Have you seen it yet? How many times have you seen it already?
What are your favourite parts? Are there things you didn't like?
Share all your thoughts in the comments below and please keep all the talk about the movie in this post so as not to spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet ;-)
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 487 of 487 Newer› Newest»Sorry Jenn my wi-fi kicked me out and had to get off...
yea everybody digs it for some reason...look how popular Honey Boo-Boo and Duck Dynasty..
Good job, Jenn!
Monique you're awesome <3
Bwen I admire your even-temperedness..(is that a word?)
Happy birthday Christine!...I loved Twilight, too. And i think CH did a fantastic job ...she delivered the book on film
and gave us that beautiful vampire and the love story we'll never forget. I wish they'd let her have in-put on NM and especially Eclipse could have been so much better.
We need a sound option on the comments LOL
I think we may say 'tall' differently LMAO
OK.....when I read your comments I will read slowly and........ drag it out....like I've got all day :-)
lol...You know that'll never work for you..reading slowly I mean..
And of course we speak differently...diversity is good..lol
So funny :-) I love trying to get my head - and tongue - around it. Diversity IS good :-)
(I heard Cameron Diaz explaining how she speaks as a Californian and that they have have lazy tongues!! and skip over the sounds)
Then the tall bit.......LOL I'm thinking......yaaaal.....like....yaaaaaRl........taaaaRl ??? LOL to make my 'tall' fit. Love it !!!!!
Ok..You're gettin' it now.lol..try faaaall...taaaall...smaaall...yaaall..lazy is a good way to describe how Southerners talk.
Just drag out the middle. And you know Rob will nail it..He always does.
Wait ..maybe I jumped the gun on this..do ya'll say tall like we say bowl or like we say ball?
If so then we'll have to start over...How about crawl? Make ya'll rhyme with crawl..aw sound/ not ow as in owl.
Does that help?
See where I commented to myself..lol
Awesome review Olive, and I totally agree that tribute should have been paid to Catherine because she got it off on the right foot with the right cast namely the 2 leads and Carter Burwell for the score and Billy Burke and I could go on and on but I'll stop now,,lol
this is so wrong and you are right something should done about it but with the internet it's anything goes.
The sound option? part you mean? ;-)
Yes we need audio.....NOT all the time - good grief LOL but the option to add just a couple of seconds would be great - I could compare how you say y'all to how Jen says it and then how Reese Witherspoon says it LOL Oh dear......I'm off to work now.......I suppose I SHOULD be grateful that I can only access emails there and not the blog itself otherwise I wouldn't get anything done at all :-)
Bye..have a good day.
I agree. On one hand the cabin scene was too intimate: it felt like watching Rob and Kristen and not Edward and Bella. I expected this scene to be more rough. There were some edgy details, like Edward ripping Bella's shirt up the back, but otherwise the honeymoon scene was better. On the other hand, the scene made you feel like you were in the scene with either Edward or Bella (whichever you prefer). I've never seen a sex scene that does that.
Get past the first 150 pages or so and the Host really picks up. It's not comparable to Twilight but the last 150 pages are worth slogging through the book.
Our meeting finished early and driving home past a cinema I couldn't help but drop in to see the movie again. Great excuse to miss out on peak hour traffic. Anyway, this time round Rob as Edward stood out even more. There was even more strength to his character and loved that he was taking such a strong confident role. Noticed more of his fancy leg and foot work in the battle scene where he twists and turns etc. He looked so good being so active. Loved it all. Had to laugh at work today when a colleague told me that her friend was ready to walk out during the battle scene because she was so upset with what she was seeing. Another collective sigh of relief when the vision comes to its end. I just wanted to say that Rob really stood out for me today even more than the previous times I watched the movie..a real solid performance. They all performed so well.
I thought the same thing about the lullaby...that Edward was going to sing.....I was so looking forward to hearing Daddyward sing to his daughter, but all and all loved the movie and that ending...wow..my fists were clenched...LOL...then it ends up just being Alice communicating to Aro of what might be...but I laughed and cried...it was SO SO good...the best of the lot!
I honestly think that the Marcus-scene was very touching...at least one of them felt relief if it had to end...made me go all "aaaaawwww" for him :-)
Hell... when did you change your damn name!! I've been waiting to see Sonja comment and nothing. It wasn't until the representative from Kentucky below called you Sonja that I took a closer look at your moniker. LOL
Its a new trait I'm trying on to see if it fits...its kind of tight around the neck right now.
