Yeah well they were crazy in the stores today.!!! To try and keep Canadians shopping in Canada instead of going to the US for Black Friday sales, The stores up here have started having Black Friday Sales and we don't even celebrate your Thanksgiving.
*in CharlieSwan's voice* SUPER... commercializing every holiday world wide just to make a buck ... this is what makes it so hard for me to get excited about Christmas anymore :/ just checked my calendar ... we will miss all 3 local Christmas parades coming up because of prior obligations ... dammit!
You are so right. I'm glad we don't exchange presents any more fro that very reason. I'm passing out Candy Canes to the kids at our Christmas Parade this year.
yep! I love a parade ... and the local ones always get me all ...verklempt (LOL). at this point, I'm hoping we have time to at least drive around and look at lights and maybe find a live Nativity somewhere. :)
for me it's more a question of do i believe the fans who tell things like that? cause I know i don't know what Rob says or thinks to and about Kristen in private. But I can answer my question. it's a NO. no matter if someone speaks positive or negative about them. if i understood one thing about this fandom then that fans say and do everthing to proove what they believe is the truth even if they have to lie for it... it's not important to me what he said, but what i care for is that people post "his" private words online. i would be terrified it that would constantly happen to me. if i was followed on every step i take....sorry, couldn't leave it alone. ;-)
don't get defensive bb, i was just trying to discuss. voicing my thoughts. not sure if we agree cause your point was different but also very true...(btw, i think my comment to you is at the wrong position? so so strange).
Oh. Well, it sorta looked like that to me. Guess I need my eyes checked or I was just simply too distracted by that gorgeousness otherwise known as Rob beside her. lol
Are you talking to me? You young pup ...I think Robdicted heeds to bring out the paddle and reinstate corporal punishment after all she's the Dom right and your the submissive? We need a good show around here it's been a while. Oh wait Ana is going to be very jealous well its just going to have to be a threeway MIzzz sorry. Hmmm location, location, location and invitations have to be sent out for "MIZZARS BIRTHDAY BASH!" Okay shout out to RobertAddicted and Robdicted party planners extraordinary. MIzzzar has been a very naughty girl!!!
I think at this point, "we" should agree to disagree. I think there is room on this blog for both opinions. I do not think that saying I don't like them together should be construed as negative. I'm sure that those who agree or share a similiar opinion could also argue that reading someone saying they're happy Rob had reconciled with Kristen could be interpreted as negative. Any comment or opinion that differs from ones own will be thought of as negative. I don't think it's disrespectful to him if I don't like his decisions. I accept it (like he'd even care) but just because I don't agree is not being disrespectful. I don't come here and denigrate her, call her names, etc. I'd just rather not focus on them as a couple. I've said it before, this is ROBSESSED, not Robsten. There's no relief in sharing my's just my opinion. if 10 years from now, we find them married with children, then good for them, they would have beaten the odds. However, I don't think people will care. It's hot now because of who they are, their popularity and the movie love story that transcended into real life and then reality showed them with feet of clay. Apparently my comments haven't been deemed out of line or unacceptable. Shows that the moderators can appreciate a difference of opinion. Agree to disagree....
it all really depends how you say it. I disagree with some people. even dare to criticize rob's acting skills at times but I don't get deleted or hated. if you manage to stay respectful while expressing your opinion, it's all right. I have not seen the posts that got deleted, bbut I am sure they contained some unacceptable language and that's why they got deleted and not because of difference in opinion
Sorry, but I and others do think it's disrespectful to comment that you don't like Rob's decisions. You can think whatever you want but to voice that negative opinion is disrespectful.
And the same can be argued for those that agree with me. We can all think whatever we want, voice our opinions and decide what we feel is disrespectful or not. I think what we all need to remember to just be respectful to each other and our opinions. Agree to disagree, be respectful in opinions & responses and realize the majority of those who post here live in a democracy where free speech is guaranteed, encouraged and protected. I did a bit of searching and found sites that do not like them together and there are opinions voiced that belittle and badger those posters saying they are wrong to not like them together, etc. seems that no matter the site name, you will have that do and those that don't so it is MY opinion to allow everyone to have one, not try to belittle, condemn or bully those that don't agree with you but rather express your own thoughts in a respectful way.
