta get some thermal long johns or just wear my wooly tights under jeans. Thinking of having some sheets of poly from work to keep us try - try n make a poncho, lol
(Replying is so different now here - you have to go back to the thread right)
That's why I hate this new voting system, people can F*ck with you??
The trolls will have a field day pressing the dislike button, couldn't agree more.
Unfortunately I don't see that happening Jazz - when a papz takes a picture of them and it doesn't matter what they're doing or where they are, all they must think of "yep that's another few dollars in my bank account."
I know its not funny !!!
I must admit I do like how quickly you can see new comments.
Yup is right.
This craziness isn't gonna die soon and we all know it.I bet R/K know it,too.Today,all over twitter,people were begging the idustry people ,who were at the OTR afterparty,to take a blurry photo of R/K with their cellphones.Or wanted to know every little detail about what R/K were doing at the afterparty.
aww...thank you for posting this great news...Fabulous BF supporting his gorgeous GF...this grandma across the pond is very happy:-D
I am almost thankful for the pics with Ruperv. Without them she would probably be still cheating on Rob. I hate the humiliation they brought on Rob. But at least he knows what she can do. I doubt the sincerity of her reconciliation, did she reconcile to repair her image? Rob will be away most of early 2013, what will she do? She cheated on him while he was in LA. He will have doubts about her fidelity.
Rob is such a good boyfriend, so supportive.
And this is why this fandom has a reputation for being stark raving mad. That we literally want to devour them. That people go insane at a sighting of them and they want more, more, more. Either that or they're the ones being castrated. It's a fandom of extremes. A very visible, vocal, extreme fandom.
I don't know how anyone could be thankful (even almost) of a situation that hurt and publicly embarrassed someone they say they care about. Go ask Mr. Pattinson if he would have preferred to handle this privately or in the way that it happened? And you have no idea how this would have resolved itself. It could have ended with the kissing. It could have become a full blown affair. He might have caught her. He might have been told. She may have come to him in confession. Or she might have gotten away with it. They could have fixed it as they have or they could have ended it. But if those sons of bitches hadn't stuck their noses in for profit, then it would have remained Rob and Kristen's private business as it should have been. We have no idea of the dynamic of their relationship. We have no idea if there have been other storms that they have weathered. Whether she has oops before or whether he has and they fixed it and went on. And the reason we don't know is because some fucker with a camera didn't capture it for the whole world to see. My own personal opinion is that people aren't glad she got caught so that he knows. They're glad she got caught cos now they know.
Persistent little buggers aren't they!! Fortunately this button war should only raise its ugly head when the word Kristen appears in the post title. I hope...
I like that too, I don't have to refresh my screen to see the new comments anymore! I hate the dislike button.
I'd imagine any sensible person would think exactly the same sentiments. This does raise questions about what gets posted on this site too. There are plenty of sites that serve up just about anything and it's pruriently unpleasant. If it's not there, you can't look at it. Robsessed has a line it does not cross, do you think it could go further?
So stop being so visible, vocal and extreme.
Have you no self-awareness? You are obsessed with their private life. Your comments can always be found under papz posts if nowhere else.
You continuously speak of a fandom that you are on the outside of looking in. You are only fooling yourself.
Rob is such a good person , but the same cant be said about her . Honestly she does not deserve Rob .
we should be thankful to the paparazzi for showing what she is capable of . The affair stopped because she was papped otherwise she would still be continuing it . Rob would never have known . I just fail to feel happy that Rob is willing to settle for her after what she did . I feel he should have moved on .
How do you know she would still be continuing with it? How do you KNOW this? How do you know she wouldn't have broken down with guilt and told him? How do you KNOW?
If you ever meet him face to face, please, tell him how thankful you are that these vultures exposed them so publicly this way. Then come back here and tell us his response. Would you dare? It's easy to say it here, hidden away, but would you dare say it to his face?
and how do you know she would have stopped . at least there is proof that she only stopped after she was papped
I don't know that she would have stopped and I never said that I KNEW she would. You however are saying that she would not have stopped. You're saying that you KNOW this. Do you see the difference? You're writing your opinion as a fact. A fact that you don't have.
Some "fans",who come here and post vile and hateful comments,should remember that Rob comes here and probably reads some comments.And i bet his thoughts are as vile and hateful about you.
the publicity would have stopped had she not publically apologized . the buzz going on at the time was that the pics are photoshopped .there wud always have been a doubt in the publics mind about the authenticity of the pics but when she apologised publically ,she basically confirmed their relationship ( which had never been confirmed before ) as well as the affair with Rupert .
that is the logical deduction when she was meeting him on the sly for weeks and only stopped after she was papped .
if i like a comment, i also like to see who else liked that same comment, I could dislike your comment and you would have no idea... crazy
Maybe it was a full blown affair between Kristen and Ruperv. We don't know how long it had been going on.
I know right, I also like to see who likes my comments.
Perfect example of people abusing the new system....eg Lyn70 comments (from 5hours ago) above, she got lots of likes, but that 4 dislike pisses me off, cause what's not to like about what she said, about Rob???.....yes crazy
Yes putting the conversations in real time does makes it easier to follow!
P.s I learnt how to do that last night!!! Thanks to all.
lol I think we were all on a learning curve yesterday !!
It's happening already...
her outside is stunning, her inside lacks all that. It seems like stewart is on a repair campaign, the thing about all that is , she is still a shi$$y actress and no hot look will fix that
Without the apology, it may not have gone nuclear in the legitimate press but the online gossip sites and the rags would have still run with it and the fandom would have still melted down and branded her with the Scarlet Letter. For three years without a hint of scandal, this relationship has been the target of conspiracy theories with many in this fandom tearing her apart just because he loved her. And with something like this, whether some thought it was photoshopped or not, she would have still been crucified.
And I thought her apology was heartbreakingly honest. She did something wrong but never confessed to an "affair". She immediately owned up to it, took responsibility for it and yes, finally confessed to the world that she loved him and that she was so sorry because she knew in just a few short hours, there were going to be pictures of her kissing another man for the whole world to see, including Rob. The apology was a mistake only because of the way it was recieved. Rather than people seeing it as someone trying to make ammends for something they did, they instead took it as license to take some kind of ownership of the relationship. As Lainey said...'why thank you Kristen. I've wanted to get my hands on this relationship for some time now and you just gave it to me'. This is how the cynics of the world received that apology. And that says a helluva lot more about them than it does about the distraught young woman who issued it. Just my opinion.
