UPDATE: Added Crops of the pics
Robert Pattinson's NEW Photoshoot For L'Uomo Vogue (Italy)
We already saw the cover pic for this shoot now here's a look at some more of it.
OMG No words!
I LOVE it, it's so different
Ahoy there
Click for Larger
Click for Larger
Thanks Bru for the tip!
Larger scans via Source
Article from the Vogue Website is After The Cut
Before he came on the scene, vampires were old, loners, tormented. They lived hidden away in spooky mansions, they enveloped themselves in dark, heavy cloaks and wandered alone, thirsting for blood, in the night hours. In daytime, they would sleep in the darkness of a massive coffin secreted in a shadowy vault or crypt to protect themselves from contact with lethal sunlight. With him, however, everything changed. Thanks to the legendary Edward Cullen, the character Robert Pattinson plays in the Twilight saga, the undead have entered a new era: that of the post-vampires. Young, good-looking, they go out in the day. “How many years have you been seventeen?” they ask each other, smiling, in an attempt to give a measure of their eternity. Because death is no longer inevitable in the Twilight world. In fact they are not dead and they never will die. They are not condemned to die.
Unlike the old vampires – the ones played by Bela Lugosi or Christopher Lee – post-vampires are not condemned to a life of eternal darkness in exchange for the “dark gift” of immortality. On the contrary, assisted by the fact that they live in a town in the state of Washington, where the sky is always grey and the sun rarely shines, they mix with other teenagers, they go to the same high school, they blend into the community. It became an instant cult: teenage communities across the world gather together on Facebook to exchange adoring messages about Robert Pattinson or his character, Edward Cullen, and they never tire of watching them again and again in hundreds of YouTube videos and trailers.
Go see: some videos have exceeded 18 million views. Robert Pattinson is the living icon of this social cult: the body/symbol which encapsulates a kind of long-awaited anthropological mutation that makes his Edward a sort of prophet or messiah. Almost a Moses of post-vampirism, behind whom advance swarms of neo-vampires created mainly by women novelists (not onlyTwilight 's Stephenie Meyer but also Anne Rice, Lisa Jane Smith, Charlaine Harris, and many others) and made into a media phenomenon through TV series like True Blood or The Vampire Diaries.
Tousled but monotonous, tormented though not excessively, unconventional yet reassuring, Pattinson’s vampire differs in several significant ways from the blood-suckers of the past, ones with pale/spectral skin and a very obvious hypertrophy of the canine teeth, who trod the streets of plague-stricken towns. They bit to extract the “juice of life”; he forgoes human victims and chooses to drink only animal blood just to be able to mix with humans. As if he were a philanthropist vampire with a penchant for good works.
It’s hard to say whether Robert Pattinson, born in 1986, is or is not like the character that made him an icon of the Web 2.0 generation. Like Edward, Rob or R-Patz (as his fans call him) comes across as cerebral, often ill at ease, and even more often open to impossible impulses and ambitions. For example, it seems he’s more interested in being recognized as a musician than as an actor. He wrote several songs for Twilight, he plays the piano and guitar, he was in a rock bank (Bad Girls) and he has never denied his ambition to become a music producer.
He’s very atypical as Hollywood products go. Unlike Kristen Stewart – Isabella “Bella” Swan in Twilight– who is the daughter of a Fox producer and a screenwriter, Pattinson was not brought up in the madhouse of Tinseltown studios. On the contrary, he’s from England, where he was born and raised in a middle-class, south-west London suburb. The son of an importer of vintage American cars, a rebellious schoolboy and a spare-time model, it appears it was some advice from his father that prompted him to try live theater. He happened on a version of Tess of the d’Urbervillesand developed a deep interest in acting.
Movies came later, in 2005, when director Mike Newell chose him for the part of Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, the fourth film in the famous saga. The movie is a success and the boy with the glum look is noticed by many. Compliments abound, as does encouragement. And so Rob decides to make a real go of it. As if breaking a vicious circle, he leaves everything and flies to the U.S. where he scrapes a living for a while, as many have done. Then at the last moment when he’d almost given up hope, he seized the role of Edward in Twilight at the end of a casting process involving over 5000 hopefuls and that he himself had faced and passed under the antidepressant effect of a Xanax.
