Disappointment. How a man like him make a point of sitting beside this slut homewrecker who engage with directors after she had publicly humiliated him. As a man passes by a ridiculous this. She is without morals. Rob will end his career if he remains beside this lightly. He deserves better. If that marketing is selling it ugly.
They both look extremely gorgeous! I wish I looked that good getting off a plane ride from over the pond! I look like helll getting off a one hr flight LOL! Looking forward to a great year for Rob! and to the peeps that claim to be his fans by emasculating him here in comments... you are not a fan. And Rob's work will stand on its own not on his personal life choices. As his fan though his personal life is none of my business ... Rob makes the decisions HE wants to in life for himself not his fans and I for one hope he never changes :)
PLEASE, get the f*ck off here. Take your medication or have the orderlies take you back to your padded room. You're obviously not of sound mind and language challenged. Your comment is giving me a headache without even trying to read it...I'm sure I'm not the only one. For the love of God, where do they come from????
Honey, there's nothing ugly about Robert Pattinson and his girlfriend. You, on the other hand, are very nasty and ugly and I'm thinking VERY young! Not the place for you.
DECEPTION. How a man like him make a point of sitting beside this slut homewrecker who engage with directors after she had publicly humiliated him. As a man passes by a ridiculous this. She is without morals. Rob will end his career if he remains beside this lightly. He deserves better. If that marketing is selling it ugly, I am not able to see the beauty of it, nor any brightness only a weak man with no soul, no heart, no self esteem and no self love a doormat, a ABEL, a TYPHOON, a convicted , A wEAK. El thought was a man, but not a fucking snake A VENDIDO.Fique with his dignity as a man that you do not have and throw it in the trash at once, because only asim maybe you're happy, you know, proving their fans who actually enjoy what you think they do not hit you, you just like Robsten fans deluded right, they'll meet with you this fot eh, they merecm, we do not sr, Robert Patson doormat Kenga spoiled and tHAT oNE LIKE PUTTING YOU IN horns, KNOW YOU DESERVE!
Where in the hell did all the loonies come from, but wherever you came from PLEASE GO BACK!!! They look great but sad to see the pappz got them, i wish the girl would not have tweeted about seeing being on the same plane as them. I mean tweet about it tomorrow, it didn't have to be on the same day.
I just said the same thing. Fans need to really think before they tweet their locations. Sure talk about it tomorrow but don't say anything until they are long gone.
"An ABEL, TYPHOON, VENDIDO Fique", WTH language are you ranting in? I don't even know what you're saying, are you & CRIS below the same person? Because whoever you are, you would probably have a much better time on a board where they speak whatever language it is you think you're speaking.
I'm amazed how people judge others people's life, disqualifying, offending... It's nobody's business. Is it too difficult to understand?
Do you have a life??? If you do so, please live it and stop judging, it's not your matter... If you don't have a life, please get one, make decisions and you'll see it is not as easy as you think... But please, stop saying bs.
trusting him as a fan, tell me it s a joke, here are real fan who support him in his choice, even if he never ask for, you are a joke of fan, go trust justin bieber he need your support more than Rob.
Um woah whats with all the commenters going goo gootz. The situation is what it is, different strokes for different folks and all that. She has something he likes about her so leave him to it. You don't have to like it but respect his decision.
Go get a life, find someone/a site and people who really cares what you think. Is it your life? Why does it bothers you so much what he does or who he is with? Gossip cop call and not even they wants you back, but guess what you can't stay here!!!
I know, really. Give them some respect and privacy, put your stupid attention grabbing ego aside. I actually don't think they are really fans, just identified some famous celebrities and want to squeee about it.
The funny thing is that this site is dedicated to the supposed couple Rob-sten and not to Robert, because I'm seeing a bunch of needy women clinging to a fanciful relationship to meet the needs in their own life. it is decadent pq betrayal hj days is called a momentary indiscretion. You guys are not a fan of Rob itself, are fans of the supposed couple, can only see them together and it is decadent.
Dani, Cris What has Rob and Kristen done to you personally? Nothing. Correct? Get out of their private lives. CRIS, How dare you call Rob an idiot or a laughingstock. You are just some sick wacko who really needs some meds. Rob forgiveness shows he has character and heart, where most people lack. I am sure forgiveness was taught by your parents, sunday school, or even grade school. It appears you were sleeping when this was being taught. If I can forgive the man who shot my brother ten years ago, then Rob's forgiveness is nothing in my comparison. Forgiveness is a poweful tool. Dani, morals has nothing to do with this situation. That tells me how young you are, because you are using it incorrectly. Your hate has no bearing on either of their careers now or in the future. They both will still be fine tens years down the road. Can either of you say that? I predict you both will still be on this site(if it still exist then) bad mouthing both. I know you have free freedom of speech, but not freedom to be a dumb axx.
triaseza that this man is so beautiful in this paper provide doormat dick warrant because of this spoiled brat, traitor, destruidira homes and fancy that these poor women who can only see this couple because they are unable to have their own fantasies
Did some nonsten site suddenly close down? Where the Hell are all these nut cases coming from? Why are they all on this one thread? Are they all the same person?