Well, because of yesterday's tutorials I am no longer afraid to touch a symbol!!!!
I was gonna remind them of that down below, but I really don't think they care what he thinks. They're hidden behind their screens. They won't be held accountable for anything. So what the hell...
no amount of you trash talking her will make Rob leave her and seek you out either! get over it. and while you are at it, give Rob a little credit here; he wouldn't be with her if he didn't love her ... ALL of her. Inside and out!
OT *hand over eyes, searching for my teeny tiny avi* I miss seeing who 'likes' the comments. And I'm not sure about the ability to dislike comments. It allows people to be negative without them trying to express a valid point of view. On the other hand, it will be used mercilessly on trolls...which could be a good thing....
*sarcasm face* He comes here especially to get relationship advice. After all, isn't that what everyone does when they find themselves in the middle of a crisis?
agree... people are disliking willy nilly now because they are not accountable for their opinion and they are anonomyous. I think that this is not what we are here. I came here knowing if you can't say something nice, be respectful or a bit positive, shut it!... ..DISQUS....fix this f**k up, please.
you came here at the right time when everyone had worked it out lol, but its nice that everyone helped each other :)
I wish we didn't have any likes or dislikes or up or down arrows. It's such a middle school mentality. If you like something that someone says, just say...I agree. If don't, just say...fuck off. Why does internet communication have to be turned into popularity contests? Please don't get me wrong guys, I am very humbled and appreciative of the response I have received here. But it's also made me a target. Nothing I can't live with. I'm a big girl. But if I had my druthers, I'd have no voting system at all. Just people sharing their opinions and if someone feels strongly enough about that opinion, they can type it out and say...yay or nay.
True words, thanks you...are you listening DISQUS..LOL
I will soon write an email to disqus about the two things I dislike, (the dislike button, and the small avi) about the new system, and why??
I must admit, I like everything else!!!!!!
Yes, that was lovely:))
In my opinion If she knew Rob , cared for him she would have never apologised publically knowing how he felt about privacy of private life . they could have sorted it out in private . she dragged him into a neverending (negative ) media circus . he is being bashed all over for being weak etc . for no fault of his . Rob has such a positive image she brings so much negativity to it .
Where in my comment did you see that "he comes for relationship advice"? I'm talking about people,who claim to be his fans,but then they come here and post vile comments,for him and his gf.I'm sure he appreciates it.
And if people feel the need to bash Kristen,there are many other places that they could do it.Here is a Rob Pattinson place.
You didn't! I know, which is why I wrote the qualifying edit. I wasn't being antsy towards you, sorry for any misapprehension. I get whizzed up by people who write their speculations when those speculations are IRRELEVANT. See whizzed up again. Again, sorry. Friends?
Her apology doesn't matter now. Why? Because whether Rob agreed or not with her publishing it, they have moved on. Yes, there may still be issues that they are working on together, but that's between them. We're not going to see them arguing in the streets over these issues, they'll talk them over in private, indoors. But yes, they are moving on or trying to. As a fan, as someone who cares about him, you should move on from what happened. Pretend the Summer didn't exist. Because their relationship problems are their own and not ours to remember and to recall.
I really hope that this is the beginning of a new "something".
The both of them living as a real couple, being able to go out, be together without living in a cave to hide the paps.
The paps will end up realizing that this is normal, and no one cares anymore ! Happy together, nothing to hide, end of the story....
There as been a huge change in the way they are together since what happenend this summer... One of them needed space and freedom... It maybe wasn't the right way to find it, but the essential is safe.
I have to say that who are we to judge. We don't know exactly what happened. Again I'm going to say those photos looked docked up. I'm sorry if i may sound like a robsten I'm grasping at straws here. I am a hardcore Rob fan. I''m staying neutral here. If she did cheat on her than I hope to god that u are not happily married and this happens to you.
I'm kind of glad that R/K seem to be back together...what happened this summer was a shock to say the least and having...literally the world know about something that is so intensely private..I can't imagine being in their shoes or the other parties shoes either...how awful. Anyway, when it happened I wasn't sure if R/K would get back but, I just couldn't imagine either one without the other so, I hope all works out for them. Something like this is very hard to get past but these two are like two peas in a pod and they just seem like they should be together somehow. Just my lil' ol' opininion.
By the way I hate this new Disqus set up....need a magnifier to see the damn avi's...amongst other things.
Just so you know, people in this town who are engaged in full blown affairs, don't have to resort to making out in cars (if you can call two benign kisses a full make out session). They have lots of resources and know lots of people in both high and low places and have access to many rooms in many houses and hotels and that's where they go to engage in their affairs. If this was an ongoing thing, if they'd gone to bed even once, then they would have had something set up IN DOORS. Problem with most on the internet is that they have no idea how this town operates. And what the public reads on the internet doesn't even cover 10% of what really goes on.
How come only a few of the avi's show up...my one doesn't....another thing I don't like about this new set up.
You are absolutely right, thats how it should be!!,
However, unfortunately it not, But i have to say, I feels like apart of our closeness as a site could get lost because of the new dislike button. The more dislike one gets (especially the regulars) the more he or she may feel like someone/people on the sight are after them, and thus can cause some resentment, and our closeness as a sight be affected. Use to be when we disagree with each others we could have a conversation about it, now people can just click a button and hide?. especially when you don't know who is doing it and why?
"Something like this is very hard to get past but these two are like two peas in a pod and they just seem like they should be together somehow." I've always thought from observing their relationship and attachment to one another that they've fought for each other and fought to be with one another. She's had crazies from his side which has got to be daunting, he's had crazies from her side interfering. I always thought they were brought together by fate. He saw her in 'Into The Wild' and when he knew she was cast as Bella in the saga, I think it motivated him to get or stay on the plane and really try out for the part to play Edward. They have been each other's support. And they're still supporting each other, him showing up to 'On The Road' at this film festival proves that.