Twilight has enormous success, but he seems to spurn it. Indeed rumors often describe him as being irritated, suffocated by media pressure, stressed-out by the fans, unable to step out of his house without being mobbed, constantly photographed and Twittered. It’s the price to pay for being someone who, they say, earned £32m, thus becoming the richest British actor after Daniel Radcliffe, the boy who played Harry Potter. Some critics look down on such a rapid, overwhelming success. But, as we know, critics often habitually look down on things. Especially those – and there are many – who don’t like romantic, bloody sagas. Rob is far more cultivated than he may seem. He reads Martin Amis and Maupassant. He is a sophisticated movie buff, he has more than a superficial knowledge of French films, he mentions Jacques Audiard (Read My Lips, Rust and Bones) as one of the directors he’d like to work with, and says that the acting model he aspires to is Daniel Auteuilfor his performance in Alain Corneau’s Le deuxième souffle.
It’s no coincidence if David Cronenberg wanted him for his movie version of Don DeLillo’s masterpiece, Cosmopolis: the most extreme (and most cerebral) director on the scene today calls the emerging actor most idolized by teen girls and offers him a role that is at once completely different and very similar to Twilight: not a vampire, but a Wall Street wolf. A high finance guru. Young and ruthless. One who can cause misery to thousands of people with a single move. Closed away in his stretch limo, lounging on leather seats, his only worry is to get to his barber for a quick trim. He crosses Manhattan from East to West as the uprising of those made ever poorer by global capitalism rages on the streets of the Big Apple. He seems entirely indifferent to it all. Pattinson’s broker is, perhaps, the vampire that Edward could not be. He never steps out of his car, the crowd fills him with horror, he never mixes with other human beings. In Twilight he tamed the vampire myth and, in a way, made it fit in with a normal teenage mindset that needs to believe that every impossible love can hope for a happy ending, but he does exactly the opposite inCosmopolis, denying any hope of a happy conclusion.
Perhaps the real Volturi (the “baddie” vampires in Twilight) are the ones in Cosmopolis, where they drain the blood of helpless, resigned victims. Meanwhile, the last episode in the Twilight saga,Breaking Dawn, Part 2, is released worldwide: Bella becomes a vampire and she and Edward have a baby girl who is a hybrid, immortal like a vampire but destined to grow up as a human. But after such an “extreme”, courageous role as the one in Cosmopolis, Rob wants to shrug off any Edward Cullen-like typecasting. And so he’ll be T.E. Lawrence (better known as Lawrence of Arabia) in Werner Herzog’s movie Queen of the Desert, and he’ll dash around the Australian bush – in the wake of the legendary Mad Max of the ’80s – in the futuristic/existential western The Rover helmed by Animal Kingdom director David Michôd.
Roles that seem very different from Edward Cullen. That’s how they seem. In actual fact, the characters he chooses all have something in common: they’re hesitating between the necessity of crossing the threshold of their majority and their desire to stay young for ever.
L'Uomo Vogue, November 2012 (n.435)
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 211 Newer› Newest»It's different... There is one on which he looks like they put a bow on his head. But he still looks good. He is not afraid to try new different looks. A bit "Rover" like, maybe. Sort of futuristic apocalyptic vibe.
Not used to seeing Rob in bright colours but he looks great in Red, but the pic of him in the studded leather jacket does it for me ;)
Rob looks sexy as hell,but the whole photoshoot looks kinda ridiculous.
"But, as we know, critics often habitually look down on things",.......and don't we know it !!!!
I love Rob's character in this photoshoot!.. Gah!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;O It's so different! Love it! gaawwrr~!
OMG!!!! Totally loving these - SO WAY OFF THE WALL - loving futuristic Rob!!!! Cant wait to see HQ & get my greedy mitts onthe Mag - hope I get the one with Rob on the cover. Thanks Kate!!!
