Have you seen it yet? How many times have you seen it already?
What are your favourite parts? Are there things you didn't like?
Share all your thoughts in the comments below and please keep all the talk about the movie in this post so as not to spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet ;-)
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 487 Newer› Newest»You got that right Lyn...He's our one and only Rob. <3
There I think we've cracked it LOL it's the same with recording artists it's always about breaking into US, never really understood that with our music history !! I suppose its all about numbers and sales!
She was pretty..but these are for the younguns I think...Scummittrying to score another mega hit..
Well I say put Rob in a movie and we will come. He's the GOLD.
Bye :)
Everyone in theater laughed at Aro's squeal or whatever it was.
I saw it 4 times already. and loving it more and more everytime.
I think that the CGI with the baby and also with the Renesmee could have been better (sometimes the wig was nasty..lol) but these are the only strange things I can remember now.
I just got back from seeing it for first time and I loved it. I loved Daddy Edward and would watch it over and over again just for piano scene. Also, loved Edward's line to Bella about undressing her better. I was just curious if anyone shares my opinion on the cottage love scene. I didn't really like it. I preferred the honeymoon scene. I know what BC was trying to accomplish with close ups but to me it was really distracting. It took away from the romantic and intimate feel of the scene. The sever close ups to their faces really distracted me from appreciating Rob's superior lovemaking acting skills. LOL I will have to watch it 2-3 more times to reanalyze and study this opinion. Hehe The meadow scene was my favorite and it totally compensated for slight disappointment at cottage scene. I think with all the hype about the cottage scene I was expecting the honeymoon scene unleashed. It was still a beautiful finale and tribute to the book.
Wow! I didn't even think about that! And also her vision that she showed Aro...Edward could see that too! Thanx for bringing that up, Jane. :-)
I realised that it wouldn't be this side of Christmas as soon as I replied LOL. I just had mine in August. least said :-)
Tut tut :-) LT???
Maybe we should stop and keep them all here for our own enjoyment !! To be fair we probably wouldn't get that enjoyment if they stayed here. They need to go over there to become the 'known' person that we love :-)
Yes Solas, better than the book and more believable ...as vampires go..lol
By jolly I think we have!! LOL I know it's bizarre !! Even the best sellers here, be it music or films, can't hope to reach the numbers that they make if accepted there. Then weirdly, the fact that they DO make it there makes them bigger here. The American machine churns much fiercer and faster than ours I fear.
Aaaww man ..I woulda loved the marathon sooo much! :(
If you stay through ALL of the credits, the Green day song is played in full. Long Long credit roll, like 3 songs worth (grins). Took me that long to get my breath back and be able to stand after the maraton
I loved that part, however I had one teeeny complaint on it. If it was Bella sharing her memories. Then why or why did we see her face and her biting her lip etc. Shouldn't it ALL have been through her eyes at Edward? not complaining in the least, but I was hoping for some pictures, footage etc that we hadn't seen to complete this.
You are right ..They are the key to the success of Twilight...And there's no duplicating or manufacturing that
chemistry ..and the fact that they were truly falling in love in real life..well that didn't hurt either.
Really liked the movie, my 2nd favorite, after the original Twilight. Plenty of good lines from Edward. Nice to see Jacob out of the way. Edward looked great and wore nice jackets. I liked Bella too, she is fierce. Delighted when she kicked Jacob's ass and when Jacob asks Edward if he can call him "Dad" and Edward tells him off.
Nice sexy line when Bella tells Edward that she can still undress herself, and Edward replies "Yeah, but I do it so much better".
I liked the hunt, when Bella opens her mind to Edward at the end. One disappointment: not enough vamp sex.
Among the new vamps, I liked Benjamin and Garrett best, the actors were good too, and didn't look like aliens like most of the others.
Nice touch at the end when we see all the actors from all the movies.
Aro is OTT, but that's okay, Michael Sheen is obviously having a blast playing him.
Mackenzie is adorable.
Did you notice in the opening music that Carter Burwell, also gave nods to the 2 other moview scores? He had the main themes from New Moon and Eclipse in his opening score as well, which I thought was a nice way to give a nod, although I am glad he scored the final movies. It brought back the original feel and again we have Edward at the piano! SQueeeee
Agree I watched Eclipse today but only some scenes the rest fast forward:)
I was happy to have the little bit with Alice's vision at the end, of future Jacob and Reneesme, I was hoping they would do something like that! I was also glad that we got to see more of Emmett's funny side...there hadn't been enough of that for me before & he'd always made me laugh in the books. The scene with Bella training with Kate was hilarious with all the men opting out. BD2 was scary and exciting and horrifying and all the things everyone is saying. The film was a thrill ride, for sure, and the ending was lovely. It was the best way to go out, I think, with a tribute to the fans like that.
Yea I think Lea said Slade should be drawed and quartered for that one...I agree. He ruined a perfectly good story..He has not a clue about the real love story... He thought it was about something else ..What I'm not sure.
Love your review..short but sweet ..and right on the money. ;-)
The zombi story..he begins to turn back into a human as he's falling in love with the girl..
I would love to see and hear the reactions to this movie in an American cinema :-) We are English don't you know and have to remain tight-lipped!!! Even when you want to shout and cheer LOL Very muted sounds of shock in my cinema!! ;p
Just saw BD2 again and was just as emotional as when I saw it the first time. Loved it and so happy it ended the way it did. I could see a spin off of just the Volturi.
Talked to the cinema clean-up crew and they said the ending that Kellan talked about isn't there. Might be on the DVD. They also might have only had it featured on the premier and not on the general distribution.
lol! you're so funny jen:-)
I saw it for the 2nd time this afternoon and one of the things I wanted to see again was the cottage scene because, beautiful Rob jaw porn aside, I felt pretty much how you did. It was beautifully shot but I expected it to be more like the honeymoon scene" broken headboards, etc... I expected them to destroy at least one piece of furniture. Seeing it again just reconfirmed what I thought the 1st time. I was also disappointed that there was only one vamp lovemaking scene. After Bella went to Seattle, she should have desperately wanted to make love to Edward.