Yes, exactly. Respect everyone's opinion, even if you don't agree with them. This all started because I had the audacity to say I didn't care for his personal choices. All of a sudden I'm told I can't be a fan. Ridiculous!
I'm not contradicting myself. It isn't anyone's business how he conducts his personal life. He has to live it, not anyone else. However, my OPINION is that I think the reconciliation may be a mistake....but that's all it is, an opinion. I'm defending my thoughts on the subject. I am not repeating myself anymore than the commentators I was responding to. As for leaving Rob alone, unless you are him, I don't think he's being bothered by my comments.
And that's it,they just want to carry this thing on and on but it's becoming increasingly ridiculous now...Everyday there are more *friend or Sources close to R/K* that the mags refer to.None of their friends would ever talk,look at Tom,he said he never talks about his friends and neither does Sam or even Taylor...I wish they would just let it all die down,it's run it's course and We Fans have had enough.
LOL Always worth seeing you get hot ans sweaty, bwenny! ;o I know diccy and shyone love it too. I'm waiting and ready to accept *excited* my know foursomes are my favorite!? well *wispers* most of the time i can't wait for them and do it alone, but pssssss!
totally agree with you , if anyone does not agree with some of his choices does not mean they are not a fan of Rob . People did not like his Lacma speech , his photoshoot , his green suit ....they commented negatively on it , that does not mean they are not a fan .people should definitely be allowed to express their opinion if they do so in a respectful manner .
yea, they need to get lost for a while after all the premieres last week , go somewhere like the cottage maybe ? hmmmm ... I think they're worse than Edward Bella. definitely worse .. !!! and I have 1 vote down, hmm I wonder who would that be ..?????
Why give your opinion - it's none of your business and you know nothing personally about the situation. How can you make a judgement on a stranger's life and say it's your right to do so? No it isn't, and why does it matter to you anyway what he does?
You're not getting it. It's none of our business to comment either way on Rob's choice of a partner which is very personal to him. Why would you want Rob who comes here to read such BS?
I'm getting's you that isn't. I'm not judging his choices, I am expressing an opinion. The same can be said for those that argue/state/gush on how much they love seeing them back together. Why do you continue to argue the point? Who people chose to be with is their choice - I've never said it wasn't. The whole point is I come to the site for ROB and while there may be pics of him and Kristen, etc., the gushing on how wonderful it is to see them "more in love than ever. Robsten Forever, etc. gets old. There are other sites for that. Lets get back to what the site was put up for....Addicted and Devoted to Robert Pattinson - not Rob & Kristen. If you cannot or will not let others express a difference of opinion, than please, at least leave my thoughts and opinions alone and go gush with someone who agrees with you because no matter what you write, I will not agree with you.
Are you even reading my comments? I'm not judging, I've never said I have a right to do so nor does it matter to him what I say. Do you honestly believe he bases his personal or professional choices in what the people here post? I stated an opinion. Plain and simple. Just like the other 200+ commentators did. Why does it matter to you what I say? I haven't been mean or nasty about it. I haven't called him or her names nor have I been disrespectful to those that don't agree with me.
I see only a handful of people on this thread gushing about them being together. I haven't said a thing about that. Most are just happy to see pictures of Rob.
- this is tiresome, a waste of time & non productive. You have your opinions, I have mine, I've seen the gushing, you consider it minimal. Toe may toe, to mah to Buh bye
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«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 254 of 254 Newer› Newest»Ughh not before Dec 1st !!
We had our first snow fall last night only a couple of inches.
I wish it would snow here. That would certainly boost the Christmas spirit
Yeah well they were crazy in the stores today.!!!
To try and keep Canadians shopping in Canada instead of going to the US for Black Friday sales, The stores up here have started having Black Friday Sales and we don't even celebrate your Thanksgiving.
*in CharlieSwan's voice* SUPER...
commercializing every holiday world wide just to make a buck ... this is what makes it so hard for me to get excited about Christmas anymore :/
just checked my calendar ... we will miss all 3 local Christmas parades coming up because of prior obligations ... dammit!
You are so right.
I'm glad we don't exchange presents any more fro that very reason.