He looks dangerous.
No, he is dangerous.
Dangerous to our mental health.
He compromises my ability to think straight every time I see him or read about him.
As I've said before, in a few years time, when he'll be acknowledged and respected from an even wider audience than he is now, we'll be able to be smug... We already knew... from the begining...
These are different all right! And he looks so delicious...he has the sexiest face!! YUM!
Sorry, as much as I love Rob, this photoshoot doesn't work for me. Too bizarre!
i loooooove it!!! not only because it`s so different from the previous photoshoots, but also because it`s so bright and creative and shows how good Rob can fit in any concept!!!!
Holy shit !
*staggers off *
This reminds me of Mad Maxx.
Oh Rob. .. lets "weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen", just you and me ...!!! GORGEOUS.
Added LARGER Scans & LARGER Crops. Bigger is better ;-))
Okay, I'm digging these ones better than the hideous spiky trench pictures.
Yeah....so much better.
WOW, WOW, WOW, I love him from here to the moon ;)
Oh. My. God.
Good Morning! Opened computer and headed here as usual and you greeted me with these pics. After I clean up drool, I will go take another shower! OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rob is HOT!
Laying here, yes because I had to lie down after seeing this ! Absolutely one of the best, if not the best photo shoot,
of him...artistic,and edgy,adventurous and futuristic I really enjoy the guts they had doing this, and what do you know, it probably had a bit to do with the Rover in some sense...LOVE the MadMax,Jack Sparrow type vibe it suits him soo well !Proud to be a fan of such a gutsy guy, who also knows how to blush because he wears bad socks,and price tags under his shoesoles on a talkshow....:-D:-D:-D
WOW! I think the message is clear: bring it on. He is ready to take on different challenges. The tougher the better. I'm lovin' it!
Love you Rob!
Respect to Caitlin for staying focused, cos he's wearing tight leather trousers, with button flies,
I can't think of a single other actor out there that could carry this off...he is so unbelievably handsome. That expression in the 'pirate' shot....it kills me..!!! So sexy...
turning to religion isnt going to help you , you're a gonner just like the rest of us.
OMFGGGGGG....I love this bad boy look soooooo much Rob is FKing Hot
Fan Self I can't breath!!!!!! The one where is sitting all relaxed in the car OMG
the dangerous bad boy is so.....Oh Hell I've got no words......Is this what we
are going see kinda in the Rover if so I'm so DEAD!!!! UNF, UNF!!!!!
he looks like a naughty pirate in the first one - one that is in time out lol
I ordered the magazine and it's suppose to come on Friday I can't wait to get it!!!
Same for the French mag. So where is a photo shoot for the USA?????
definitely Mad madsie...
keep breathing Shan ! ( I dont know why Im saying this to you...Im hanging over the chair arm ).
He makes Mad Max look like a boy in comparison....you're right tho, if the Rover is anything like this we're in sooooo much trouble ha ha.
We are all on our knees...!!
Yes he is.....;-))))
I think were doomed......
Im going to change to cushioned flooring !!!
I thought about that too, survival is going to be very very difficult.....;-)
I haven't read the article yet. I must save that for later... for when the absolute stunningness that is him isn't completely turning my brain to mush and I can process what it says.
But, holy fucking hell in a handcart, these photos are STUNNING!!! They aren't going to be everyone's cuppa. I mean, hell, the one with the eye patches... yes NO! Do not cover the eyes!! But outside that... I love them. Edgy, artistic, dangerous... Oh HELL YEAH!!!
Well played, Mr Pattinson. Very well played.
Totally agree! Wow!
I am DEFINITELY a fan of the red! But, ummm... the leather pants... why the hell do the leather pants send me off the edge??
Shan~ two words, honey. Leather. Pants.
Nuzz~ I will be the first to admit, I've called God's name more times in the last 5 years then in the previous 30 probably. When faced with the force of nature that is Robert Pattinson, all you can do is pray for mercy and salvation.