Geese Black Friday has a whole new meaning today! Nonstens are out and in full force! But Rob and Kris look well rested I hope they had a good thanksgiving with his family :). Hope they have some peace and quiet before the new year.
Sorry to hear about what happened to your brother, that must have been a devastating point in your life. And yet you could forgive. You are one special person and I think you give these trolls more credit than they deserve. You are right on all points, but think it's wasted on people so young or small minded, with no life experience to understand that life and love is not always, make that never, easy, people make mistakes and it's no one's business to give an opinion about the private decisions a couple has made to overcome a bump in their private relationship. Unfortunately, Rob & Kristen don't have the luxury of anonymity, and to see these comments from ignorant, immature, or jealous trolls is such an insult to them, me and most everyone on this blog. It's hard to keep quiet. I hope they will NOT come back with their bad mouthing...they never come on any other posts about Rob.
Rob doesn't need fans like that , pretend to love him, telling him what to do with his personal life, judging the girl he loves for a stupid reason, just like they knew every single little detail that happened in Jully !! haters, to the left ... !!!
Good grief, the crazies have come out of the woodwork! For a moment there, I thought I was on Gossip Cop board.
On to better and brighter things....Rob and Kristen look well rested. Thankfully, they only got papped at the airport and not while they were vacationing in London (except for that one stray pic of them coming out of what looked like a grocery store). I agree though that the tweeter (?) of the heathrow airport pic could have posted it a day or two later. Hope Rob and Kristen stay under the radar for a few more days and don't get harassed by crazy paps.
...and they still promoting the movie????? I don't think so ... !! I love that Robsten is so real, even without movie premieres or interviews or anything to do with Twilight franchise, they are just a hot and sexy couple !!! they are so lucky to have each other ..
Kristen honey, hold on to your man , he is a keeper .. you're one lucky lukcy girl to have someone like Rob to kiss goodnight ...
Wow they do look good! Happy to see them ! Jeez Rob looks great ,dreamy sexy etc. Kristen is just a pure beauty. I am sooo jealous of her in many ways, no hate here just envy.
It seems as tho' some people who consider themselves "fans" have crossed over into the realm of "bully consciousness". If it causes you so much personal distress that you become almost incoherent in your ability to communicate then perhaps a different "hobby" would be more mentally and emotionally appropriate than obsessing over two young people who, by virtue of their occupations must live their lives under the microscope of mean spirited "fans" who seem to live to take pleasure in torturing
Thanks. I have been a fan of this site since it was started, and this is the first time I posted a comment. Yes, I fell right in these trolls trap. I know if you don't respond, they will eventually go away. They just touched a nerve which is just what they wanted to do.
First let me say, they both look well rested and just gorgeous. Wish I could look that well getting off a long flight like that!! Secondly, I'm kinda upset that the twitter posts had to come in today. Wished they could have gotten away with being papped. *sigh* Thirdly, I am sooooo glad to see most of the negative comments were removed. I think most of them came on here knowing that Rob visits this site - so they must have been hoping he would see their comments and take their advice. LMFAO, is my response to that. He's a grown man who can make logical and informed decisions on his own without any help from his "fans". Thank you for making this a very pleasant visit. It's been a while since I've been on here.
Can you imagine rolling out of bed looking like that??? Wonder what they are doing back in NY together and where they'll go next? Trolls just want to get us stirred up and want attention - don't give them either - IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE.
Me too:-) My first viewing was the best one. Too much excitement! The whole Nokia theatre was a perfect pandemonium . I wish there's a recording of fans first reactions to seeing the film in the theatre. It would be awesome!
I'm sorry that it was the trolling comments that brought you out. Please feel free to join in with other conversations about Rob, that are definitely more positive and it really is a happy place for his fans.
What's so funny is the ones who defend their relationship are just as bad as those who diss it. You can still be a fan of their work and not a fan of their personal choices. Their fans are the ones that ensure they are in demand. It's unfair to belittle a comment just because you don't agree with it. Being a fan can be just as loyal without agreeing with every single one of their choices. I love and support my friends and family but I don't like nor agree with every thing they do or chose. Same should apply here. It's called freedom of speech!
This +1000. Pretty much why I stopped visiting a certain celebrity gossip site because it majorly crossed the line and became incredibly sexist/cruel towards both Rob and Kristen. The ironic thing is, I highly doubt Rob ever wanted to play some macho man action hero anyway (which is what the haters claim he can't do anymore)...Look at the films he's chosen. Somehow, I think Rob would be way happier following the career path of John Hawkes (such an excellent actor, go see The Sessions...he's probably going to get nominated for another Oscar), Colin Firth, or Jude Law than Jeremy Renner, Tom Hanks, Denzel Washington, Colin Farrell or Chris Hemsworth. Does anyone agree with me that Rob will end up following the Jude Law/Colin Firth/John Hawkes path (mostly or only indies) rather than the more mainstream path? Anyway, Sean Penn is a douchebag who beat on Madonna and RDJ went to jail for hard drugs....Liz Taylor, Eddie Fisher, and Debbie Reynolds, Ava Gardner, Lana Turner, Bill Clinton, Jude Law knocking up a one night stand and the whole nanny thing, Brangelina, Ryan Phillipe, Claire Danes, etc... Kristen's terrible choice and Rob and Kristen's reconciliation is a blip compared to the antics of quite a few other famous people, and the tabloids will eventually drop it.