Yes, I loved how they worked the actual book pages into the final moments of the film, that was beautiful.
Aw man, I've seen BD twice now and I didn't get The Host preview either time! Most of the previews were different today than on Friday night but I did get Warm Bodies both times. That is definitely a summit trying to cash in on the zombie craze with a twilight style romance. That kid is the best looking zombie I've ever seen. LOL! I really wish they would run the whole saga again on the big screen. I was hoping they'd announce they were doing it on Thanksgiving weekend due to popular demand but nothing so far. I have only seen the BD movies on the big screen so I would really love to do it, just not on a Thursday during the work week.
I teared up. I could have been blubbering, but there were very few people in the theater, all young women, a couple of Moms, and two dudes, and it was hard to gauge their response, though I thought I heard some sniffling. I was also very touched how every single actor from the beginning to the end was honored.
Oh, I know, I heard it and stood for it a while to take it in, but the whole cinema emptied out except for one older man who gave me the creeps, so I left midsong, singing it to myself, knowing I had the CD waiting at home!
Tru and if Rob isnt in it I am not watching it.
i saw it friday and i LOVED it--------i cried, of course at the end because i love the song---it was just a GREAT GREAT ending and i will be seeing it again next week------knowing it was the last movie the tears came a few times during the movie---some words just hit me and out came the tissue!!!!----everyone did a wonderful job and should be proud of themselves for giving so much of themselves to these movies-------
----i loved how bella let edward "in"----another tear jerker!!!!! i thought it was a very good way to end--very touching and emotional--------
Did you change your screen name Sonja?
Me too Shelly, I've only seen the BD's on big screen and what I wouldn't give to see them all on big screen..
especially Twilight and New moon.. I would sooo love it..
I saw the zombie movie preview, and my first thought was they, summit was trying to cashing on the romance of twilight. Rob is a true romantic it will be hard to find a guy who will have that much charisma.
Omg, too funny. Like a Kodak bear.... I will steal that one.
She is just showing off, now that she is a computer wiz! Lol
Bill really compile the sequences of events perfectly, it was truly more organized, and believable.
She's doing well then....lost me completely :-) glad she's back
Me neither..they need to understand he's the reason we even go to the theater at all. I'd rather watch his interviews than someone else's movie.
Impossible to imitate him. They might as well forget it. He's one of a kind. nobody else will do.
No he didn't. He was hired, as conventional wisdom goes, to bring the boys into the theater. The worst choice and major fail in all the films. I agree with Leah, but fault lies with Scummit for hiring him in the first place. What were they thinking...they were thinking only in $$$.
Oh yea I forgot ya'll so uptight,,lol.. but in a good way. I mean just look at our Sir Robert ...He's caused me to fall in love with the English. And you and Lyn and the other UK ladies...ya'll are great. And if you wanna get rowdy in the cinema it is dark in there and no one would know it was you..lol.
I guess they were right, Lallie b/c it made the most $ up until BD but it would have anyway b/c the fans were gonna see it no matter what. I wish it coulda had a fighting chance to be what it shoulda been. Now I understand remarks that Rob made about it and that he knew it wasn't right. Must have been terribly frustrating for the whole cast.
It was out of necessity I promise you and a horrifying experience as well.
I never wanna go thru that again..and it's good to be back, thanks very much. ;-)
Saw it last night I thought it was great. There were people who gasp during the fight scene. My friend cried when Bella show Edward scene from their relationship. And everyone in the theater clapped when it ended.
I saw the movie yesterday with my husband at our national cinema center. At first I thought we're the oldest couple there in the screening room (I'm 28 and my hubby is 35). There were so many teenagers around us and they all looked very excited. I asked my husband that whether I looked like that and he laughed and told me I looked worse than them! Later, there were like five older couples like us in the room of nearly a hundred of people. We, the older ones, shared a look of understanding when some girls giggled and screamed "Edward!" when they played the trailer. My husband knows of my crush on Eward and Rob so he just shaked his head and smiled mischievously.
When the movie begun, I was so enthraled by the scenes and the story that I clutched my husband's hand tightly in my lap and ignored all his questions regarding the characters and the story line (He missed Breaking Dawn part I and never finishes the last novel). As the fight scene started with Carlise's death, my first thought was that only happened in Alice's vision and I kept telling my hubby that was not real. This time he ignored me and my comments. He was a little upset when Alice's vision ended and there was no real fight at all. He said we would definitely buy the Breaking Dawn part II DVD to watch the fight scene again since it was cool. I just rolled my eyes and smiled.
Of course we would buy it, but for a totally different reason: there are so many beautiful scenes of Edward/ Rob in the movie that I can't live without. Edward/ Rob made us laugh with his comments when Bella argued with Jacob and beaten him. He made us smile and "aww" when he played the piano with Renesmee. He made us pround when he fighted for his life and his family. Last but not least, he made us love our husbands/boyfriends more when he passionately loved Bella and promised of forever.
I have been watching you guys on Robsessed for more than three years but this is the first time I share my thought with you all. I love Twilght and thanks to the movie I've found Rob. I'd never watched any of his films before Twilight (never been a fan of Harry Potter). Since then, I've watched most of his work and followed his success. At first I thought I like Rob because I love Edward and Rob portrayed Edward so fine. However, the more I know of his work, his talents and his personality, the more I like him and I realize that my crush on Rob totally due to his own character, not because of Edward or any other fictitious guys that he played.
I hope you all are well and keep supporting Rob throughout his career.
Robsessed is awesome!
Shout out from Vietnam
Yes I got shut out and couldn't comment under my old profile so I had to use this one. The other is ka-put I suppose cause I can't log into Robsessed with it so it's good for nothin' now.