Some say something like this happening makes a relationship stronger. I believe that. They are probably both more certain going into this. And to be honest think Rob would have had to have some certainty that they can get through this, that they can be stronger, to make his decision with whether to carry on or give up with everything they've built together.
Ok, for all below who are still bitching and moaning(and ya are)about Rob's decision to stay with Kris,remember this..IT'S HIS LIFE,HIS CHOICE,YOU KNOW NOTHING OF WHAT HAPPENED ONLY WHAT WAS SPECULATED BY GOSSIP MONGERS AND HATERS.YOU HAVE TO LET THEM BOTH BE,LET THEM LIVE THEIR OWN LIFE AND MAKE THEIR OWN MISTAKES...BECAUSE IT IS THEIR LIFE,NOT YOURS.DON'T TAKE THEIR BUSINESS AND MAKE YOURS.have a good day.... :) and live and let live, love and let them love who they want.Remember together or apart you can still be a fan you don't have to draw a line in the sand or die on that cross. :)
Aww, yeah they don't care! But you know what is even better? Although Rob may get a little hurt and may want to kill these dumbasses if he did read certain comments, he wouldn't care enough to let it affect his personal life decision.
We know what he reads won't affect his personal life decisions... We are not desilusional. And besides who says he reads the comments. I hope he doesn't. It's his life, his choice and he will live with the consequences of his decision.
At least she looks stunning.
You on the other hand, what can we say about you? First, you don't want to show an image of yourself. You're probably not showing an image of yourself because you're nowhere near as stunning as Kristen. You probably don't even get that compliment from your friends and family. Last of all your comments are always hateful and constantly spewing negativity. So not only do you probably look ugly but you have an ugly personality.
And you know what? You're pretty much mistaken about her inside. In the past few years Kristen has turned up to support awareness for diabetes, she has helped raise awareness about rape. She attended an event raising awareness for Haiti. What have you done? If we look at your internet history it probably will say a lot; you spend time hating a celebrity, that's what you do.
You are one big fail.
I am completely baffled by her making out in broad day light out for everyone to see .she has been in hollywood long enough and is 22 yrs old ....honestly cant understand the reasons that propelled her actions.
Yes we should MOVE ON....I so tired of this rehashing this every other WEEK!!!!!
Hi Kiri Kristen was so beautiful tonight!!!! Rob looked really happy too!!!
I don't like how diqus is now here!!
Ok, came to catch up, and this place is STILL whining on about his private life.
GIVE ME FUCKING STRENGTH.....what happened to Robsessed ???
Totally pissed off ...hence the language.
Have fun .
I love looking at everyones avi's but now they are to damn small to enjoy
them....this sucks!!!
:o( It's like being in an episode of Cranford or something...
I know it's really sad :( you can hover over the pics and they will come up bigger just to look :)
oh this just sux!!! NOT HAPPY JAN!!!!! what are you doing disquis????????????????????????????????????????
I know its getting really old now !!!
I got plenty of self awareness. I am a rather prolific poster with very strong opinions on one blog. Am I invested in them as people beyond their careers? Sure I am. I care that they're happy. Obsessed? Well, that is the name of the blog but I guess it depends on the day. Some days I'm so consumed with my own life and the people in it, that I don't even pop in and have been known to go weeks without saying a word. Other times, I'm knee deep in it. So? But I don't do twiddle so I don't get caught up in the rage of that (which is what I was orginally referring to in terms of the madness). I don't gossip about them. I don't go negative but will respond to others when they do cos I figure if they can get their digs in, then I can jump up and defend. And believe me, I talk about more than their privates lives. Just ask the regs how many times I've wandered 0/T yip yapping about something that has nothing to do with Rob and Kristen. And even tho I live in Los Angeles, about an hour from their neighborhood (which is one canyon down to the neighborhood I spend a good portion of my childhood in), I have never driven by their homes because I wouldn't do that. It's a common. And besides, I have no idea where their street is. How would I know that? How do people know that? I don't want to know how they know that. And with the exception of Comic Con 2008 when I stumbled pretty much unawares into all of this, I have never gone to a single fan event or film premiere and that's because I have a phobia of large, unruly crowds. I've never gone to a television taping and I know a few people who could get me in. I didn't even go to the hand and foot print ceremony at Graumann's which I now regret because that was a once in a lifetime opportunity. I didn't even go up and lay my hand prints over theirs until just a couple of weeks ago nearly a year after they layed them down (when my sister was here visiting and she wanted to go up to Hollywood). Truth is, I am much more of an observer and commentator here than I am an active participant so yeah, I kinda am on the outside looking in. And that is not fooling myself. That is how I've chosen to particpate in this thing...my very first fandom experience btw. I don't even have a picture of Rob Pattinson displayed anywhere in my house. I keep threatening to put one up, but I never get around to it (however I do confess, that a shot of him does indeed grace the desktop of my comp).
Sorry. This is getting embarrassing going on like this, acting all defensive. It's just that for someone to accuse me of obsessive behavior...let me tell you honey, I've heard of some obsessive behavior and I ain't even in the ballpark.
all of you people need to get a llife ...all you seem to do is tear apart a twenty two year old girl....shame on all of you
I don't even bother to go into these threads anymore, never mind reading the comments. same old same old. i'm just here because i saw your comment on my dashboard.
Woah! there's lots of shouty capitals tonight...(me included) I have just read all the messages to and fro and then I come back to the top and read yours and well hallelujah baby I am with you!!! Loving the expression of opinions but a little too stressful for me tonight.......I am channeling my energy into loving THE man!
Then why you do spread pathetic comments that by the way are very unpopular? You've got 18 dislikes so your opinion is not at all popular.
You'll probably use the excuse, "I'm entitled to an opinion". True. However all your opinion does is wind the regulars here up, and it gets tons of dislikes. Your comments can't make you feel proud because hardly anyone agrees with you, in fact most disagree that have read your comments.
Hi Mizz, I buggered off onto another thread, couldnt stomach this one.
Catch you laters sweetie.
Oh did you manage ok with the dream ?
I did quite well * wink *
Tell you what ..that Dior stuff smells amazing ha ha !