OMG ROB! You've gone completely MAD! Me loooove it! Crazy Rob, Pirate Rob, Badass Rob, and my favorite Dark and Yummy ROB! Bring on the craziness to this fandom. Love this photoshoot! It brings a side of him we have not seen and it looks mighty Great. Love this man.
The little glimpses you get of the man behind that beautiful face.....WOW !
I can't help myself.....but this man.....I don't care how old I am this man just drives lot
of us wild!!! Rob is so refreshing as stars go....NO ONE LIKE HIM!!!!
Great photoshoot. Too bad that the write is so lame.
God YES.....Leather!!!!!
Jazz when are you coming to Michigan again we should meet up!!!!
seen them !
Another two words for you .
' button fly '....* dont bother trying to get up *
VERY DIFFICULT.......But I would have it no other way when it comes to Rob!!!
Ana can you believe how much Hotter can Rob get Gahhh the man is Sexy here!!!!
Im going over to the dark side.....especially if he looks like this ...Jesus.
Same here ;-)
The concept is a bit different, but our guy still manages to look SMOKING HOT!!!!
*typing from the floor*
Thanksgiving, actually. Fancy a drink?
Keep falling off chair....I see now I don't need a chair in my office anymore
when it comes to Rob!!! Awww Button Fly!!!!
The red photo, red suit, Liberace type rings, left eyecorner in the perfect position ...looking up at YOU !
I am dead meat, I didnt think I could get it this bad, but this does it.......
I just don't know how much more I can take. Every time I think that is it. He can't be better than this. And then boom. He comes along even sexier and more lethal than before. He is the end of me. Why Rob, why so fucking gorgeous!!!!!!
Sounds Great do you still have my email.....when I changed computers I lost all emails and
I'm slowly getting most of them back so email me and lets set something up!!! I feel we have
lots to catch up on since last time we saw each other we did not get enough time!!!
Very avant garde! The one with the metal eye patches? Reminds me of Dennis Hopper's character from Water World! Go for it, Rob!!! Make strides...show them you think outside the box!!!
This photoshoot reminds me of one man and one movie. It is Fellini meets Mad Max. It is so out there and there are several pics that just blow me away, him in the car laying back is like a ramped up version of his photo in Vanity Fair in the car and wearing those specs, is blinding. Rob wearing Red with all the rings, he appears to be Senor Diablo, the devil in all his glory. A very unique and stunning vision of Rob.
Interesting photo shoot but,not a favorite of mine. It is different, the look is futuristic, intimidating and very edgy and leave it to Rob to pull of the character and the look as always. I'd like to have seen more of him in those leather pants.
This man is so unreal sometimes....last night on Jimmy K he looked younger being shaved
but in this photo shoot Gaahhh the man looks so much older and so Fking Hot and sexxy!!!
The way he can change looks is amazing and I love all his looks!!!!
I knowwwww, !!!
I love Dangerous Rob....Holy Hell I can't decide which to put on my desk top!!
Yes, Yes, LARGER for our desk tops!!!
Very interesting... it's not a fashion shoot... and I cannot think of anyone else that could carry it off without it looking cartoonish (sp), I think only Johnny Depp could do it and I think it's because his dress style is like that almost everyday.. lol.
Any chance of life size 3D...with sound and moving parts ?
Love that idea!!
I am back after a cold shower and clean undies! If this has anything to do with a Mad Maxian future film, Rob will go on the be end up being an Uber-star. The male of the world beware! Hell, ROBSessed may have more testosterone than we can stand! Look what happened been to a young Mel Gibson! Fortunately, our Rob will never end up like Mel, he is so good I sometimes find myself looking for the angel Wings!
They say God doesn't make mistakes, but I can't imagine why he would want to send so many women to hell for impure thoughts! I don't know how many of ya'll are religious ( I am,just not Christian) but a look a Rob is all it takes to create a sinner! So even though I don't believe I have sinned alot lately!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, some assistant will hear it for that. He showed up to the show in jeans and tee, the suit, and shoes must have been there for him. I noticed the label on the bottom of the shoes also.Just seeing him in that navy suit however made it ALL worthwhile!!!!!!! what a gorgeous man !!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi all of you rob fans - can anyone recommend some good fan fiction?