Name change? Well I was gonna go with sonjaUK but you know,..I'm not from there..lol
I loved the movie. So sad to see this end. Rob and Kristen were amazing as Edward and Bella. Their chemistry is undeniable both in the movie and real life. The best part was when Bella opened her mind to him in their meadow. Beautifully done. Can't wait to see it again and again..
Oh :-) Angle the screen !!
I suppose it would only take a couple of people to start it off!! No.....we may lose control and start screaming on chat shows......oh wait ....some do that now!!
Jen tried to give lessons on pronouncing ya'll I can't even do it in my head when I'm reading it - it slows me down :-)
As long as your sorted :-)
Hi Sonja, good to see you!!!!! I´m just passing by shortly on this thread to say hello to you, because I want to avoid spoilers.... I have to wait another week before i can see it :((((((
I'm back on thank goodness
Run Whence run! Go now hurry...you don't wanna see!
It is me but I lost my place on the thread and missed you here.
Sure thang...does that work for you?..lol
So sorry my proper English lady...I'll just say you all..better?..(I ferget not to talk like a hick)
On second thought it wouldn't hurt you to slow down a little bit so we stand a chance...
Sure thang...does that work for you?..lol
This is really hard seeing all the comments and not being able to read them.... knowing that you all had the experience already I feel a bit left out from the party ;)
Oh Whence are you joking with me? You can't be here. I'll see you on video round up thread, ok?
Oh Whence are you joking with me? You shouldn't be here...I'll see you on the Round up video thread, ok?
Back from seeing it. It's my 2nd favorite after the original Twilight, despite vamp sex being disappointing and the baby being a bit freaky looking, honestly they could have made her prettier or they could have had a real lovely baby girl. Of course Mackenzie is adorable.
A good thing: Jacob is out of the way oonce for all. Sigh of relief, though there is too much of him up on the screen.
Michael Sheen is great and funny in a OTT way.
Among the new vamps I liked Garrett and Benjamin best, both actors were good.
I liked vampire Bella, she is fierce. I liked the hunt at the beginning like in the book.
I loved Edward of course, he has nice clothes/jackets in this one. And Rob looks gorgeous. And I loved the end, a bit of nostalgia there.
Scenes I liked best: Bella kicking Jacob's ass, Edward playing the piano, the hunt, the end when Bella opens her mind to Edward and nice touch to see all the cast from previous movies. Not enough vamp sex though. And when they embrace, Edward tells Bella that she is now stronger than him.
No don't change what or how you 'speak', I like it lol It's part of the fun of being on here. I learn things :-)
So you stand a chance to what?
I did that already..
good husband x
To keep up with you, Speedy Gonzales..lol
BTW..ya'll rhymes with tall..
I hear you, I thought that was great that each one, even the two Victoria's were honored. Have to give it to Bill Condon I've never seen a saga that ended with every actor from past films given last screen time, it was very touching. Believe me I started with the tearing, a couple escaped me and rolled down my face...I got myself under control before we had to leave....LOL.
So I can catch up with you, Speedy Gonzales..lol
BTW...ya'll rhymes with tall...does that help?
Wait till we hear Rob say it in the Rover!
It still surprised me that I was all that tense during the battle scene even though I knew what was happening...cause we all read the books:-) Very intense and amazing to watch....you couldn´t even get into grieving for all the lost mates cause everything was happening at once and then....boom back to reality.....Loved the movie...so many funny scenes, and romantic ones and of course the meadow at the end ...aaaaawwwww. And the Romanians didn´t disappoint :-) Their desperate try to get everyone to run after the Volturi...hilarious...they could do a spin-off
It was great! I just watched it yesterday. I saw it twice. The one scene That I cannot forget is the fight scene in the clearing I was blown away at first not knowing that thats the twist. You know I was crying on what Aro did to Carlisle..... and then jasper.... then.... Seth.. OH MAY GOD! LEAH!.. I was so emotional, I was thinking how can Aro do that to carlisle the most OMG and the heart break in Esme and alice.. And THANK GOD that it was just a vision from alice. hats off to Bill Condon... I'll watch it again.. (^______^)
OK so I have just returned from seeing Breaking Dawn Part 2 and have to say that I was very impressed. Although from footage I have seen in the past couple of months it was no surprise to me that the battle turned out to be a vision. It was briefly mentioned in the book, that Aro backed off because of what he saw in Alice's vision. But I was impressed by the battle, would love to watch it again cause I am sure I didn't/couldn't take it all in on the first viewing and need to see it again to get the finer details of what I missed. I thought Renesme was fine, a little off on the CGI in a few tiny bits, but overall the effect was good.
I thought the beginning moved a little too fast, but it did in the book as well, would have love to see the rest of the Cullen's there when Bella woke up and Alice getting annoyed about Bella taking off the stilletto's and ripping the dress before the first hunt. Loved the love scene, quite erotic in a PG13 format, although I did expect a bit more vampire gymnastics considering the way it was hyped up. I thought both the Breaking Dawn movies were the best made of the series, although I still love the way Twilight was shot with the blue tint film and the mood it created. I also thought the acting by all was much better on this film, probably because it was a far better script, although Aro's evil laugh/giggle was a bit over the top. And Edward, well what can I say, he of course looked better than anyone, I am so biased but I don't care and make no appologies for it.
I am glad that this Series is over, it means that Rob can move on to much greater things. Appreciative and grateful that this series has given him a stepping stone to do what he really wants to do, but the best from Rob is yet to come and I am so looking forward to it
Thanks, Sonja!
Your welcome ;-)
I watched it yesterday and all the 3 theaters at the cinema were full. The shocker was indeed a shocker!!! The fight scenes were awesome. It felt like I was watching an action movie.
The ending/meadow scene made me cry when they showed scenes from the past Twilight films. For me it also told Rob and Kristen's story, how their love started... Also, it's very sweet how Edward could read Bella's mind and then the background music was just perfect! OMG, I still cry whenever I remember it. People clapped their hands after the movie ended. They also cheered for Taylor, Rob and Kristen. The movie's sooo great it deserved that applause. I'm gonna see it again this weekend and the weekend after.
ztwench - I thought the same thing. Still loved it and thought it was done great, but wished it was through her eyes instead of just clips from the films. Can't wait to go see it again.