I can see yours :)
A thousand apologies for getting into it but...I've read on more than a few sites that ROBsessed has turned into a Kristen bashing site and I don't think that's true at all. But the reputations of this blog is being slammed a bit and so, when I see some start to take swipes at her or him, then I'm gonna respond. Not only for them, but for the blog too. If some don't want to read it, I understand that completely. So...just scroll on by. But I'm not gonna let bullying go. If the mods want to show me the door for that, okay.
OK, NOW YOU HAVE PISSED ME OFF!!!! I'm fairly new here so I may be stepping on some toes ,but FUCK IT!! Some of you have BUGS UP YOUR BUTTS! Leave Rob alone about his personal life....we aren't here to read the same old shit every week or two. This is a site about the public Rob. We are not here to tear the fellow down about who he sees, dates, loves, or fucks. If you want to tear Rob down this is not the place. If you want to tear down people Rob has chosen to date, this is not the place. If you want to tear down each other bite you tongues or go someplace else. Most of the regulars to this site come here to read positive things about Rob and if we have a difference of opinion we sort it out between each other or say to each his own and we go on from there. I AM ASHAMED OF SOME OF YOU TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
omg!..so sorry Nik,I accidentally pressed the down arrow..it's up that I wanted for you:-)
I've seen that, too. So go ahead, you're the best to do it,
glad you did. i can't read the constant debate anymore either....arrr, i had a bad dream. but it's normal for me right now. though before i fell asleep i might have thought about him a bit...lol...
i was testing Dior the other day and i liked it. hope they tell us soon what deal he made.
Oh don't worry about it sweetie. I gotta go lay down now after another night with my good buddy insomnia. Hope you have a good day.
swearing does not help, staying away...nope...tried that... It is sad that we don't know how to fix this problem...I am nearly out of patience with this blog.. and that is such a shame..my only consulation is that other sites are struggling too..there are soo many passionate haters of something or other that we are being swamped... Maybe time to man the life boats...
that is such a shame...
i can see them all... trying times huh?
DISQUS needs to stick their dislike button up the ARSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I learned last night that is better than ass. Those of us that love Rob for who he is and what he does as a performer will get past the damn voting. I think we all need to write DiSQUS and complain about the changes and not about each other. i love it here! I like to share, but I don't want to be hassled everyday over nothing we did!
and I love your Avi - so sad :(
I can see your beautiful Avi too. I don't like this set up much though.
I've not been around for a while, trying to gain some balance after a torrid couple of months. So really disappointed to see that we are still discussing the same old news... life has moved on, so why can't we... please!
The only way this blog can keep fans like you from leaving is if the ones creating drama who are basically all for typing a negative opinion of Rob's girlfriend, were not given that free speech. If only there comments were removed and that would solve the problem.
Did you see the video of Rob saying he'd like to castrate some pappz?? And how do you REALLY feel Rob? Of course he says it with a laugh which takes the fury out of it but you know he really means he wants their asses in a sling. Can't blame him. If they hadn't outted K's mishap - life would have been SOOOOOOOOOO much easier. The fact that he kept asking them to repeat the questions, he couldn't remember what was asked...........says to me that he is thinking of something else - too much on his mind.......and I'd be flustered with a camera or two watching my every move.
Hope he had a great time. K's a lucky girl to have someone as supportive as him in her corner.
If I compare this blog to another one I frequently visit, the difference is that people who visit this site are given the right to free speech. I've been told that was one of the sole reasons for creating this blog. The moderators wanted a place for fans of his to visit, where they are entitled to free speech. If I'm wrong about then I've been told something incorrect.
Considering that, I think that's where a problem is with the threads. That's why the reputation may be lowered. Even if you or others came fighting back at these people giving it a bad reputation, which I wish you would and I know you will; others who have a look in could just see the negative comments still and think they represent the sites overall opinion and grouping of fans (e.g a Kristen bashing site).
I’m all for free speech. But I think it gets blurred and sometimes those commenting don’t comment with the right motives. Just the other day in the post where it was the E! interviews, apparently Kristen had said she takes credit for Rob and Taylor, Rob most importantly…Trouble makers who were giving their opinion kept on complaining that she should say this or that, and actually give Rob a compliment, as if she has never complimented him before. That I remember, made me think they just want to complain for the sake of complaining. The person who was complaining had been replied to by people giving examples of how Kristen has complimented him a great deal, but the person still would not let up. Even when she was faced with the example of Kristen saying she was proud of Rob in Cosmopolis, she still was not satisfied.
In general comments where so called fans say how she isn’t worthy/doesn’t deserve him, how she’s a slut/whore/bitch/fake/famewhore/cheater I think go beyond free speech. But even if people flag them which I know from people’s comments, those comments do get flagged, they still are available to read on the threads.
I thought the other day about how laws are in place, but still they get broken. Then I thought of the guidelines the site had set, and in particular the guidelines not to bash Rob or his co-stars and so on. Where do they draw the line on bashing?
Hey thatswhatyouget...I see your point, but I think freedom of speech is protected by the 1st amendment as a constitutional right lol...You know what... I am not a KS fan, but have never taken it on myself to burden others here with my opinion about her or Rob's relationship. If I can zip my mouth to preserve friendships and harmony, not to mention the repetitive BS constantly bandied around here...then come on people...give it go....it's not too hard...and you will be giving this blog a well earned breather... :D
Just want to tell you that the girl who post again kristen and name herself ASPARA is a kristen hater, a nonsten,she said that rob was" weak a manpussy " her world for taking bacl kristen as if they ever break up, she is always posting mean thing again her and Rob on celebrity bitch so no surprise about her comment.
nihola6 is the resident bully. Surely she doesn't think the rest of us are too stupid to know all the facts in her stupid essays, does she? Did we really need her redundancy? The people that run this blog have ask us to keep or comments short but she seems to think that what she has to say is so important and we would all just be lost without her insight. It's called preaching to the choir nikola6. Now, I am sure you will do a bully beat down on me, also, but you never back down so I will not be back to be bullied. Rave on lunatic.
You are able to not post negative opinions because you remember to respect him, to put him first. I think in putting him first it means fangirling over him first, respecting him and accepting his choices above what you think / want for him. But the ones who are unable to do that I don't think are proper fans of him.