Great article, great interview. So proud of Rob for doing this photoshoot.
VERY funny comment! You really had me chuckling !!!!!!
hot mess...all naughty ,,,mmm dirty. dangerous..love dangerous rob
Yes glad I am not that assistant ;-) Could it be more cute though....blushing, trying to hide socks, and then a label
appears under the soles instead ! Great to see some imperfection, however Rob self is PERFECT :-)
pics like these make me feel less like an old lady perv for my Robsession because he looks older, sophisticated and so freaking sexy that for a minute I can forget he is 14 years younger than me and just wallow in his holy hotness, oh my!
Survival is going to be difficult... but we love the challenge, right ;)
I must say... these pics left me speechless for a few minutes... I love them, Rob is really always going for something new, different...
Yes, I saw the label too and guessed that the clothes might not be his - maybe they are provided for him. I used to work for the Global Challenge round the world yacht race organiser and I know that the suppliers paid the company to use their products, not the other way round - it would make sense for Rob's TV clothes to be given for free.
You mean... Oh.My.Rob.... right?
same here :) and thanks for mentioning the left inner eyecorner ;-)
Hi Whence, are you still breathing... :-)
Challenge,thinking out of the box ,thats why we love him ! I was blown away like I havent been before this time around, this shoot is beyond awesome, and like someone,below said, we get to see a little bit of the true him behind these
set up photos...I like to belive that he really is challenging himself, and us beyond what we can possibly think...
Like his sister said sometime in the past...Rob is not afraid of anything, he may seem shy,introvert etc, but he is also
breaking loose, or showing what he REALLY is about more and more., showing guts, individuality ,..and I personally love it ! He is strong .........
Totally loving these!!! It's different...
I love your comment, totally agree :)
So welcome, I finally got what you and Tink meant ! I dont know how to handle this charisma ......he just burns through everything ( dont know if I am making sense here...;-))
Yes, yes and yes to what you said! :)
Olive I am at the stage where I hardly can look at the photos, and it makes me feel trembly LOLOL
it doesn´t get boring with him ;)
best of CUTE :)
Agree with every word!!!!!!
Hardly, had to open the window for some fresh air ;)
Why do I feel it's a test to match the pic to the role? lol Genuinely welcome to see the unexpected and fanciful...
The camera loves him....... :-) and Caitlin & Rob apparently is a stirring combination. Such an artistic and innovative shoot! I bet they had fun together...... wow to the styling, love love love it and the way Rob looks.
Totally sense Lotte! if Rob came across us we all would be like scorched earth........but feeling like heaven ;-)
Want some skinny dipping tea to calm down?
I know leather on Rob in any way is enough to push my buttons ;)
YES please, although skinny dipping tea makes me think in other directions too ;-))) Maybe not so calming or ...;-)
Holy Shit Batman!!!F**k me if that 2nd pic ain't leave my breathing impaired!!lol Is he trying to kill us ladies?This shoot is very different from the others we've seen of him and I love it!It all sorts of dark and sexy...Rob in leather is one of my new favorite things!Gah this just has my mind all jumbled,I'm off to the DR cus my lady bits can't take it...:D
Most of those are just plain weird lol.
although am liking the one in the pirate hat :)
The photos.... elephant- size goosebamps are all over me
you are right it might excite you even more.....
at a push Id say it had something to do with those loooong legs and things (deep breath ) in soft warm leather.
tried to leave a message earlier, naughty disqus! But all i could think of when i saw this was - WOW, what a wonderful man, how profesional is to look that hot while that silly! HOW did he keep a straight face when he saw the clothes! Hot matador-pimp-biker? Yes please!! Brill!!!!!!!!!!!!
You sexy man. You damn sexy man.
And if he doesn't knock this shit off, ROBsessed is gonna have to start handing out helmets. Cos I don't know 'bout ya'all, but I hit my head one more time from tumbling offa this here sofa and I'm gonna need to see a neurologist.