Morning ladies! I FINALLY got to see the movie yesterday (Sunday)!! I'm still overwhelmed by everything. I spent the last 20 minutes of the movie ugly crying! I swear that literally everyone in the theater was crying during the credits! The whole theater screamed when Carlisle "died" and I damn near fainted behind Jasper! My FAVORITE part was when Jane finally got hers @$$ beat by Alice!I loved watching Edward and Nessie play the piano! I'm going to see it again soon! God Bless Bill Condon, Stephanie, Rob, Kristen, Taylor,EVERYONE! I couldn't have asked for anything better!
WOW is the only way to accurately describe everything!
I forget where I read/saw it but someone -either Bill C. or Wyck said that the dance scene is only for the dvd, not for the theater release.
Apologies if someone else already mentioned this but I was very impressed during the opening credits with the way they incorporated locations from the previous movies, for example the waterfall from the beginning of the baseball scene in the first movie is there. I thought that was really nicely done.
kjbt00, thank U dear, I feel just like U do
I read through all your comments and have to agree with so many of you!! BD2 was really well done, I loved it very much and can't wait to see it again. To me it felt like a fantastic closure to the series.
Right at the beginning going through all the musical main themes of the other movies was brilliant.
Finally lots of comedic situations in it, that 's what I was always missing in the movies because I thought the books often were humourous.
Jacob getting the full package by Bella was just fantastic with Edward watching and enjoying, so funny, I don't think I ever laughed as hard in all of the other movies together like here within a quarter of an hour.
Bella practising projecting her shield with poor Edward suffering until she got it right, it was really so well done.
Vampire sex - of course we all wanted more of it, but it was beautifully shot and for pg-13 they gave us as much as the could, very sexy shots of Rob and his Jawline among others :-D
Edward finally so free and really becoming a father and husband was a joy to behold, playing the piano I think I could have died and gone to heaven.
Rob really gave a great performance as did Kristen with her ultimate Bella-Vamp breaking free, I really enjoyed what happened a lot, much more pace than in the book which I thought was well adapted at last, many thanks to Bill Condon!!
When the battle began and Carlisle died and then Jasper and Seth and Leah I think my mind went blank, everything happened so fast, I don't think I noticed everything that happened that's why I'm really looking forward to seeing it again. Am I right that it was Leah who saved Esme from falling? Really exceptional. As was the audiences reaction to all of that!
I remember enjoying Jane and Aro finally getting their punishment and feeling so relieved when the battle turned out to be Alice's vision. Really well done!
Finally Bella showing Edward her thoughts and closing with the lines from the book - FOREVER - I absolutely loved it.
And of course Rob will always be my ONE AND ONLY Edward <3<3<3
Their story really has been told and with the end credits tributing to all the cast from all the movies, it is a superb and sweet closure of the Twilight series! I'd liked it even more if they had put in the previous directors because Catherine Hardwicke gave us this incredible cast and a fantastic first movie and I thought she should have been paid some kind of tribute for that too.
Breaking Dawn 2 really came back to the essence of the story - the great love story between Bella and Edward :-)
When the movie ended I wasn't able to form a coherent thought let alone words. The only thing I could come up with for a whole 10 minutes was "WOW" as did many of you guys from what I read.
WOW and thank you Bill Condon!!
You didn't get your expert to sort out your email then?
Yes, I think it was Leah helping Esme out, at least that was my first thought...very nice twist though with her finally thanking Esme in some way for the effort she put into bringing them food and clothes...
Erm....what? LOL I may talk fast but you read at your own pace LOL
It hasn't when I've heard it :-) it has a lilt in the middle of it - that's why I have a problem with it :-)
Not looking forward to that - I heard him try before and it was embarrassing LOL I hope he gets in a lot of practice!!
Saw the film today & really thought Bill got the whole Twilight 'thing' as Catherine did in the 1st one. The return to the meadow & the reflections on the past were great, cleverly done & the scene choices, perfect. Cannot believe its over, however, it's run it's course & time to move on. The pleasure & escapism that it has provided to so many is immeasureable. I am sure Rob will be very happy to get stuck in to his forthcoming projects. I wish him the best.
Hey! Its me again. The HP fan. HPRonfan, remember me? I just finished watching BD2. I told you guys I may come here sometimes to say something about Rob's movies if I watch them. Well, I did
What do I say? I'm sorry, I didn't like the film. The first half, the first 30-40 minutes were pretty bad and boring. I couldn't really like the romantic scenes because I didn't really enjoy their chemistry. I didn't think Kristen did great as what many of you guys say here. Thats how she acts generally. And Rob, nothing to rave about, I am not an Edward fan. Taylor was actually pretty okay. I liked his scenes. Billy Burke was good too. I found that scene with Jacob and Billy funny. And the kid, Renesmee, that was quite farcical.
But then the battle scene was really fun to watch. I liked that they didn't sit around and talk like a bunch of losers as put in the book. I liked the battle scene, it was the saving grace and I mean it. I liked that Aro's character was kind of taken aback by Alice's vision. That was good. But that alone was good. And the ending, I think that was just intended for the fans, so I could imagine that the fans would have loved it. My thoughts on the final scene don't matter. It was totally a twihard moment and I can't understand that.
I am glad twilight's done. I am glad its over. I'm sure Rob is glad too, and of course Kristen, Taylor and etc. If I stick around, maybe I'll share my thoughts on Rover or some of his other films.
And..just being kiddish here...HP made more money than twilight. We won! Bye guys
HP fan forever
All that cutting head and violence in the battle scene was okay for PG13 but we couldn't have more sex scenes??? I don't get the PG13 at all!!!
Apparently its all about there being no blood !!
huh? Then it's even more absurd than I thought!!!