No, this site is not dedicated to Robsten. That site closed after the summer cheating scandal. This site is Robsessed which are for fans of Rob and his work. Makes me wonder what will happen if they do break up and he starts seeing other people. The odds aren't great that this is a HEA. They are very young and lots can happen. If that occurs, will these fan-atics who are fans of the couple leave? Seems to me that there are lots of other sites dedicated to the two of them together and wish that those who post here will remember that. You can be a fan of his work but not of his choices and that's okay. There are those who love them together and those that don't. Either should feel comfortable to post their opinions/thoughts here without fear of bullying from those who don't agree. The moderators are great and I hope Gozde, Kate, Kat & Tink continue to let a difference of opinion continue. Don't tell people who post that they are not a fan if you disagree with his personal choices. You can love his work and talent but disagree with who he's with. That's okay, it's his choice but it doesn't make you not a fan if you don't like it.
OK but if I was sitting on their plane and knew they were sitting up in first class. I think I would have had to claim insanity and just make a break to run up there to actually see them. I would be ok to just see them and leave them alone. Probably.
third row from the bottom...picture on the far right. is that dude airport SECURITY with his damn iPhone out? WTF? people just cannot resist can they? Me? I would probably fumble around and drop my camera by the time they were driving down the highway ... not a photo opp for me! LOL :P they do look AWESOME! well rested (maybe :P) and always keeping the poker face on for the pappz...can't say as I blame them for that at all.
lol...i know what you mean. i even downsized and everything i NEED always ends up in the bottom of the purse! well...time to put Ol Rusty to bed ... think I'll join him ! LMAO nite
The same right that gives you the right to agree who he's with. This is exactly what I was talking about. Feel free to agree or disagree but keep it civil. You remember that! Geez
Exactly. Like or dislike her, that's up to the individual. You can still be a fan of his without being a fan of hers. They are individuals and this is Robsessed!
See? This is what I mean. Seems if someone doesn't go gaga over him and Kristen being back together, they aren't considered a fan of his. Baloney! You can still be a fan and not think this reconciliation is a good thing. Don't tell me to keep my mouth shut. Keep your mouth shut and don't respond to my opinion/comment if you don't like it. I like Rob. I like his work. I think he is making interesting and good choices in his professional life. I personally don't condone cheating, based on personal experience so because of that, I'm not that thrilled that he took her back. However, just because I don't agree with that, doesn't make me not a fan. You can be a fan of someone's work alone & not his life. Honestly, do you really think he bases his personal or professional choices on what his fans think?
The other comments that got deleted were unacceptable opinions. The people commenting were typing extremely hateful comments in regard to not approving of Rob's relationship. Hopefully what you're preaching about which is wanting people who don't approve of the relationship to speak their mind, isn't preaching for hate. Because as you'll see comments will get deleted. Question: What about saying you don't approve of Rob's relationship would make you comfortable? It's something of a negative opinion, so how could you be comfortable ruffling up some feathers which is what negative opinions in any situation does.
It is completely pointless Rob fans hating on Kristen, what difference is it going to make, lol, when you think about it's just stupid. I wondered if Rob was in London for Dior thing, if that's happening.
I'm not preaching hate. I don't hate Kristen; I don't know her or Rob for that matter. I also didn't say if I approved or didn't approve of their relationship. I do think there are two sides to everything (if not more) and we are all entitled to an opinion. It could be argued that my expressing my thoughts of their reunion and those who don't agree are the negative ones. My point is that those that frequent this site have one thing in common; their obsession with Rob, hence the name. Other than that, we should all agree to disagree. Some love them together, others don't and we all have our opinions as to why we think what we do. As for "unacceptable opinions", whose to say what those are? Just because someone doesn't agree with you, that makes it unacceptable? I don't think so. I do agree that the different opinions and thoughts should be stated in a non hateful or cruel manner. One can say they are glad they are together, while another can say they don't. Neither is wrong or right...it's just a personal opinion. Mean, nasty names have no place here so if that's what was removed, bravo. But to spew hatred at someone who doesn't agree with you (not you personally, just in general), that's
(Cont) ...what isn't fair. I'm not here to stir up the pot. I'm just expressing my opinion like all the others. I regret I may be in the minority but that doesn't mean I need to be slammed or crucified for my thoughts. I've said it before, there are other sites devoted to them together. I don't go there because I'm not a fan of them together. Nor would I post my opinion on a site devoted to the two of them jointly. That, to me, would be stirring the pot. I visit Robsessed because that's who I'm a fan of, Rob. If there are pics of him and whomever he's seeing at the time. It's okay. But if I choose to comment and it not happen to be of the same opinion as everyone else, oh well. I don't attack those that don't agree with me unless I'm attacked first. I try to be respectful of differing opinions and just hope others would extend the same courtesy.