Just want to tell you that the girl who post against kristen and name
herself ASPARA is a kristen hater, a nonsten,she said that rob was " weak
a manpussy " her worlds for taking back kristen as if they ever break
up, she is always posting mean thing against her and Rob on celebrity
bitch so no surprise about her comment.
I only post in robsessed FYI .
I always knew that she wasn't an innocent person..(btw, I don't think Rob is all that innocent either) ....but this is a private failure..who would be happy about this becoming public?
Something like this happened to my brother.. and what he asked more that anything was discretion. ... And one of my best male friend lived with me for two months because he found his wife with another man... He didn't want his family to know and he knew he was going to forgive her..My point is... I bet that you would want to go and explain your situation to third parties.. OR STRANGERS.... who would wish that to anybody..?
Actually from briefly looking at your disqus activity - you post on GossipCop too. Telling lies gets you nowhere except leads to your embarassment.
so how come you are spreading lies about my being on celeb bitchy !!!!
I'm suppose to be in bed but, well, I'm not.
I hear ya. And I know we've got a problem here (and by 'here', I mean the internet) in that this is suppose to be an exercise in free speech. But I don't think that's what's going on. True free speech is owning your words, being accountable for them. But since were all here in anonymity, that is not what is being practiced. What is being practiced is 'irresponsible' speech and no where in the First Ammendent does it say were entitled to that. But I've said for some time now that the internet is like the lawless old west before we had marshalls and sheriffs laying down and enforcing it. Thing is, this thing is still in it's infancy and we haven't got the bugs worked out yet. But I'm thinking that at some point were gonna take it to such degrees, that the long of the law is going to come hammering down and many will scream government control or somesuch. But this is why the people need laws and leaders to enforce them...because we cannot police ourselves. Left to our own devices and were in anarchy...the internet.
I'm appalled at some of the comments here. Just how low is your opinion of Rob if you for ONE MINUTE think that he would still be with Kristen if she did anything close to what you assume she did. Give him some credit, some dignity. Do you all really think that little of him, that he doesn't value himself enough to want someone who will truly love him and treat him well? Do you think Rob somehow hasn't developed the ability to actually make good decisions for himself, that you all know more about what is going on in his life than he does, because the tabloids told you so? Maybe you think if you could only talk some sense into him, he would see the light? That's what friends and family are for...and they are being supportive, contrary to what gossip sites would make us believe.
I have listened to this beautiful man in the moments when he is serious. Looked to see what moves him...what he cares about...what he values. He has high standards people. Rob's longtime friends are loyal and true to him, they don't talk about him at all. Wonder why he picked friends like that to have around him...oh it comes back to the people he wants to surround himself with and those standards. And Rob holds himself to those standards too because we always hear how lovely man he is, funny and humble and pretty damn amazing.
Rob is definitely not a 'doormat' or a weak man. I feel so infuriated reading comments from people who think he's being duped by K cause that would make him the world's biggest fool wouldn't it? But he is NOT. Oh no, this man is super smart and understands a hell of a lot more than he ever lets people think. One of the truest things he said in a recent interview was that all his joking around in interviews was all a front. Don't know if anyone else caught that but it again validated all the thoughts I've had that there is so much more depth to Rob than he ever lets the public see.
The media scrutiny and hate from parts of the fandom would have been hell on earth for them both to endure, yet he is still by her side. Whatever happened in July must have been something soon forgiven, not intentional and I just don't believe Kristen turned away from Rob for that man. Rob wouldn't be with her now if she had.
Rob must really love Kristen something fierce to go through all that and continue to choose her. Being happy. Holding her hand. Kissing her. Bringing her a cuppa. Living with her.
I love seeing Rob happy. I like seeing that the decisions he makes for his life make him happy.
Why can't people just be happy that he is?
more over I support Rob i dont have to like Kristen . this is not a Robsten site .....this is Robsessed .
First I wasn't the one saying you post on celebbitchy. Second I replied and told you I have looked at your history and have gone to a link to your comments that lead to GossipCop by clicking onto your avi. You didn't include a mention of Gossip Cop, just that you "only post in robsessed". Reword your comment if you need to add other sites that you visit. But if you have actually posted there under this name then you are only going to embarass yourself further.
I agree he wouldnt want it out there but the point is how did it get out there .....who is responsible for it being out there ....if she hadnt done it in broad daylight and not made the public apology none would be the wiser .
One thing that nik isnt and that's a bully and another she doesn't do is lower herself to name calling unlike yourself. Nik would be the first one to agree that not everything she writes on here will be to everyones liking and she's mentioned many times that she can waffle on but that's what the scroll button is for. So please no name calling its unnecessary.
i was commenting on the two sites you mentioned .
Nice to meet you thatswhatyouget
I sure did see that vid and mentioned in a post somewhere around here. They are the bane of his existence. He once said he hated twiddle the most but I'm a thinkin' that the papps have taken over first place. Especially since this past summer.
not sure if i understand you correct. i stay away from Rob&Kristen threads or similar papp threads because i don't want to get involved in this fan problem. the hate but also the devotion to them as a couple. both seem more than wrong to me. i keep out of his relationship as i think everyone should....it's the way i always felt. no one needs to agree with me.
good comment x
“I support Rob”. Practice what you preach then.
You talk about being baffled by Kristen’s actions and how if she cared about others she wouldn’t hurt them (you hurt the ones you love). You make defamatory assumptions that she had an affair which she could easily sue your ass over, if you’d like to go and look up the law for defamation. You get into a row with another genuine fan in this thread, arguing something defamatory.
In this thread alone you show that you have more of an obsession with Kristen than with Rob. You’ve probably said about one or two sentences about how Rob is a positive person, but the rest of your comments show you are obsessed with hating Kristen.
“this is not a Robsten site .....this is Robsessed”. I could also say to you that this is not a Nonsten site. It is a ROB site where fans of his JOIN IN DISCUSSIONS ABOUT HIM. Not about someone he’s dating.