Vampires are creatures too... *sniffles*
According to the Motion Picture Association of America the following is the definition of G-13
PG-13 — Parents Strongly Cautioned. Some Material May Be Inappropriate For Children Under 13. A PG-13 rating is a sterner warning by the Rating Board to parents to determine whether their children under age 13 should view the motion picture, as some material might not be suited for them. A PG-13 motion picture may go beyond the PG rating in theme, violence, nudity, sensuality, language, adult activities or other elements, but does not reach the restricted R category. The theme of the motion picture by itself will not result in a rating greater than PG-13, although depictions of activities related to a mature theme may result in a restricted rating for the motion picture. Any drug use will initially require at least a PG-13 rating. More than brief nudity will require at least a PG-13 rating, but such nudity in a PG-13 rated motion picture generally will not be sexually oriented. There may be depictions of violence in a PG-13 movie, but generally not both realistic and extreme or persistent violence. A motion picture’s single use of one of the harsher sexually-derived words, though only as an expletive, initially requires at least a PG-13 rating. More than one such expletive requires an R rating, as must even one of those words used in a sexual context. The Rating Board nevertheless may rate such a motion picture PG-13 if, based on a special vote by a two-thirds majority, the Raters feel that most American parents would believe that a PG-13 rating is appropriate because of the context or manner in which the words are used or because the use of those words in the motion picture is inconspicuous.
lol its a strange thing really no blood in a vampire film !!!
Are the ratings the same in Canada ? because they are different here in the UK. a PG13 is a 12A here so you can be a year younger !! I think the rest are differnet too
deal :)
I've seen it 6 times and LOVED it!! Rob did an excellent job playing Edward one last time.
I loved it, I thought Renesmees face was a little strange looking when she was young and I was shocked and horrified at the end at first. But everybody in the cinema was. When Carlisle died you heard a WHAT? going through the room and then Jasper.... And when Edward fell in the hole.... Gosh! I loved the movie, I'm going to go again, I can't get enough. Bella as a vampire, amazing! And that it ends with my favorite place in the movies, the meadow... wow!!!!! For me I think this movie is the best in the saga...Even though I loved Eclipse too. Come to think of it, I loved them all hahaha!
No our rating system is different form the US and more liberal BD2 is only rated PG in Canada.
That's interesting though I think fairer to be honest
I always found it interesting that a country that invests so much into making graphically violent movies has such a conservative rating system... particularly when it comes to sex.
Hi HPRonFan...Jennifer here. ROB fan. as in Rob Pattinson. who is so much f*ckn sexier than Daniel Radcliffe or pretty much any other character in HP...except for Cedric and well...yeah. :P LOL
I have to add my two cents here ... since you are fishing and I enjoy fishing (lol). Before you claim that HP won over Twilight at the box office, maybe you should at least wait until Breaking Dawn has FINISHED at the big screen. I'm pretty sure the opening weekend is only the beginning of the money that this movie has made.
Also, should Twilight outdo HP ... they will have accomplished that with only 5 films instead of 7. I'm just a little perplexed as to why you would even comment here if you aren't a Twihard or don't like Rob or Kristen. jk....I know EXACTLY why you posted. :P
Since Rob is without a doubt hotter than the whole cast of HP ... I think WE won. We support Rob. We are backing the winning thoroughbred in this race. Just sit back and wait and see. ;D
I will say this the battle had me there for a moment I must admit I have now seen it three times will see it again over the thanks giving weekend I sobbed so hard I will MISS the charaters SO much and I over heard a woman say this is it there won't be anymore and I cried even more I saw Twilight last night and New Moon on FX it will always be apart of me thank you Stephanie for the books and for writing a beautiful story but I will have the DVD's and the books LOL
oh man I bawled in that part where Bella lets Edward into her mind that was susposed at the cottage I thought when she did that and it just made me sobbed like a baby and the song OH god I LOVE the song!
I did notice that and from what other people have said, how hard it is to see in the cinema anything that has any sort of sex scenes. What rating did Cosmopolis have ? it was a 15 here but that was probably for the sex scene !!
sorry I have not been on all weekend I have been in out seeing the movie LOL but I will see it again over the thanksgivng weekend :)
Micheal Sheen did an excellent performance if Aro he brings both humor and ruthlessness too the charater and just play the charater so brillantly!
I know right, I got choked up in several parts...but that was like whoa...the song and all those "memories"...wow...so beautifully done. And I love that song too fits so perfectly with the film.
So Ladies how many times have each of you seen the movie now :D
only 2 leah. but I have plans for the weekend. everyone else will be Christmas shopping while I'm holed up in the cinema watching BD2~ lol
Leah, I only saw it once as it just starts officially this thursday here in Germany, but I went and saw the marathon with Green and it was fantastic, loved it very much, and can't wait to see it again... :-)
Only once so far but going tomorrow :) then probably again within the next week :)
It's always the same... and it just leaves you wondering. No blood so you can rip of heads and tear down bodies showing the dying faces and all, but no boobs or ass or thrusting allowed.... *shakes head in disbelief*
It was 14A here in Canada so children under 14 had to be with a parent.
Edward was LOVIN it!!! when Bells kicked Jakes ass oh man that was priceless! YOU NICKED NAMED MY DAUGHTER AFTER THE LOCKENESS MONSTER?!! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! every bit of was really good oh O/T for a sec do you still have the recipe(that I wrote on here) of the pumpkin cheesecake pie if so use the packaged cream cheese(in a box) because the pie will last alot longer and I hope you will enjoy it :) now back on the subject it was SO damn funny when Bella finds out the imprinting it was priceless I LOVED that sence! poor Jacob ha ha ha ah ah ah ah ahahaha!!
As for me I plan on seeing it again over the thanksgiving weekend which will be a total of six times I will try too see it a seventh time when I get together with my bff for our annual holiday outing :D
I loved seeing the recaction on the peoples faces when they found out it was just a vision and that was when I saw it for the third time yesterday it was priceless LOL
I like the fact that your rating system generally seems to leave it to parents to decide what is suitable for their children to watch :)
Just once but I´m itching already:-) It´s just one of those movies you could watch over and over again without it getting boring or anything....but maybe I just don´t want to let it go?