Ok. I am glad I missed the boat on the haters comments.....they must have been ferral by the sounds of it. Glad R&K are travelling ok and of course I am happy to see beautiful man being the babe he is!!!
God he looks beautiful. In fact, they both look great. I wonder what they're doing in NY!!!! Wouldn't it be great if it had something to do with Christian D. I know I know....wishful thinking. Sorry shouldn't speculate, I'm just hoping.
Rob looks good and Kristen looks cute with her glasses. Shame about the paps waiting for him a JFK (not surprising since there were tweets about them flying off from London to NYC). I hope they enjoy their time in NYC.
They look lovely...serene even and warm in layered jackets and sweaters. The papz even seemed not quite as terribly annoying as they usually are.. that's good. Maybe this means that situation is gonna improve for them ..let's sure hope so. ...One thing ..since they are through with Summit does that mean no more Dean? Does anyone know?
They probably didnt know the papz would harass theme so they didnt take Dean or other bodyguard with theme. its kind of sad. They usually can get in to New york with out anyone seeing theme. If that girl hadnt posted that pic, then the papz wouldnt have been there. It important to remember if you have a pic of theme, to wait and post the picture.
Dean worked with Rob for WFE promotion and I think he was on set for Bel Ami too. Dean is a great bodyguard, not touchy feely, just doing his job of protecting Rob.
Well isn't that a sight for sore eyes on this chilly UK Saturday morning. Don't they both look wonderful (even after a long flight!). Got to say I love Rob's hair here - short at sides, long on top, very sexy. And I love Kristen's specs, too. Hope they have fun in New York, maybe some Christmas shopping?
Dean wasnt there so now Rob is the bodyguard =). So cute how he is protecting kristen, look at the picture where he shielding her when he puts his arms out =). Cutie =)
Nooo...You are completely wrong about that. We love Rob and we love to see him in love and happy ..which he apparently is. She makes him happy and that makes us happy..get it?
If they are together somewhere are we supposed to ignore her and are the mods supposed to blank out her image of photos of them together? They arrived together FFS... And what's this insult "supposed couple"? So now you are insulting Rob, accusing him of being in a fake relationship, nice fan there... So you are lecturing us but you insult Rob himself, so take your advice and shove it up your arse. You clearly belong to the "nonsten" or "prsten" fandom, haters clubs.
I am late to the party too, so I am happy to have missed out the nasty comments. It's enough when we go to general gossip sites like Gossip Cop, EW, Just Jared, etc...
That's right but I wonder if he was employed thru Summit and so long as they had a vested interest in him they used Dean to watch over him until the saga was complete.
Then we will have to wait and see... But I doubt Summit would pay for the services of a bodyguard on movie sets and for promotion of movies which are not their own.
People who are happy or can respect Rob's an individual grown man who has made his own PERSONAL LIFE choices are positive. Anyone who can't respect that is being negative. There's no way anyone respecting Rob's made his choices without consulting fans, because that will never happen, is being negative.
The comments that have been deleted obviously were out of line and unacceptable. If you think not take it to the moderators. But who is to say what are unacceptable comments, you've found your answer: the moderators. The moderators go through comments and if there's any unacceptable comments they will get deleted.
Yes, as long as you don't go overboard and keep repeating that you don't like them being together then that should be accepted. However, don't you think, even if it's your opinion, that it doesn't achieve anything? The only achievement is that you've shared a negative opinion, one that won't be listened to by Rob. What is the goal in saying "I don't like them together"...Does it actually do anything? In my opinion I'd find it pointless to say something like that. What happens down the line in say ten years, if he's married to Kristen and they have kids together. Will there be a point in saying "I don't like them together"? Do those comments achieve anything?
I just find it impossible that you'd feel relieved and like you've made a worthwhile point, about not liking them together. I'd find it pointless for anyone to tell me they're a vegetarian out of the blue. Does it matter? Do I care about a stranger's eating habits? Do you find it absolutely crucial to know that I'm happy for them? Is it crucial for you to say you don't like them together? Also, f you think I'm attacking you I'm not.
I respect r/k for keeping so calm with all that craziness they have around them. Those poor kids. Rob i love the way you are taking care of who and what you love, don't listen to the haters, because they will always be around. Look at the way he puts his arm out to protect her? if that doesn't make you love this guy even more, then something is wrong with you. That's so freaking sexy/hot. grrrrrrrrrrr...........HBGR!!!!!!!!!