But I don't think Monique was attacking me...at least I hope she wasn't.
Thanks for the advice ... since I've read the first 150 pages several times maybe I'll start on 151 and give it another try. lol
Naah..I think she was pissed with HPfan at least that's the way it looks when I read it.
That's why she's the rep, huh? Cuz she notices everything!..LMAO!
I had much trouble and lost my other so here I am ..just call me Sybill..
no don't..jk
LMAO...glad you clarified no Sybill cause there wasn't anyway I was going to let than one slip by if you hadn't!
And Jennifer does notice everything... the smart ass. Well I'm off to work have a good day Sybill!
YOU have a good day I'm going to sleep! On top of being more than one person I'm ass- backwards as well..lol
I know you are not disagreeing with me, I just answer the rudeness of this person... I am only saying that people do have opinion and they can express them, not everyone have to like something. But I think it's darn rude the way the post ended...
Perish the thought... It what lifetime would I every attack you dear, dear, bwen? :-D
You are right, HP is an ass.
I agree and she was back this morning posting.
I heard that bucketmouth~! lmao
Well you're feisty this morning... "bucketmouth" that's a new one on me. LMAO
I'm off to work now have fun with the new curtain climber!
Didn't she goodbye yesterday? She looking for attention right?
said in jest, you know that ;)
and thanks ... I think I'm gonna need the patience of Job today!
Yes she did say goodbye ...but I guess she missed us or didn't get the reaction she wanted.
I'm surprised she hasn't posted the same thing on Gossip Cop yet unless I missed it...they love her over there (NOT)!
What's a curtain climber? You have a little one Jenn?
Maybe you'll be blessed with a shy one... not to be confused with the our shyone..heaven forbid! ;oD
woman bite your tongue!! that's the last thing I need is for a 3 year old to be running around yelling 'cock cock cock'!!! lol
LOL...at the GC part.
We are on our BD2 high and nothing can bring us down to bother with negative little Gnat right now. ;-)
I have several little ones sonja. Usually 6 or 7 ... and that is enough, trust me ;P
Otaaay...mmm,, let me guess..You run a daycare.
you're a good guesser ... but it's nothing that big. It's just me and a houseful of children :)
That's me many years ago. I can't handle it now.
Well, this explains your headaches, huh?
ha ha ... sometimes I guess. I have tmj tho ... do a lot of stressing in my sleep apparently and grind my teeth ... I often wake up with a headache. good drugs are my friend! lol :P
every time I start thinking about quitting...some pregnant lady calls me. guess I'm in it for a while
ah man little babies? and toddlers? My hats off to you, Jenn.
Bet you're good with them.
I have tmj. too and you're right..good meds. My bp pills lower my stress so I'm not so tense and the tmj doesn't bother me as much as it did.
I have trazodone for the tmj so, it helps some. There's good days and there's days when I think a couple joints and a pint of Jack is what I'm having for supper! lol jk
It's fun to play with the little ones ... since my own are too big to bother with me anymore :(
Do you use ambien or a sleep aid so you won't be tense in your sleep?
I haven't had trazodone but I've had tramadol and it knox me out ..
no. just the trazodone. the other stuff makes my legs twitch and that drives me absolutely bonkers! I'd rather do without it. One would think with all the fabulous mind blowing sex that I have on a daily basis ... there wouldn't be a stressed out bone in my body!
That's true ..but it does cause you to tense up and that might be the problem and you might better cut back ..lol
tsk tsk ... big daddy ain't gonna like that at all! :P
i think i need to have one of those gold-fairy-dust-poofy-orgasm-explosions like Bella had in the cottage!
that is what that was ... right? ;D
I couldn't tell..there was NO thrusting!..lol
I'm watching NM..the Edward parts..it's like torture he's so dam beautiful!
twice and I am jonesing for a third time already! LOL! My company traditionally let's us go early on the day before a holiday and I'm scheming about possibly sneaking in another showing tomorrow even though I should go home and clean my house. Hmmm.... Breaking Dawn or vacuuming- no contest....
He IS! the lovemaking in BD2 was absolutely beautiful! Perfect! (;
I couldn't appreciate it b/c Justin was beside me..I think I need to see it again...and again..and again..lol
yep...know what you mean. hard to get aroused when your son is sitting beside you. or at least it SHOULD be!! lmfao ;D
Sure was..I'm goin' alone next time..just me and Rob..lol
I couldn't agree more. :-))
God I feel like I'm sitting in an tmj outpatient clinic...lol
Almost makes you purr doesn't it.
actually, I DID purr...lmao.
at least we don't all have fibromyalgia !! yet!! ;p
Well I guess I can't talk .