I saw it in London on Friday and Saturday with my RobfestUK friends and enjoyed every minute. It was listed as just under 2 hours long but seemed to flash by in under an hour! Bill brought us everything from the book with loving care. I chuckled at Edwards smug grin and smart remarks when Bella is shouting at Jacob for the imprinting and the scene with Kate trying to test Bella's shield capabilities had me laughing out loud at Edwards face...especially when Kate says she's going to put it on full strength! Then Emmet saying he's good (as in forget it!) when asked to step in. The arm wrestling was good too altho would have liked Bella to go even more crazy with the rock.
Who could forget Charlies face when Jacob starts to remove his clothes and then the sheer terror as Jake becomes a wolf! Priceless! To Bella; "You're not gonna turn into an animal as well, are you?" LOL
There were so many funny moments interwoven with the poignant. I adored the scene with Edward and Carlisle before the fight, thanking him for "this extraordinary life" ... showing how happy Edward was finally, even tho he could lose it all the next day.
Then the fight scene...what can I say but awesome! Throat tight and stomach clenching as Carlisle and Jasper were destroyed...Edward nearly falling down the chasm to the fiery pit below and then rising like a warrior to kill Aro alongside Bella. I breathed a HUGE sigh of relief that they killed him together. I really didn't want Bella saving Edward AGAIN. Instead they worked as a team, which was much more satisfying.
I thought Michael Sheen was suitably creepy as Aro except for that crazy cackle when he sees Renesmee! That elicited a few laughs in the audience!
The other vampires played their parts well. I particularly liked Garrett geting all flirty with Kate and the two Romanian vampires (Dracula 1 and 2 as Jacob called them) were funny.
My only criticism was Jane was a tad underused and her brother Alex also. LOVED that Edward got Demetri. He hated that guy with a passion! I had already guessed that this was a vision of Alice's so the ending was neatly tied off with Aro leaving with a promise to maybe one day return?
I could talk about this film all night..lol
By the time we get to the meadow and Bella reliving her thoughts to Edward I was a mess. Then the end credits came up showing all the actors that had appeared in all 5 films and I started to blubber. Bill Condon is a genius.
I thought Rob looked heavenly as Edward in this. The close-ups of his face during the sex scene blew me away....his jaw, his cheekbone, eyelashes, lips.......it was an orgasmic feast without showing any sex!
I am so pleased that justice was done to the final film and the Saga went out on an extreme high.
I couldnt have wished for better and I'm seeing it again with a friend from work tomorrow night to wallow once more.
Sorry for the long review but as you can tell, I LOVED it. LOL
I like it as well it gives the control to determine what I my child exposed to.
The first time I saw it there was a child of about 10 sitting in front of us with his parents, he was remarkable well behaved.
When the movie was over he turned to me and thank me for some candy I had given and said "That is the best movie I've seen in a long time!" I just chuckled and looked at his Mom, she shrugged and said "He reads more than he watches TV and has never liked the superhero stuff." So I asked him what he thought the movie was about and he said in a very serious voice "That it was about a guy who forgot was it feels like to be happy."
bye now! :D
I have seen it three times and the movie that i want too see (not that zombie one LOL) is Hot Heat that stars Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy it looks HILARIOUS! I fell down laughing when I saw the trailor now as for the zombie movie I have no desire too see it
I was just saying above your comment that I want too see(when it comes out) the movie Hot Heat stars Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy and I saw the trailor of it and it looks SO damn funny
LMAO!!! yeah they are still playing xD
HOPEFULLY(PLEASE GOD) they will have the extended version on DVD! oh I WANT that one this woman who was sitting next too me said she is going too buy the box set of the Saga I have all of them and I do not have enough room in my DVD cabinet is SO full right now LOL you not believe it xD
what if they made a tv series out of it ha ha ha ha ha ha KIDDING! but I doubt there would be a remake of it that would be REALLY dumb i think too do a remake of it I say leave it alone it is apart of history now
ha ha ha ha so very true! forget botox LMAO!!
That is so true xD
I have not seen BD2 yet so I'm not reading any of the posts, but just wanted to comment on something OT and thought this is a good place as any. Hope you guys don't mind ---
Seeing Jeremy Renner on SNL (I was actually surprised of his musical abilities, he plays the piano and sings really well) makes me hope Rob will host SNL one day. Hope he learns to not take it too seriously and just have fun! :-)
Aww bless him he really did get it to an extent :) I agree though I have 3 kids and would not have taken them to see the same things when they were smaller they are all different and like different things but at least it would have been my choice as their parent :)
now I still give THE whole saga a C minus Twilight well lets just say it was tweaked and not done right at all and NM well don't even get me started on that Eclipse oh please by that time I wanted too strangle SM, MR, and the producers seriously then BD1 comes along TWEAKED too the max quite a few things left out and in BD2 I know there were somethings left out but all in all it was good but I still too this day give MR an F for FAILURE and SM she became a Hollywood machine but again BD2 was really good I was impressed and I will MISS the hell out of the charaters
yeah along with SM and MR ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!
ha ha ha ha ha ha I was saying above how about a tv series of Twilight BWWWWHAHAAHAHAHAAAA!!
i loved the whole movie, but especially the ending as you stated, i can't wait till its on dvd so i an watch bd1 and bd2 all at once, i'm going to miss everything that goes along with twilight series, red carpets interviews with rob, kristen taylor, don't think it will be soon till we see another saga like this one, ant the enormity of the following it has
hey Star! you love the movie I 100% gauren(fking) tee it! :D I will not say anything about it and you will be surprised REALLY surprised lets just leave it at that GO SEE IT NOW ha ha ha ha ha!
oh yeah definitly *sigh* god I am going too miss it alot I have the soundtrack of BD2 and I love it and I can't wait too get the score it comes out this week! I am SO stoked that Carter Burrell is doing the movie Score and I love it! I cannot wait and when Edward plays Renesmee lullaby I was sobbing I have been waiting for that moment and I got it!