But this is what I was talking about the other day. How he can go from Clem Kaddlehopper in dorko socks and price tags on his shoes to...to...to...I don't even know what to call it. Sexual energy oozing out from every pore? (oh god, don't say oozing). And it doesn't matter what the shit he's wearing. It's that face. That once in a generation, unforgettable face. He's like this alien half human/half Godlike creature from Greek mythology come to life or something.
Trying to describe the viseral effect of Rob Pattinson is like trying to paint the face of the person you love. It cannot be done. It cannot be fully captured.
I've been adoring and worshiping beauty and talent all of my life but I must say in all honesty...I have not encountered this before. I wonder if I'll feel this way till I die or if he'll find some mercy and ease up on his hold over me. Doubt that. I hear the devil isn't one much for mercy.
Trying to find an elegant way of saying this, but there isn't one. I'm screwed. We all are.
It's election day America. No matter your choice...JUST VOTE!!! Precious blood has been shed to hand you that right.
Rob in leather of any sorts definitely pushes my buttons ;)
This shoot looks like something futuristic. Rob looks great, I bet he laughed when they brought of that cape.
wow so very unusual. like it so much
so true, bloody terrible article, the totally opposite of the photos
Oh boy! The photographer has turned Rob into art, Perhaps they are figuring out what so many women have already known--he has a face and body lines that are not just beautiful but interesting as well.
The earlier posting of the L'Uomo Vogue cover is clearly not representative of the entire shoot. Set in the context of this spread: Wowser. It's a bit of a taste of the possibility of him playing an out and out baddie. It could work! As for the leather kecks, I don't know why it had never occurred to me before that he might look rather splendid in such apparel, I happily stand corrected.
Edit: I am also now wondering whose idea it was for the shoot. Did the magazine put Caitlin and Rob together or was it Rob's suggestion. The Premiere DC-movies inspired shoot was done by Eliot Lee Hazel but the article states that the concept of shooting scenes from Cronenberg movies was from Rob. If this is a Rob-inspired shoot, then what does it portend?!
Amazing! Wow! Breathtaking! Sexy! Wild! I love these pics! Not able to form a sentence at the moment!
Ooh first picture, it's HighwaymanRob! Stand and deliver, your money or your life! Never has a tricorn hat looked so gooooood!! I'm sorry, Mr Highwayman, I have no jewels to give you, I can only offer my virtue! *cough* too late *cough*.
I tried to say this some place else on this thread but I think it evaporated into cyber space or something. I always enjoy your comments. And I agree that Rob has something that only comes along once in a great while. This photographer sees Rob as art. I think it is great. It shows me that someone else sees what many women have seen already--his face and body lines are not only beautiful but interesting as well.
is it just me ? i cant save them from photbucket --- i just get weirdness when i right click on the picture.
Oh Fuck Me! I'm in my own personal Hell....these pics....I'm speechless.
Any particular parts?
Yeah, I'm having problems as well.
Yep....the red photo for me too!!!
Love the red :)
When we got some glimpses earlier, I thought pics were a little weird lol but now the more pics we have I like it. I absolutely LOVE the third pic with the spikes on the patches or whatever thy are :)
ITA I like these better :)
I like the red picture because Rob wearing rings is always sexy, & I like the picture where he's sitting in the back seat of the car, but other than that, this is NOT my favorite photoshoot. All I see is Jared Leto, not good.
That and the one slouched in the car with the big silver bracelet :-)
you have to select options and then download...took me a while to get used to the change too ;D
I know that's my favourite I have that one on my screen :) and the hair *sighs*
You need to ask Jennifer.
anything specific your after I've read a few
LOL ...Great minds.........
LOL.....the red is also something else, usually he wears blues or muted colours but he definitely suits red :)
Glad we have the same taste....juicy no ?
Oh I agree Lyn he does suit red......and blue......and brown....and green.....and OHHH.... the.... BLACK!!!!!