I have arthritis and one titanium steel knee...so the orothpedic clinic shares space with the tjm cinic?
I loved the film and will definitely be going to see it again. It had everything. It made me laugh, cry and gasp. I loved the humour and the way all the characters seemed more relaxed, it was as though the last piece of the jigsaw was in place. The twist left me gasping, the whole theatre gasped at the same time and then gave a huge sigh of relief, which was great to witness. I was so glad they showed Bella letting Edward read her mind, I loved that part in the book. The film was great from beginning to the end.
Went to watch again this evening with my mum and daughter loved seeing their reaction to the battle scene, I was able this time to relax more and take every thing in, was good to see the cinema was still full even for a small town, already booked to watch again next week :)
Sorry Leah...Just saw your message, busy with Thanksgiving shopping. My hubby made me LOL in the movie theater with that comment. I thought it was funny too.
Gosh, you should have seen the look on my face? I cried.
I was so freaking happy, when I saw that it was just a vision!! :)
I didn't see the preview for that one?
Sonja I just say this and that's too funny! Wise decision, especially since you are not from there. That really put a smile on my face. I won't even asked why you were thinking of adding UK to your name?:)
True words my dear.
Oh my dear Sonja, were you sick? I just saw Maria post. Is everything ok? I left yesterday and been busy all day with thanksgiving stuff. I am going thru disqus answering and catching up.
I guess I was lucky to see it. I haven't read the book, but from what I saw of the movie Stephanie has a thing for weird looking eyes. It seams pretty good though, the story line looks original. Of course there is a love story too. The girl who is the star of the movie is very beautiful on screen. I don't believe I have seen her before.
Yes, and he is also turning back to his human form, the more she loves him, it seems?
Yes, now that you mention it. I just always thought those scores belongs to the movies, no matter which twilight is playing and whom is directing it? Don't you think?
That's right they need to spread their wings, and do what they were created to do to! Lol
As long as they come home from time to time I can live with that :-)
I know, it was nice , but thats when it really hit me. It was really over. I just sat there :((
Oh well loads of Rob to come.
What a fitting end to the best saga ever in my humble opinion. Bill Condon just about gave me a heart attack with that battle scene. My friend and I both gasped aloud when Carlise and Jasper were killed. Then to discover it was a vision, very well done indeed. I also loved the way Bill payed homage to the entire series. So classy, first with Bella allowing Edward into her mind to see her thoughts. The scenes were so special showing how they met to the present time. Finally during the credits, he showed the past and present cast, ending with Edward and Bella. I am sad for this saga to end. Fortunately I have the DVD's and the books, so the story can live on whenever the mood strikes.
lol i don't mind your opinion at all, but since you are here i use the change to tell you that i don't like the Harry Potter movies either. I loved all books but I thought the movies are boring or don't show the magic and emotion i found in the books. kind of like i felt in the first 3 Twilight movies though i am a huge fan of the Saga and of Rob and his acting talent. but BDP2 rocked. i'm in love with part 2. i love it. and not one of the HP movies managed that. ttyl ;-)
hey, someone my age.
greetings back from Germany!
Robert Pattinson forever!
absolutely. I actually did find myself fascinated with the Romanians. They did creepy so well. And, YES!. I didn't even know I was holding my breath until the battle was over. I was like WHOA!!
What do you want to tell us with "someone my age"???? ;)
Two thumbs up, eh? ;-) I agree, a good, reasonably tight summation of the essentials in the book, and as a result, the story became cinematic. Repeating myself, but the imprinting is not a concept that will work, though they did their best to find a visual equivalent, and I imagine those who don't know the story would have found it incomprehensible.....Yeah, with you on the sex...thinking of the scenes in "Remember Me," also PG-13 which seemed far more 'urgent'..I'm assuming they didn't want a repeat of the broken bed, but if they won't do raunch then don't do it at all. However, I imagine the howls from outraged fans would've been louder and longer than the muted shagging on screen...lol
Good point about the imprinting, it came across as rather perfunctory. I was a bit mystified myself and I've read the books. Agree about "Remember Me". Different chemistry at work as well...
I think those two areas were either where Condon was less comfortable dealing, or the producers had the heaviest hand...ironic for all the talk of blood and lust the best they can come with is a generic movie of the week scene...lol
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