“I don’t have to like Kristen”, you’re right: but go and read the guidelines, because it doesn’t say you should disrespect her either considering she’s his partner, friend and co-star.
are not you supposed to be seeing 12th dream already? :)
I have tickets for the festival.. You can go to their website and get tickets for FREE... it's very hard to get in at Galas but not impossible...You can see a bunch of movies that probably would never get distribution ... but they are soooo good..
last year I saw "The Loneliest Planet" with Gael Garcia...I saw it again on demand last night... and I have to admit that I thought of Rob and Kristen... the description of the movie is like this:
"A momentary misstep that once done it can't be undone. Once is done, it threatens to undo everything the couple believe about each other and about themselves.... it's a tale of betrayal both accidental and deliberate, failure and the ambiguities of forgiveness".....
it's not for everybody... but i liked it...
anyway.. this festivals are great to network...always new stories, indi producers, great actors... great for movie lovers
I could not agree with you more. Is this a popularity contest? I am here to express my opinion of the mesmerizing Robert Pattinson, not to vote up or down. I especially would never vote down unless it is some scathing thing against Rob or Kristen or anyone for that matter. I wish the older system was back up, this only gives cowards more of a cover, if you would not express it in front of other people, why hide behind a computer screen to do so. Amen to the sisterhood on this site who hates this new disqus system, lets unite and break through these numbnuts that developed this system, made our avi's small to hide the handsomenest of one, Robert Pattinson.
I've seen your name elsewhere too dear, accompanied by shitty remarks about them both. I've seen it.
ok, not sure who said it first, but someone use to say"don't feed the trolls and they will leave",just ignore the troll and they will leave....hope everyone is having a Robtastic day... :)
Mmmmm.. what I mean that it is a shame that you don't want to read and browse through some threads anymore,I feel like that if this trend keeps going, most will drift away. I usually stay away from anything R/K related as I have nothing to contribute regarding their love/relationship. The mods put so much effort into this blog and yet the posters that come here with no purpose or respect seem to be beating us down. I do not know if there is a way to fight back...but it needs some thought... nite x
As for the tweets, it is amusing at how Rob and Kristen are truly the "it" couple. I really do not think there is any couple who has the popularity that these two have, it is like the King and Queen entering the palace. Both men and women tweeting about this couple, The other supposedly "it" couples run a distant second, third, and fourth and I would imagine they would be George Clooney and Stacy Keibler, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie and Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth. It is nice to see Rob at Kristen's after party for her film. They really do seem like they are making it work and I wish them the best whatever happens. Individually and together, they seem to be very genuine and eclectic and I love that, not the same regurgitated couple of the moment, day, week, month, or years.
i guess then we undestand each other ! lol...and i agree, it's a shame. sweet dreams x
WTH. Go on and hate Kristen for all of eternity but Rob doesn't care what you think.
Who are you to say she doesn't deserve Rob. It's his business and not yours.
Nik is NOT a bully. She has every right to respond to anything said on this blog.
I normally dont respond to these kind of comments, but I will just say one thing and that is : stop the name calling, accept that we are
all different, and if you want to rave on you are more than welcome,but just keep it clean,tidy ,acknowledging and respectful if you are able to do this I am sure youre welcome here, if not please find another place to rave.
Thank you.
And I think we need to keep repeating the blog guideline...
To show respect to him, his family, his friends and his co-stars. And I dunno...I think Kristen Stewart falls into the last three catagories. People don't have to love her. But they don't have to bash her either. And when they bash her concerning the 'situation', they're inadvertedly letting him have it too. Don't they get that? In fact here's an idea...they don't like the girl?
How hard is this?
I know it's far-fetched and highly unlikely, but i will try and "send" positive thoughts and to quote one of my favorite bands ever "I will hold on hope"- hope that they will be able to be left alone by the papz if even for but a moment. :)
i come to this blog and have been for some time to share my thoughts on Rob not obsess about his GF. who are you hvnt seen you around ??
well arent you surprised she did it in broad daylight .....this is a regular comment ...i am genuinely surprised and baffled !!
If you're going to slag me, at least have the courtesy to do it to my face and not behind my back. If you want to discuss freedom of speech, by all means, lets have a discourse.
As to your complaint, I have rarely made comments about Ms. Stewart, and actually have made the ssame comment in the past, without the attention received this time, interestingly. If you read with reactiveness, I didn't say she had never complimented him, I merely said I'd like to see her compliment him as a Twilight costar, rather than the usual form of 'credit.' I'm talking professionally, not personally. And if the occasional critical opinion is regarded as 'bashing' then I would have to say there are many here who would fall into the same category, regarding Rob. He has been critizied for his clothing, choice of words, relationships, habits, choice of films, choice of haircut, and that's by those who deem themselves staunch fans...lol
And please don't tell me I'm in a group of fans who spend their time obsessing over his relationship, or Ms. Stewart. I would prefer no discussion of their private lives on any public site -- and that's in consideration of both.
I did not call her any names , so how did i bash her ....was just voicing my opinion .
Yes we know. You're genuinely surprised and baffled. We got it.
I know. I was thinking about that last night. I can't even imagine! I bet November isn't ending fast enough for them!
They don't listen to this guideline though. And how stupid is it that we have to have such guidelines in the first place. Fans with any ounce of common sense should know they have to respect him most importantly. And by respecting him that also means being polite about his family, friends and his co-stars. But mostly his family and friends.
I said a while ago though that maybe they're unable to respect certain people. But then they should accept Rob's choices. It all comes down to respecting Rob most of all, and a lot fail to respect him by spewing hate for his girlfriend.
I said this as well to someone down below that she is able to not spew negativity towards Kristen, though she doesn't like her, because she puts her respect for Rob first above her own opinions that gets nobody anywhere, whether entitled to one or not. I think people are capable of shutting their mouths if they don't like Kristen, but they just don't want to. The ones that don't want to I don't believe are on the right site, they aren't obsessed and putting him first as an actual fan would.
So yeah it's not hard at all Nikola, but you're referring to people who don't actually like Rob as much as they hate Kristen. And the idiots somehow have it in their heads that because this is a Rob site we want Kristen hate here.
I'd prefer them to go to a Kristen fan site. Then again they'd be unwanted on a Kristen fan site too. So I don't know why they don't just go to a Kristen hate site, I'm sure there are some around. I’m even sure there’s a Rob site that refuses to post anything of Kristen but will allow hateful discussions about her in the comments section.