First of all, every single person who post here/on any other sites horrible comments about both Rob and Kristen CAN NOT BE CALLED FANS of neither one of them because a real fan is that person that loves his/her idols exactly how they are, without judging them and, most of all, that is happy with the things that make them happy ( in this case is clearly that Kristen's is the only without whom Rob can not live and vice-versa ). So, for all the hatters in the world, bum!!!, mo....er f....rs, get this right in your faces, because we, the real fans, don't give a s....h on what you all are thinking about Rob and Kristen and I bet they do the same! Keep wasting your time saying it's only a PR thing, blah, blah, blah, because all I see, and I not the only one, is your frustration that you were wrong again/Rob and Kristen are stronger then ever , lake of tolerance and forgiveness, incapability of understanding what true love is etc. All this comments should be deleted because this is a place were we share our love for Rob and, in conclusion, our love for what he loves...and he loves the most one person: Kristen. It's clearly like breathing!
This is the last time I will ever talk about hatters because I am sure that the best thing for destroy them is not giving them importance anymore!
So happy to see them again, although this are paps' pictures, because viewing pictures with both of them, from time to time, makes me really, really grateful that they both exist in each other life and also in my life! P.S. : they look gorgeous like always!!!
Yeah it is crazy ! I assume a lot of this aggression stems from jealousy, maybe frustration, I don't know !! Such a waste of emotion....could be directed towards something much more rewarding....anyway they (the haters) come and go, hopefully one day they'll just go..!!
Pretty pathetic. I don't get it? How can people be so hateful towards someone they don't know. Someone who has never hurt or done them any wrong personally to them? I really feel sorry for them Sonja. Why can't they see that Rob is happy, he is fine, he love this young lady, why can't these so call fans see that? The bad thing about the comments are that they are not just a little negative, they are don't right vile and hateful, to the point where I am scared for them. All it take is one crazy fuck like what we saw here earlier to go after them?
I agree. It all seems a little cowardly to me as well, I doubt they behave like that in public, at least I hope they don't !! Come on kids, get angry about the injustices in the world....get out of your homes and go on a march or something...!!!!! (Jeeez, I sound so old...!!!)
I am here because I am a Robert Pattinson fan. I love him because he brings joy to my life through his work & because he seems to be a good soul. It's nice to be aware of where he happens to be at a particular point in time but I really don't enjoy these sort of photos. He always looks so miserable & pissed off & it kinda bothers me.This is not a part of his job & he should be allowed to move freely in the world without people always being in his face all the time. He loves his job, but after a while this shit is gonna get really old & he might just say "fuck it" & disappear & then we will ALL lose out. Leo DiCaprio did that after Titanic hit & he disappeared for a few years. After all, there is only so much stress that a person can endure before they finally decide that they've had enough. I certainly hope that it never comes to this. Every human has the right to pick their friends without having to endure reading comments, good or bad,about the choices that they've made. On this site, the only person that we should be swooning over is Rob. It doesn't matter who he's with or where his hand is or how close he's standing to someone. Speculation & comments are intrusive & invasive to his basic human rights.So lets stop getting carried away with ourselves & remember who we're here for. Sorry. I know I'm a bitch sometimes.
Well on Nov 22 on twitter Charles Gillibert a producer of "On the Road" alluded to a premier in New York prior to the Dec 21 US release date. Take from it what you will.
If they are bold enough to write it, and they are bold enough to say it, then i do believe they are bold enough to behave/act it out. Holding on to this type of hate for so long is not normal. You are right they could use this type of persistence/ dedication/anger towards something more useful, like a political cause, maybe? instead of on a young couple who are just in love!
Hmm, I think political cause is aiming a bit high...!! How about Disqus...that would unite everyone !! And I like your words, young couple in love, I for one believe they are.
I don't like dredging up the past and I've been trying to keep my mouth shut...but think back to August on the blog and what was happening then. You may have moved past that but many people obviously haven't ...I can only feel sorry for them.
People were still in shock, including me, but to carry a grudge for this long especially when it doesn't affect their live is freaking crazy and ridiculous. I have come to realizes long ago that we as fans knows nothing about what really happened. Rob is the only one Kristen needs forgiveness from, and she has to also be able to forgive herself, which is going to be the hardest for her to do. I do remember, I haven't forgotten, but i do know one thing we are just fans and not their personal advisors.
I think you misunderstood my post. I don't think it's anyone's business what he does personally or professionally....it's my opinion.
As for replying to my comment (like I'm doing to yours), I welcome a difference of opinion. What I don't care for is the personal attacks. I'm not mean or nasty when it comes to an opinion that differs from mine. That's why I said what I said. Those who aren't a fan of the reconciliation and have the audacity to post here, get flamed, attacked and yes, even bullied. It appears that if I comment that I am not a fan of the reconciliation, then I'm not a fan of Rob. As stated before, which you seem to agree, you can like the persons professional choices but not the personal and still be a fan.
Lastly, I applaud Rob's ability and choice to forgive Kristen's summer "indiscretion". I'm not the one she hurt and humiliated. There's nothing for me to forgive since it didn't affect me personally. I wasn't surprised, hurt, blind sided or embarrassed when it came out in July so when it seemed they were going to try and make it work a few months later, I opined that I thought it was a mistake but its their lives. I couldn't do what he did. Forgive? Yes. Reconcile? No. Again, that's me.