I'm passing out Candy Canes to the kids at our Christmas Parade this year.
yep! I love a parade ... and the local ones always get me all ...verklempt (LOL). at this point, I'm hoping we have time to at least drive around and look at lights and maybe find a live Nativity somewhere. :)
for me it's more a question of do i believe the fans who tell things like that? cause I know i don't know what Rob says or thinks to and about Kristen in private. But I can answer my question. it's a NO. no matter if someone speaks positive or negative about them. if i understood one thing about this fandom then that fans say and do everthing to proove what they believe is the truth even if they have to lie for it... it's not important to me what he said, but what i care for is that people post "his" private words online. i would be terrified it that would constantly happen to me. if i was followed on every step i take....sorry, couldn't leave it alone. ;-)
I'm not sure why you addressed this to me but i would like to think we agreed if not... oh well.
don't get defensive bb, i was just trying to discuss. voicing my thoughts. not sure if we agree cause your point was different but also very true...(btw, i think my comment to you is at the wrong position? so so strange).
Glad their back and hope they have some peace and not papped anymore at home.
I hope the media will drop it, but as long as it sells mags, they'll drag it out for all its worth.
Agreed, if someone has to tweet about them do the decent thing and at least wait til after the fact. They will be hounded otherwise.
Glad I missed all the crazies and drama.
I think Kristens natural hair color is lite ash brown.
I've only seen it once since the LA premiere, but I plan on seeing it again this weekend. Can't wait.
No commentary on the last Twilight movie, what the heck, we didn't get them on commentary on the last one. Thats just not right.
Were you at the LA premiere to?
Since Kristen was there I would think they did something to celebrate it.
Someone was just an attention seeker.
Oh. Well, it sorta looked like that to me. Guess I need my eyes checked or I was just simply too distracted by that gorgeousness otherwise known as Rob beside her. lol
I went today too:-) I think i'm ok now.
Yes, i was there:-) and last year too.
As long as it respectful and not full of hate.
You said your thoughts in a respectful and non hateful way. If only everyone could do that.
I heard that to my Dad was doing the happy dance.
Are you talking to me? You young pup ...I think Robdicted heeds to bring out the paddle and reinstate corporal punishment after all she's the Dom right and your the submissive?
We need a good show around here it's been a while.
Oh wait Ana is going to be very jealous well its just going to have to be a threeway MIzzz sorry.
Hmmm location, location, location and invitations have to be sent out for "MIZZARS BIRTHDAY BASH!" Okay shout out to RobertAddicted and Robdicted party planners extraordinary. MIzzzar has been a very naughty girl!!!
All I can say is
I think at this point, "we" should agree to disagree. I think there is room on this blog for both opinions. I do not think that saying I don't like them together should be construed as negative. I'm sure that those who agree or share a similiar opinion could also argue that reading someone saying they're happy Rob had reconciled with Kristen could be interpreted as negative. Any comment or opinion that differs from ones own will be thought of as negative. I don't think it's disrespectful to him if I don't like his decisions. I accept it (like he'd even care) but just because I don't agree is not being disrespectful. I don't come here and denigrate her, call her names, etc. I'd just rather not focus on them as a couple. I've said it before, this is ROBSESSED, not Robsten.
There's no relief in sharing my's just my opinion. if 10 years from now, we find them married with children, then good for them, they would have beaten the odds. However, I don't think people will care. It's hot now because of who they are, their popularity and the movie love story that transcended into real life and then reality showed them with feet of clay.
Apparently my comments haven't been deemed out of line or unacceptable. Shows that the moderators can appreciate a difference of opinion.
Agree to disagree....
it all really depends how you say it. I disagree with some people. even dare to criticize rob's acting skills at times but I don't get deleted or hated. if you manage to stay respectful while expressing your opinion, it's all right. I have not seen the posts that got deleted, bbut I am sure they contained some unacceptable language and that's why they got deleted and not because of difference in opinion
Why do you keep saying the same thing over and over? It's kind of annoying.
Sorry, but I and others do think it's disrespectful to comment that you don't like Rob's decisions. You can think whatever you want but to voice that negative opinion is disrespectful.
And the same can be argued for those that agree with me. We can all think whatever we want, voice our opinions and decide what we feel is disrespectful or not. I think what we all need to remember to just be respectful to each other and our opinions. Agree to disagree, be respectful in opinions & responses and realize the majority of those who post here live in a democracy where free speech is guaranteed, encouraged and protected.