I'm prefectly prepared to own my words and am accountable for them, Nik, as you know. As I said to 'that's what you get' above, I'd prefer an upfront discourse, rather than a whinge, but I also object to the notion one can't express an opinion, even if mildly critical of anyone other than Rob, as there's critical opinion galore about him. However, I'm not challenging anyone to continue the convo...frankly my wish was hardly worth the amount of time already spent, and merely a reiteration of a comment I made some time ago, as the promo is coming to an end. Now I shall wait for the flood of dislikes (I, too have never understood the need for these buttons as opposed to words) and shall disappear under the waves of disapproval. ;-)
I can't see your Avi :/ I wonder why??? I think I can see all the other regulars... this is the first time I noticed that. Really strange this new surface...
Not from me.
fans go into the Rob&Kristen debate and it always blows out of proportion. one negative comment follows 3 positive comments follows 3 negative comments follows 9 positive comments. and so on. can you still follow me? let's face it, we can count the trolls and haters on one hand. there are always only one or two fans who tell bullshit but it always starts a snowball effect. i think that's a reason why people on other sites might think we are a kristen bashing community even though it's so far away from the truth. i would think the same if i were new here after seeing this......i'm sure the haters share their opinion often enough but some comments give them reasons to say even more. and that's why i think we should try to be careful with what we talk especially about rob and kristen's relationship because we fans cause this chaos and rob and kristen have to suffer from it.
You may not have called her a name in this thread but your previous comments on another board is of you calling her a “skank”.
You say she isn’t a good person and is not worthy of Rob. That’s insulting so you don’t need to bring the name calling into your comments in the first place. You’re disrespecting her by making defamatory remarks about her as well as suggesting she’s got a horrible personality.
I don’t know what’s more irritating and stupid about you. The fact that you’re disrespecting both Rob and Kristen along with this site, or you trying to pretend you’re not insulting/calling her names.
Own up for crying out loud. Don't be more pathetic than you are.
Oh so it was you who posted those comments. Glad you've made me aware. What's with the outrage and offense you've taken? I used your comments as an example in my comment because whatever your reasons for complaining about what she does or does not say, whatever examples others gave in regard to her complimenting Rob, you still kept complaining. That to me isn't a critical opinion, that was you constantly complaining, and if you could you'd train her to say something else just to please you.
And that's all I can be bothered to say to you. Take offense wherever you want, I don't really care. Because this was a reply of my observations to Nikola, it wasn't overall a comment to observe your own conversation in another post. But you've taken it that way, so whatever.
I personally do not see even expressing dislike or distrust of Kristen as bashing her. On this site, for the most part, especially for people who are 'regulars' (as opposed to constipated?), most of us care about Rob as a person as well as an artist (actor, musician, writer, etc.). and many are devoted to him, not to her, and are concerned about HIM being hurt. So on the one hand, many here do accept that she seems to be his choice, someone with whom at the very least he chooses to be and spend time, and we assume that it would hurt him to see negative things about her. On the other hand, some, if not many, who accepted her in the past, even with misgivings about her, simply because she was his choice, now have had it, thinking that love is blind, or that sometimes we love what isn't good for us. Ultimately, I do believe that the overwhelming majority of us want the best for this lad; the discrepancy is in what is best for him, Of course we all know that we do not make decisions for him, most of us (except the very immature) do not tell him what to do/wear/ whom to love), but that does not erase the concern and bad feelings that some have about what might happen to him (in a number of areas, not just love). I happen to be one of those who cares about him, AND cares about her, and want the best for both, but am not sure what the best is, and that short-term differs from long-term. So, IF they are either resuming their relationship, or redefining it, or rebuilding it, or whatever in that general context, I hope that it will be the best for them both, and that neither will betray nor hurt nor disrespect the other.
But I do wish that people would understand that not accepting Kristen, or worrying about Rob getting hurt or treated with disrespect, is not the same as bashing Kristen, not the same as telling Rob what to do or whom to love, not the same as disrespecting Rob and his friends--it is out of love, admiration, and concern.
I agree! I caught that too about the "front". I thought, "good for him!" Taking the bait from the daft media would probably cause him to go completely insane. Poor guy! Why not mess with them (by giving them silly answers) and have a little fun too?;)
and i am probably going to get stoned for this but...
I find a fitting answer to your last question is a quote from... well... Kristen in the eclipse commentary, " People just like to dwell on the negative..." Tis such a sad truth.
A quote from K about Edward and Bella I thought could actually kinda apply to them (or at least Rob)..."They deserve their happiness. Just leave them be."
True. I fear the backfire of this like/dislike thing. and it does take away the ability to reason. It is quite sad.
I agree in general (about the internet and anonymity) and disagree in the specifics: I think that many here who distrust or dislike someone for certain apparent actions are saying so in a pretty respectful way and would most likely say them face to face.
I apologize if this is sorta ADD, but did you just call twitter "twiddle"? because that's pretty awesome. If you don't mind, I want to use your term. I never understood the fascination of that site.
Yay for positivism (if that's an actual term)!:) And I agree with thatswhatyouget! I have heard that it can make a relationship stronger too! *fingers crossed*
and yes the avi's are quite small!:(
Um...not outraged...lol...simply 'defending my good name' which you didn't have the courtesy to use. Have we met before? I don't recall your moniker at all. I made one...er...'complaint' and rest were replies to people who actually addressed me personally. That's as constant as it gets. Since my comments obviously upset you enough to refer to, I wish you had done the same, as there is plenty of room for disagreement on the blog. Or at least there used to be. However, if reasoning is not taken into account, I guess our convo is at end, though I also intend to comment as I see fit. There's an end to the bothering.
Solas, I can tell you’re trying to be reasonable concerning fans who want to spread dislike for her, which you say is down to distrust. And I somewhat applaud you. But then I go back to thinking how stupid it is. Please don’t take offence, and I may not say this in the best way…
But in my opinion the only person who needs to have trust in her is Rob. I can understand his family or friends distrusting her, but it’s misplaced I think in mind of fans. I don’t know how to explain it. I just don’t sympathise with anyone that has distrust in her, I feel like anyone who is being cautious of her is acting like they are personally friends with Rob, or personally related.