The black........LEATHER ;)
;-) I like to see Rob wear rings but, for me, of a smaller variety. lol
Ive had a hard time rewatching these photos since I first laid eyes on them, because I start sweating and trembling each time, I am not controllable, this is weird....;-) And...the photo in the car.....talk about ooozing sex......off she goes to the DR
Me too, a bit too much Liberace for me...LOL
Did you two see that they talked about leather pants with buttons ? Can you see those buttons anywhere or am
I totally blind ?( God this is ridiculous .....I dont recognize myself....)
Liberace not a good look for Rob !!
Good grief you had me laughing there...imagine the hair and all, no I meant the rings , other than that is a total no no....
Lol doesnt bare thinking about......I meant the rings too !!
LOL I agree. Now you've made me think of Liberace hair!!!!
Nope cant see any (went and had another a look) must have been other pics they were talking about !!
Well that is definately a no no, although Rob does play the piano.....( I am dying from laughter here envisioning the scenario :-D
It was Nuzz.....;-)
Must have been the leather thing then ;)
Oh I think anything...........or nothing *faints* :)
OK.....we steer Rob away from big stand up collars and chandeliers ...agreed??
Agreed...how about a couple of pink poodles beside the piano ? LOL
Nooooo !!!
OMG LOL. I'm waaay too young to even know who Liberace is!!! So are you, aren't you?? ;p
Exactly....Thank g.. !
You know how much I love this guy, but apart from the one in the car (oh yes), I must admit they are not my thing - but I totally admire him for doing the photoshoot as it is edgy and provocative.
LOL I was going to post exactly your comments earlier today. So Adam Ant.
So much to comment on...from pictures to text! But I tell you, Rob in leather pants - hot!, Rob in red - hot!, Rob in the cab of that old car/truck - hot!, Rob with rings - hot! This is more of an 'art' photo shoot, all atmospheric, surreal and pensive versus a typical shoot. And for someone who is naturally upbeat, non-serious, and self-deprecating in interviews, Rob knows how to turn on the serious, don't f*ck with me vibe in photos. He's an emotional chameleon, talented beyond words!
Hahaha! Snuggler!! Too funny!!
"An emotional chameleon, talented beyond words!"
Yup. That about sums it up. Actually it doesn't. I doubt 40,000 words could sum it up. But those six you used are a good start.
Always. All ways.
I was surprised how good the article was, Mizzar!! This post has SO much to take in at one time....sensorial overload to the Rob degree!!!
Big hug, laurie, so glad to see you here again!!! :))
Liked your comment very much, Nik :)
Agree with you, especially your last sentence.
Hahahaha!!! *sigh* Oh yep, I'm a goner...
Rob...God.... Same thing right? ;D
(Special Note: No disrespect to Christians intended)
Maybe in a minority here but I really like this photo shoot.In a weird way this is like Rob...unique,rare,singular and fascinating.
LOL ;)
No offence taken... but I'll go with O.M.R. :)
That sentence alone made the article good for me :)
This photoshoot is just..wow. Caitlin is surely the daughter of her father. It's like Rob is applying for new roles as if he will say: "See, I can do anything, even this. Depp who?".
I'm a bit confused though about the The Rover references. I know it's described as futuristic but they did say that of Cosmopolis too. Tbh, I like my simpleton to be dirty in the outback: dirty clothes, dirty hands, dirty face, dirty hair.
Nice to see you here too! I just don't pop in that often anymore.
Yeah, I've noticed. But you're not forgotten. Hope all is good with you: life, health.. Where are the times of the Breaking News, he? :))
Breaking News was fun but I guess things change. I'm fine. Things are much better now that I have adjusted somewhat to widowhood. I took a trip to France, and now poor Rob has competition and the competition has an accent it just isn't a British one.
Hope all is well with you . . .
totally ! :-) i haven't seen a lot talk about the interview, i guess they were slightly distracted. LOL...but some didn't like it. i felt the opposite.