I did a bit of searching and found sites that do not like them together and there are opinions voiced that belittle and badger those posters saying they are wrong to not like them together, etc. seems that no matter the site name, you will have that do and those that don't so it is MY opinion to allow everyone to have one, not try to belittle, condemn or bully those that don't agree with you but rather express your own thoughts in a respectful way.
Yes, exactly. Respect everyone's opinion, even if you don't agree with them. This all started because I had the audacity to say I didn't care for his personal choices. All of a sudden I'm told I can't be a fan. Ridiculous!
I'm not contradicting myself. It isn't anyone's business how he conducts his personal life. He has to live it, not anyone else. However, my OPINION is that I think the reconciliation may be a mistake....but that's all it is, an opinion.
I'm defending my thoughts on the subject. I am not repeating myself anymore than the commentators I was responding to.
As for leaving Rob alone, unless you are him, I don't think he's being bothered by my comments.
And that's it,they just want to carry this thing on and on but it's becoming increasingly ridiculous now...Everyday there are more *friend or Sources close to R/K* that the mags refer to.None of their friends would ever talk,look at Tom,he said he never talks about his friends and neither does Sam or even Taylor...I wish they would just let it all die down,it's run it's course and We Fans have had enough.
I love your comment *Jetlag Porn* in particular...Lol he looks as if he's just rolled out of bed.
LOL Always worth seeing you get hot ans sweaty, bwenny! ;o I know diccy and shyone love it too. I'm waiting and ready to accept *excited* my know foursomes are my favorite!? well *wispers* most of the time i can't wait for them and do it alone, but pssssss!
totally agree with you , if anyone does not agree with some of his choices does not mean they are not a fan of Rob . People did not like his Lacma speech , his photoshoot , his green suit ....they commented negatively on it , that does not mean they are not a fan .people should definitely be allowed to express their opinion if they do so in a respectful manner .
yea, they need to get lost for a while after all the premieres last week , go somewhere like the cottage maybe ? hmmmm ... I think they're worse than Edward Bella. definitely worse .. !!!
and I have 1 vote down, hmm I wonder who would that be ..?????
Why give your opinion - it's none of your business and you know nothing personally about the situation. How can you make a judgement on a stranger's life and say it's your right to do so? No it isn't, and why does it matter to you anyway what he does?
You're not getting it. It's none of our business to comment either way on Rob's choice of a partner which is very personal to him. Why would you want Rob who comes here to read such BS?
Thank you.
I'm getting's you that isn't. I'm not judging his choices, I am expressing an opinion. The same can be said for those that argue/state/gush on how much they love seeing them back together.
Why do you continue to argue the point?
Who people chose to be with is their choice - I've never said it wasn't. The whole point is I come to the site for ROB and while there may be pics of him and Kristen, etc., the gushing on how wonderful it is to see them "more in love than ever. Robsten Forever, etc. gets old. There are other sites for that. Lets get back to what the site was put up for....Addicted and Devoted to Robert Pattinson - not Rob & Kristen.
If you cannot or will not let others express a difference of opinion, than please, at least leave my thoughts and opinions alone and go gush with someone who agrees with you because no matter what you write, I will not agree with you.
Are you even reading my comments? I'm not judging, I've never said I have a right to do so nor does it matter to him what I say. Do you honestly believe he bases his personal or professional choices in what the people here post?
I stated an opinion. Plain and simple. Just like the other 200+ commentators did.
Why does it matter to you what I say? I haven't been mean or nasty about it. I haven't called him or her names nor have I been disrespectful to those that don't agree with me.
lol it should be the next section here!! He travels a lot, so it's fuuuull of Jetlag Porn, let's roll with it lol
LOL... that might be. But, I can't imagine he would say "Baby wakes up, we come, wakes, angel...Do you? lol
Monique I can imagine all kinds of things that he could say including being sweet and tender like that...but none of us will ever know.
LOL, I had a hard time believing that one too especially since he had to say it loud enough for everyone to hear.
share your views about K , specifically as the " partner " has shown public proof of not being ready for a steady and healthy relationship .
I see only a handful of people on this thread gushing about them being together. I haven't said a thing about that. Most are just happy to see pictures of Rob.
- this is tiresome, a waste of time & non productive. You have your opinions, I have mine, I've seen the gushing, you consider it minimal.
Toe may toe, to mah to
Buh bye
Good comment.
Yeah, that's the truth.
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