Loved it! Cried when they showed the clips of Edward and Bella and Edward at the end. It was so touching. I didn't like Renesmee as a baby. I kind of reminded me of the "face in hole" app. It just didn't look real. I can't wait to see it again!!!!
I don't think we will either however there is THG but meh...I have no desire too get into that series it's not my thing at all I saw the trailor of Imortal Instruments it stars Jamie Campbell(Caius) it is from the books City of Bones, Ashes, and Glass and it looks okay I guess but again I have no desire and as for The Host meh... again I have no desire too see that either I am going too get Anne Rices new book called Claudia it is from the Interview With A Vampire series and I want that book I am a fan of hers and I do wish they got someone else too play Lestat because Tom Curise sucked at playing him and Lestat is susposed to be tall and have chisled looks(like Rob) and all that stuff now Brad Pitt they could not have picked a better person too play Louie he played the charater SO well
Hi Leah!!! me today for the first time with my 15 old daugther... it was so emotional for us both,remembering the first Twiligth when i went only for accompanning her....LOL ! we laugh, we huddled and cried a bit together ....as always the first sight is so rush and so focused in Edward....the first is only the beginning...Edward jaw,Edward piano....Edward forever...and you
Leah how many times?
I just got back from watching the movie... I can't talk about it yet because I can't believe it's over and I won't see Robert's Edward every November, I cried when it ended. :-(
I just saw yesterday and I'm still trying to get myself together. Me and one of my co-workers were laughing at each other and how much we cried at the end! I'm trying to figure out what to do with myself now that there's not going to be anymore movies or books...*devastated*
"devastated" that's it! You should see my friend... tears was running down her eyes during the battle and our beloved Dr. C., gone. We both loved LotR's movies and now we don't know what we are going to do with both our beloved movies series gone. But this hit me really hard...
I wish I could put my thoughts and feeling into words like you Kaz., I don't Summit could have found a better Director, a more caring, a more sensitive, a more amazing man than Bill Condon.
Just once Leah. But I felt that I've seen 80% of the movie beforehand because of all the trailers and interviews. Even though that I tried very hard to avoid them but they were inserted in the middle of the most interviews. Sigh!
First it was LoTRs, then it was HP, and now this...I'm not interested in THG, so basically I'm screwed!!! And let's not EVEN talk about Carlisle...Half the theater screamed bloody murder! Carlisle, Jasper, Leah, and Seth! I truly spent the last 20 minutes of that movie sobbing! Luckily so did everyone else in the theater! LOL
snap to all four of the above comments. I cried so hard at the end esp. the montage of images when the credits ran. I just didn`t want the journey to finish. I told my friend I wasn`t going to leave the cinema until the credits finished and all the light came on; she just laughed at me and said that she "knew that"! I do love Twilight - for all its weirdness - the movies are to me like a giant visual and emotional hug - a bit like a huge hot chocolate and a hot water bottle on a cold night or a box of chocolates when one splits with a boyfriend! I know they aren`t intellectually stimulating - but hell to that - not everything needs to be. We are all entitled to love movies for what they represent and Twilight has done that so very well - they created a happy place and certainly remind me of my teenage years and the emotions that first love sparks inside a somewhat awkward girl (as I was back then). I`m looking forward with much anticipation to what the future holds for Rob and hoping that he might get some privacy now.
me too - the waterfall was a beautiful shot.
I've loved sharing your views on the film, which I saw at a Marathon in the UK on Thursday, and plan to see again this week, and then next week too. I was wondering if Nik had seen BD2 yet, and her views - I don't have time to sift through all these comments. Can anyone point me in the direction of her views?
Are you 10 years old?
No she's in her twenties and from India if memory serves me right.
The ending scene in the meadow where Bella lets down her shield was the most enjoyable part of the move and was the best way to end it. And I loved how the director incorporated the book into that and the credits montage. That was very classy for him to pay tribute to the earlier films and their actors. The battle was shocking, to say the least, but I was amazed at how great the special effects were during the fight! I loved how they portrayed the teamwork -- how Alice worked with Sam to kill Jane, how Bella worked with Edward to take down Aro, how the Denalis and Garrett took down Caius, etc., etc. I thought the best scenes overall were anything that had Edward and Bella together -- especially him helping her discover her new powers (including the hilarious scene with Kate shocking Edward) and the scenes in the cottage (the vampire sex and the talks). I also thought all the Cullens did a good job in their parts and (shocker) I liked Jacob! The CGI wolfs were better this time around -- still not perfect, but at least we didn't get anything like that strange voiceover scene from the last movie. However, in this Part 2 film.... that baby's face?! How distracting and awkward! Yes, young Reneesme was cute, but let's admit it -- she also looked fake most of the time! It was strange that the CGI guys made the battle scene look so realistic, with awesome special effects, but the baby looked like it had been painted in haphazardly. There were three actors who were REALLY standouts in the movie: Lee Pace as Garrett, Michael Sheen as Aro, and Robert Pattinson as Edward. He was always really good as Edward, but I thought he was particularly outstanding this time around because he was given some great lines and important moments during the movie. He was a great father to Reneesme (even playing the piano with her), he figured out what Aro wanted, he was the one who "rallied the troops," he did a lot of the talking at the battle -- and he had a lot of humorous moments too! Overall, it was probably the best Twilight movie of the bunch. I've seen it twice. And I'll probably see it again.
that's mature. usually if you're not a fan of something you don't waste your time commenting on fan sites. just saying...
One so far, I was putting off and putting it off so the Saga ending would last longer, cause I don't want it to end. I will be seeing it another three times with different friends and who knows, I know for sure I'll see it at least four times.