I don't think you're attacking me but I do find it interesting that you find my opinion pointless and worthless about not liking them together. Do you find the other opinions that scream Robsten Forever pointless and worthless as well? Is it "crucial" for the others to announce they are thrilled to see them together? Again....my opinion, just like everyone else's.
I was never interested in his person life that's why I was able to move pass whatever happened between them! It's like no existence to me right now, I honestly never think about that anymore, I only see a young couple who are living in this crazy world of our, who are gonna make mistake and grow, and learn from them. 22 and 26 yrs old fighting for love, makes me cry, but in a good way!
Statement of a boy (he is not a fan) that took the same flight that Robert Pattinson y Kristen Stewart:
‘They were of the hand, he saw a movie while she was sleeping supported on her place. They were taken of the hands the whole trip. When the stewardess said to us that we were going to have to go down, Robert began to wake her up with sweet kisses and whispered: “Baby wakes up, we come, wakes up, angel”. She smiled and exchanged a rapid kiss. They are a couple’
the supposed couple dont waste your time here if you dont believe that they were and still are a couple they know each other since 2008 she had 17 and him 21 years old now after 5 tears of beign together you have still doubt so what are you doing on a site dedicate to Rob.
it's sad that a man showing forgiveness to his partner is a sign of weakness for our culture. It's also sad that these posts of his private life are the ones with the most comments and interest.
Since there are many pro-K fans here, I must qualify that I am actually one of those who think it's a mistake for them to reunite -- as I would if anyone cheats. Something is obviously flawed in their relationship and she expressed several times a need to live dangerously. That does not strike me as someone ready for a healthy and steady relationship (even if it's what Rob wants). BUT this outcome of reconciliation happens all the time and we just have to wait and see what comes of it. They may make it work or may not.
I just wish some of his fans who are losing their minds over this (whether for or against) would realize all the complaining and name calling is pointless. He probably feels sympathy for all the hate she is getting and perhaps that has brought them closer. Who knows. None of my business really and I support his career and him regardless.
I think that quite a few actors would like to have Denzel Washington's career, thank you... He can equally play goodies and baddies and in between. Jude Law's career is full of flops, in fact most of his movies were flops and he is now playing 2nd wheel to RDJ. Colin Firth was in Bridget Jones (popular books and movies), he does both small and bigger movies. Jeremy Renner and Tom Hanks are both excellent actors.
Comment like this makes me roll my eyes and think... what nonsense... everybody have something silly to say..."baby "wakes" up, we come, wakes up angel." LOL... oh geez!
people just need to get on with their lives. he's obviously forgiven her and willing to move past it. i think we all should too....<<and this is coming from someone that doesn't like Kristen Stewart and not because of what she did, I've never really been a fan of her.
all the people saying sh*t about her need to take a long look in the mirror and ask themselves "am i one to judge?" because really is anyone perfect? I'm sure the hell's not lol
Dear God, just the right amount of scruff and my favorite shades too. Impossible that someone could look so good after a long flight like that.
On another note: I am glad Robsessed is deleting hate comments. We know for a fact that Rob has been to this site, and therefore you never know when he might visit and he does not need to see anymore crap like that. Also, I don't need to read anymore crap like that.
Huh? I love Denzel, and think highly of Jeremy Renner. Seriously, I think Denzel and DDL are the best actors out there right now... I just was stating that I could not see Rob wanting to do a film like Safe House, Unstoppable, Pelham, etc (more mainstream, action roles of Denzel's). I could see him wanting to do a film like Flight (less mainstream, action movie role that Denzel took). On the other hand, I could see Rob doing mainly non mainstream films like DDL does. Nothing to do with baddies or goodies, just pointing out that some actors follow a more mainstream path (and still win lots of awards) while others prefer a more indie oriented path while winning awards (Daniel Day Lewis). You can't honestly tell me that you don't see the difference between Daniel Day Lewis and Denzel's career! Both are highly respected, but have followed very different career paths...Jude Law also hasn't been in mostly flops! Very, very strange that you have reduced him to playing second fiddle to RDJ for playing Watson to RDJ's Holmes.. The man is in Anna Karenina and is getting Oscar buzz for a BSA...He's also the lead male actor in an upcoming Soderbergh film, was in a Coppola film, Contagion etc. I don't know....Maybe you only look at films like The Hangover as indicators of success. Colin Firth RARELY does big films too...He's done a handful of mainstream films, like Bridget Jones, but he tends to do films with directors like the Coen Brothers and films like A Single Man. Colin most definitely does far less mainstream films than non mainstream films. I simply said I could see Rob doing the more off beat, indie films that tend to not be as mainstream and less of the mainstream films instead of vice versa.
Gossip Cop debunks tabloid BS, EW is mostly about entertainment news (general stuff like movies, music, reviews with which I don't always agree with, etc..., but they like my favorite singer), and Just Jared is for pictures, but sometimes unfortunately I do see the comments.