From what I’ve seen these aren’t worries being expressed in comments. It’s complete dislike for her.
It’s not out of love or concern to keep rehashing what happened in July and making defamatory remarks about what may or may not have happened. It’s not out of love or concern to criticise her appearance. It’s not out of love or concern to call her a whore or a bitch, or to say she’s not good enough. And I think fans who have expressed concern, are being a little interfering.
We may be reading different comments. Or interpreting different comments. Though I’m not quite sure it’d be a difference in interpretation.
Either way, if this make sense - we’ll have to agree to disagree.
Ah, waving from above the...er...waves. All right, sometimes I lack poetic inspiration, but you get my drift... ;-) Was thinking of your spoonerism when I saw the casting news for "Queen" -- jaws galore.
I didn't remember your name, all I could remember were your comments, so please stop acting like I purposely left your name out.
Agree ! not liking something someone does doesn't mean disliking the person. and also not everyone has ulteriour motives and that have to do with their relationship.
I agree. He has forgiven her and taken her back. They both look a lot happier. Whatever issues remain, they know what they have to do to work it out. Bottom line is that he loves her and wants to be with her and evidently believed what she told him happened. I believe that she does love him, just took him for granted before all of this hit the fan. I think she knows now that there is no more wiggle room for things like that. There won't be a third chance.
For now, I'm just glad to see him happy after a miserable summer. I hope that they can keep it going. Next year will be a challenge, with all the movies he had on tap. Time will tell if they can do it.
Yes, I also thought of it-- they will have Jude Law and the lewd jaw. ;-)
Some of what you say makes sense, and I am not talking about name-calling--that is at best immature, and in general obnoxious, However, I do disagree about trusting or being concerned for Rob, or any person, as being displaced. I care about the many many people hurt and displaced in hurricanes. I am extremely concerned for people in areas of terror; I am concerned about Rob or anyone going to Iraq, etc. To me, it is a good human trait to be concerned for others, to care, to not want people hurt or treated with disrespect, whether these people are in our close circle of family or friends, or not. I do think some people's concerns get too inappropriately personal, but I also think many are legitimately concerned that someone they care about, and whose work they admire, might be hurt by anything or anyone. I do wish that some would realize that it is their own words and/or actions that might hurt him as well; feeding the pappz that hunt him and prevent him from living a regular life, by demanding new photos, whining to know what he is up to, buying the rags or clicking on sites that pay the pappz, causes him much harm, I am sure. And I care about that as well.
For sure I agree to disagree; I am used to people disagreeing with me and I hope that I am not disagreeable about it. ;-)
No, addressing behaviour doesn't mean disliking the person at all. At least, that's what I was told as a teenager when Mum would be correcting my little ways... ;-)
you mean YES, right? :-)
Shanti, when you put your cursor on the avi, it gets larger.
Being concerned though for people involved in hurricanes or going to countries where wars are going on, is a lot different to having concern for someone's relationship, which to be honest neither of us should have an investment in.
So yeah again will have to agree to disagree probably on that. I've seen your comments on here before, and I think there is a reason why we have never spoken. I rarely ever agree with your opinions in discussions with others, who I tend to agree with.
But that's normal in fan site communities. :)
I agree and I think we'd better ignore the like-dislike buttons. I never attached importance at them and didn't use the like button often. When I did it was most of times because the comment was funny or so. It's more mature to just answer wether or not we agree, to just having a 'normal' conversation :))
Ah, then I am apologize for getting my nose out of joint about it, but my name is all I have on this blog. :-) Well, if it's reasonable to complain about me, whom you don't know or haven't conversed with, then maybe you'll allow it's reasonable for me to make an occasional complaint, too. No, it wasn't my motive to 'bash' anyone, and the only people I do tend to 'bash' in absentia are the papps, but no-one seems to object. Signing off, then.
Wouldn't it be great to have an 'agree' and 'disagree' button? much more mature than like and dislike.
Mizz: Yes, I meant yes, as in "No, one doesn't have to dislike someone..." but I'm obviously fuddled this morning...lol
Hah! I would stay and think up a few more puns, now, but am way behind on necessary tasks, so will have to postpone...
I like and agree :)
you know i completely got you the first time right? don't worry, i'm fuddled a long time here already.
Wow, I looked to see what was so interesting that this thread was so big, & SURPRISE! (not), we're back to this again. I'm not going to read all the comments, but seriously, why is this happening? They've been seen together since the scandal in ways that make it clear that they are back together. They are back together. It doesn't matter what you think of Kristen for cheating, or Rob for taking her back, they are back together & what we think doesn't matter. Is every thread about them being someplace together going to turn into a giant argument? It's riduclous. Whether you don't like Kristen, or no longer like Rob (and why are you even here then?) just get over it & either don't post, or post about something else. Really, it's just boring.
I was hoping when I came back this morning Disqus would be back the way it was, grrrrr, I hate this version, I hope everyone is telling them in feedback how they feel.
I am so glad that Rob is happy, he shines in his interviews, his positive energy charges and he makes the world a better place to live. Let's admit that this man follows his personal beliefs and he did not complain about his personal crisis, instead he "has figured out how to take his world back again, after it was taken away from him". For me it is one more reason to respect him and to be a proud fan)))
*high five* and I hope you are having a Robtastic day as well!:)
it was completely legitim and right to complain. SHE quoted YOU. APrat, we all know you here and love to have you here. just saying.
Euhhh.... a Mumford and sons fan here?? LOL
Thank you, Mizz, and this site is usually a fun, entertaining, and enlightening place, as are many of the comments... ;-) Well, I think more than one of the cast is at a 'crossroads' of sorts, but I probably should have realised I was venturing into the lion's den...bloody but unbowed I'm still going to be as opinionated as everyone else around here... ;-D And now I really am going to have to rush off...good night and good luck. (Was watching it recently...) :-)
I don't want to get into this here but I'll say this,You really don't know what happened,only what the papps want you to know and the people the papps work for and one more thing,you have no idea what is in Rob Pattinson's mind so don't say he will have doubts,this is between him and Kristen, not his so called fans.
You're repeating what the papps wanted in the first place,lies and the editors of certain mags are just as bad and it's documented.
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