Well, everyone if entitled to their opinion and all that shit,,, but that is one Idiot's opinion that isn't needed here. JMHO The funny thing is I love HP too, but good manners would never let me go to that Blog and post shit like the above as an opinion. Some people are so DAMN CLASSLESS :-((
hey! I have been so busy this past weekend I have spending with the Cullens *tearing up* one last time....LOL okay I am going too be real sad too see it all end and there won't be anymore but thats fine coz I had awesome ride and I will never forget it anyway so what ya doin for thanskgiving I won't be home I will be at some friends house that day :P
I saw a teaser of The Host and I really have no desire too see it and I have the book have'nt really read it yet but I will eventually not in any big hurry LOL
I had no idea that it was a vision. I hadn't read any spoiler postings either. I just couldn't imagine that they would stray that far. I was pissed for a bit. After the realization that it was a vision, I had to see it another time to take in the epic battle scene. That was quite awesome!! Having come to love these characters it was wonderful to see this conclusion. Even Rosalie was happy! I Especially loved Bella lifting her shield to show Edward her memories. It gave a nod to their relationship through all the movies. I even liked the credits giving every actor who played a character in the series a moment of recognition.. This movie was really with the fans in mind. Did anyone else hear Marcus say, "Finally." when he was about to be beheaded? I caught that on the second time I saw it.
I laughed so hard it was priceless!
oh I did too it was so funny I loved it
I know Leah...I am sort of deflated at the present time. I feel that I have experienced the ultimate fantasy throught these books and movies and that nothing else out there will come close to me experiencing something like Twilight again in my lifetime. Then I start thinking of Rob's new movies and perk up.
id everyone like the scene with Bella throwing Jacob around and Rob's smug smile.
And his laugh was beyond words.
That was one of the best scenes, so funny watching Edward laughing and not helping lol
Was hoping that the weekend opening would beat HP and HG but it didn't. Anyway, great box office for the weekend..$141,067,634 domestic, $199,600.00 international, worldwide $340,667,634. Not bad for 3 days.
Harry Potter was 3D, so when you think about it BD2 did great.
Yes, I saw he was happy to die.
I did 5x already and still counting. The best audience was in Nokia Live. All i can hear was screaming and crying during the battle scene. It was pandemonium and popcorn flying, lol! Some people we're trying to hush others to keep quiet...and then the unstoppable laughter when ppl realized that it was Alice vision. It was the best experienced ever that i will never ever forget till i die.
I thought so too, when I was able again to think... lol
I'm not disagreeing with you I'm just answering RobertAddicted's question.
Have you read the Mortal Instruments books? They're great. There is a love connection in them too, but it's not the main topic of the books. I can't wait for City of Bones. I hope they do it justice.
Well at the theatre in my town here we didn't get a preview of the Host.
we did in Glasgow. But it was really vague. It doesn't give much away and I have not read The Host, so I have no idea what the importance of all the eyeballs was exactly. You didn't miss much IMO bwen. ;D
Well I've tried to reading it three times and the only thing it does for me is put me to sleep.
oh yeah? I shouldn't even bother then. believe it or not, I'm get'n to where some fan fiction can't hold my attention anymore. I find myself skipping over stuff. If I'm skipping thru it ... it isn't good enough.
I fell off the fan fiction band wagon this past spring it seems like orginality is drying up.
I hear ya. when I finish mine, I'll let you know so you can read it. I've not seen too many out there like it at all. who knows you might like it :P lol
I would love to read yours... I bet it will be one hell of a read!
I think maybe it has the originality you seek. I just really need to finish it. Looks like it might be after the holidays tho. :/
The funny thing is this blog is called Robsessed but everyone gets so upset when I make it clear that i don't like twilight. There is no other site which allows me to express an opinion on how BD2 was. I said the battle scene was very well done. I really liked how they shot that whole scene. It really made for a god watch. Apart from that, I didn't like the film much. And the part about HP being better, I was just joking, I said that in jest. I'm not trying to dilute the impact of what i said, I really just intended that as a joke. But I think a lot of you guys took offence. I think I was here last month too, and I had very positive words to say about Rob in Cosmopolis, because the dude acted well in that. I'm sorry if you expect me to think people act well in twilight, its not possible, he himself admitted. Okay so i just came here to clarify. I'm leaving again.
You and your quick come-backs..lol quite a challenge for me with my lack of computer skills, ect.
...I think we've covered this before.
And forget the lilt in the middle...just drag it out ..like you got all day
Taaall....yaaaall..it rhymes..I promise.
Don't go yet! Can I ask a personal question? Are you a young guy or a young girl? You say dude so it makes me wonder and would explain why you don't like Twilight.
I just got back from seeing it and that's what I loved too - in addition to the piano playing - though i thought he was going to sing a lullaby!! And I was hoping for MORE VAMPIRE SEX! The sex was disappointing in this one - the honeymoon in BDI was a lot better. That ending twist was frightening - I was gasping.
never give up right? I wish I could hear Maria trying to say "y'all" ... lol.
but you did good! tall, yall ... surely she'll get it now! ;D
Let's hope so! She so dam persistent...just gotta know everything..lol
lol...imagine ... WANTING to talk like a southern redneck? ;D
heading to bed .. tomorrow sonja :)
OK why can't I see my post now?
Let's hope so!...she so persistent....gotta know everything..lol
Two thumbs up on the movie. It took the book's sprawling hodgepodge of characters and ideas, made sense of them, and turned it into a film with real power and momentum. Finally some of that demonic vampire energy that Edward was barely repressing in Twilight and that we got passing glimpses of in New Moon and Eclipse. Perhaps in lieu of vampire sex, but at this point unless you're going to show them doing it you might as well move on to what vampires do best. We've had quite enough of kissing, lol. Low points: averted eyes at some of the cgi babies, and I really have a thing about Edward's red lipstick. A truly grand and satisfying finale though.
Omg! I just saw on you tube some clips of BD2 already. Can we do something about it? Like report them and be penalized? I hope Summit ppl are aware of what's going on. This makes me sad:-(
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