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«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 254 Newer› Newest»now that's what I call Jetlag Porn....
entirely superficial comment but i love robs hair at the moment
merrrrp. move along sir....
glad to see that there didn't seem to be many papz there to harrass them.
Disappointment. How a man like him make a point of sitting beside this slut homewrecker who engage with directors after she had publicly humiliated him. As a man passes by a ridiculous this. She is without morals. Rob will end his career if he remains beside this lightly. He deserves better. If that marketing is selling it ugly.
leave them the hell alone its nobodies damn business
They both look extremely gorgeous! I wish I looked that good getting off a plane ride from over the pond! I look like helll getting off a one hr flight LOL! Looking forward to a great year for Rob! and to the peeps that claim to be his fans by emasculating him here in comments... you are not a fan. And Rob's work will stand on its own not on his personal life choices. As his fan though his personal life is none of my business ... Rob makes the decisions HE wants to in life for himself not his fans and I for one hope he never changes :)
So glad they landed safely and both look well rested and gorgeous as ever...and no longer hiding:-D
What is this BS?
WTF are you even trying to say? Nothing in this rant even makes sense.
PLEASE, get the f*ck off here. Take your medication or have the orderlies take you back to your padded room. You're obviously not of sound mind and language challenged. Your comment is giving me a headache without even trying to read it...I'm sure I'm not the only one. For the love of God, where do they come from????
Honey, there's nothing ugly about Robert Pattinson and his girlfriend. You, on the other hand, are very nasty and ugly and I'm thinking VERY young! Not the place for you.
DECEPTION. How a man like him make a point of sitting beside this slut homewrecker who engage with directors after she had publicly humiliated him. As a man passes by a ridiculous this. She is without morals. Rob will end his career if he remains beside this lightly. He deserves better. If that marketing is selling it ugly, I am not able to see the beauty of it, nor any brightness only a weak man with no soul, no heart, no self esteem and no self love a doormat, a ABEL, a TYPHOON, a convicted , A wEAK. El thought was a man, but not a fucking snake A VENDIDO.Fique with his dignity as a man that you do not have and throw it in the trash at once, because only asim maybe you're happy, you know, proving their fans who actually enjoy what you think they do not hit you, you just like Robsten fans deluded right, they'll meet with you this fot eh, they merecm, we do not sr, Robert Patson doormat Kenga spoiled and tHAT oNE LIKE PUTTING YOU IN horns, KNOW YOU DESERVE!
Grow up.
Thanks to the Twitterers and that fan at Heathrow...nice job. You think they would have been pappzed if you couldn't control yourself? I doubt it.
Where in the hell did all the loonies come from, but wherever you came from PLEASE GO BACK!!!
They look great but sad to see the pappz got them, i wish the girl would not have tweeted about seeing being on the same plane as them. I mean tweet about it tomorrow, it didn't have to be on the same day.
I just said the same thing. Fans need to really think before they tweet their locations. Sure talk about it tomorrow but don't say anything until they are long gone.
I'm amazed how people judge others people's life, disqualifying, offending... It's nobody's business. Is it too difficult to understand?
"An ABEL, TYPHOON, VENDIDO Fique", WTH language are you ranting in? I don't even know what you're saying, are you & CRIS below the same person? Because whoever you are, you would probably have a much better time on a board where they speak whatever language it is you think you're speaking.
I'm amazed how people judge others people's life, disqualifying, offending... It's nobody's business. Is it too difficult to understand?
Do you have a life??? If you do so, please live it and stop judging, it's not your matter... If you don't have a life, please get one, make decisions and you'll see it is not as easy as you think... But please, stop saying bs.
trusting him as a fan, tell me it s a joke, here are real fan who support him in his choice, even if he never ask for, you are a joke of fan, go trust justin bieber he need your support more than Rob.
Um woah whats with all the commenters going goo gootz. The situation is what it is, different strokes for different folks and all that. She has something he likes about her so leave him to it. You don't have to like it but respect his decision.
Happy to see they landed safe and sound...:)
Go get a life, find someone/a site and people who really cares what you think. Is it your life? Why does it bothers you so much what he does or who he is with?
Gossip cop call and not even they wants you back, but guess what you can't stay here!!!
I know, really. Give them some respect and privacy, put your stupid attention grabbing ego aside. I actually don't think they are really fans, just identified some famous celebrities and want to squeee about it.
The funny thing is that this site is dedicated to the supposed couple Rob-sten and not to Robert, because I'm seeing a bunch of needy women clinging to a fanciful relationship to meet the needs in their own life. it is decadent pq betrayal hj days is called a momentary indiscretion. You guys are not a fan of Rob itself, are fans of the supposed couple, can only see them together and it is decadent.
This B**** is so fat! Oh, she's pregnant?! Is Rupert a father?
We are clearly chasing our own tails here ladies...