Hi Beanie, she just replied to me on another thread, :-)
BTW I had to have so skinny dipping tea yesterday., so Whence offered it ....Oh man those pictures of the Vogue shoot did it for me , dont you think ?
Lotte? You ok? I am experiencing some new sides about you ;)))) But can´t blame you.....
Was wondering the same... But I love the choices... What shall we call it? Mod-post-apocalyptic?
No I am not OK ...I have a serious case of Robitis...;-) Yesterday the disease peaked :-D
I didn´t know if I should be sorry for you? Me thinks it is a rather likeable desease, nor? And it seems that it has spread already - Robitis epidemic all over the planet..... ;)
You can be dirty and daring and futuristic in the desert ;-)
Seriously...no cure, andI am afraid there is never going to be one...fortunately !
so we are safe!
Thank you Satine , for put them together in an image, my most beloved director with .......well, Rob, my most beloved in any art form .. I even had ramblings with Federico and Rob, working toguether! lol ! what might have been! Thanks Caitlin !
Not really- recommendations would be much appreciated!
A Pound of Flesh is very good and just finished Fatherhood, Formula and other F words also enjoyed Take Me Home , all Twilight FF :)
lol ... why is that Maria? Shan got ME started ... maybe Robsbiggestfan should ask her! LOL ;D
I still haven't read APoF Lyn. I waited for her to finish and now, RL keeps me busy busy. Take me Home is a great read though...definitely should add that to her 'to-read list' ;D
Emancipation Proclamation (long but great). Clipped Wings & Inked Armor. Unplanned Perfection ... Unexpected Circumstances. I've read a lot of Fan Fiction and have a lot on PDF as well. Pulled stories can be found ;D
The List
is that a smiley face (I've read it) or a smiley face (I need to read that)? lol
Its a will look for it later, I havn't read it !!! ;)
it's worth the look. it is Bella's list of things she want's to do with Edward during their honeymoon. It's erotic to say the least ;o
erotic is good ;)
Erm....let me see.....HOW many fanfics have you read/have you got?????? ;p
I was going to call it the eyeliner/lot of rings/cape-y period but I think your definition is a lot more adult, and fitting...lol
errrr... more than a few LOL ;D
Oh, I see......is that like Rob has more than few fans??? LOL that sort of number?? ;p
exactly like that :D
LMAO ... yeah.
Believe me, drinking lots of skinny dipping tea is the only cure to the shock and trauma this shoot was LOL
*sighs while staring dreamingly to the unknown*
Yes, you said that right! Where are you? I spent a few days in Paris then took the TGV to Avignon and went from there eventually to Nice. Wonderful trip, beautiful country, lovely people even though I can only just barely get by with minimal French. People were so kind and would use English when it was obvious I needed to use it. I disregarded the advice not to talk to Frenchmen, not to accept gifts from Frenchmen and not to go anywhere with a Frenchman. At my age, Why? My kids are a little worried about me but I am having a lot of fun. The Frenchman in question is very charming. Are they all like this? American men are so fixated on young women it is extremely flattering as an older woman to receive such nice compliments.
PS Don't get me started on the food. Oh, the food. I have looking all over the place here at home for some of the things I ate on that trip. I may have to go back just for the food!
I'm living in Belgium so France is one of our neighbours. I've been in Paris, not in Avignon but yes in Nice. Very beautiful there, isn't it? About the Frenchmen I can't tell you much, you'll have to ask Sissi, she lurks here, I know.
They are "charmeurs" that's a fact. I don't know if your friend is from your age group or a lot younger, not my business either but that could be important considering their "motives". But I would say: the hell with it, when I have fun and he makes me laugh I'll enjoy his compagny, why not? Life's too short anyway. Just be careful they don't ruin you but I haven't heard that kind of stories, in my idea the Frenchmen don't have that reputation. They take life more easy in the South, it's living "like God in France", an expression we use a lot. The food is very good but France is too expensive, especially touristic Côte d'Azur. Personally I like the food in Italy better, just a matter of personal taste. I hope you're still in contact with your friend, it'll enlighten the dark winter days.
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