Dani, Cris
What has Rob and Kristen done to you personally? Nothing. Correct? Get out of their private lives. CRIS, How dare you call Rob an idiot or a laughingstock. You are just some sick wacko who really needs some meds. Rob forgiveness shows he has character and heart, where most people lack. I am sure forgiveness was taught by your parents, sunday school, or even grade school. It appears you were sleeping when this was being taught. If I can forgive the man who shot my brother ten years ago, then Rob's forgiveness is nothing in my comparison. Forgiveness is a poweful tool. Dani, morals has nothing to do with this situation. That tells me how young you are, because you are using it incorrectly. Your hate has no bearing on either of their careers now or in the future. They both will still be fine tens years down the road. Can either of you say that? I predict you both will still be on this site(if it still exist then) bad mouthing both. I know you have free freedom of speech, but not freedom to be a dumb axx.
triaseza that this man is so beautiful in this paper provide doormat dick warrant because of this spoiled brat, traitor, destruidira homes and fancy that these poor women who can only see this couple because they are unable to have their own fantasies
definition of fan:
an ardent admirer of a pop star, film actor, football team, etc.
definition of slut:
A woman prostitute
One who solicits and accepts payment for sex acts
definition of homewrecker:
A person who takes a taken invidual with the
intensions of breakign up the relationship and creating a relationship
of their own.
Meaning not a home wrecker unless the person in the relationship leaves for the other person.
Did some nonsten site suddenly close down? Where the Hell are all these nut cases coming from? Why are they all on this one thread? Are they all the same person?
Noooo!!! I'm Ivy.
Someone is burning from jeolousy after looking at these pictures. Robssessed, Kate, Tink, Gozde could you please remove the posts insulting Rob
Geese Black Friday has a whole new meaning today! Nonstens are out and in full force! But Rob and Kris look well rested I hope they had a good thanksgiving with his family :). Hope they have some peace and quiet before the new year.
Sorry to hear about what happened to your brother, that must have been a devastating point in your life. And yet you could forgive. You are one special person and I think you give these trolls more credit than they deserve. You are right on all points, but think it's wasted on people so young or small minded, with no life experience to understand that life and love is not always, make that never, easy, people make mistakes and it's no one's business to give an opinion about the private decisions a couple has made to overcome a bump in their private relationship. Unfortunately, Rob & Kristen don't have the luxury of anonymity, and to see these comments from ignorant, immature, or jealous trolls is such an insult to them, me and most everyone on this blog. It's hard to keep quiet. I hope they will NOT come back with their bad mouthing...they never come on any other posts about Rob.
We don't celebrate Thanksgiving in the UK Teresa.
Don't respond to idiots that's what they feed on
For a just arriving from London (what is that like 7 hours?) they both look great! Is that Kristen's natural color?
Mmmmm...I love scruffy Rob!:a SCRUMPTIOUS! He's gonna kill me!
did you google traslate your message to english...poor job honey. and you have such nasty thoughts and words. please go away and never came back.
Rob doesn't need fans like that , pretend to love him, telling him what to do with his personal life, judging the girl he loves for a stupid reason, just like they knew every single little detail that happened in Jully !! haters, to the left ... !!!
Good grief, the crazies have come out of the woodwork! For a moment there, I thought I was on Gossip Cop board.
On to better and brighter things....Rob and Kristen look well rested. Thankfully, they only got papped at the airport and not while they were vacationing in London (except for that one stray pic of them coming out of what looked like a grocery store). I agree though that the tweeter (?) of the heathrow airport pic could have posted it a day or two later. Hope Rob and Kristen stay under the radar for a few more days and don't get harassed by crazy paps.
Robert Pattinson i was your fan but not anymore. You're a cuckold, a coward and you deserve the worst with your slut girlfriend
Hello Gorgeous. Happy to see you is well rested after BD2. by the way, I am going to see BD2 again tomorrow and sunday...
ITA even though its difficult they need to be ignored !! They will soon get bored
...and they still promoting the movie????? I don't think so ... !!
I love that Robsten is so real, even without movie premieres or interviews or anything to do with Twilight franchise, they are just a hot and sexy couple !!!
they are so lucky to have each other ..
Kristen honey, hold on to your man , he is a keeper .. you're one lucky lukcy girl to have someone like Rob to kiss goodnight ...
Wow they do look good! Happy to see them ! Jeez Rob looks great ,dreamy sexy etc. Kristen is just a pure beauty. I am sooo jealous of her in many ways, no hate here just envy.
It seems as tho' some people who consider themselves "fans" have crossed over into the realm of "bully consciousness". If it causes you so much personal distress that you become almost incoherent in your ability to communicate then perhaps a different "hobby" would be more mentally and emotionally appropriate than obsessing over two young people who, by virtue of their occupations must live their lives under the microscope of mean spirited "fans" who seem to live to take pleasure in torturing
Thanks. I have been a fan of this site since it was started, and this is the first time I posted a comment. Yes, I fell right in these trolls trap. I know if you don't respond, they will eventually go away. They just touched a nerve which is just what they wanted to do.
Thank you sooooo much to the mods for deleting some oft the hateful and downright offensive comments on this thread . It really is appreciated!!!
First let me say, they both look well rested and just gorgeous. Wish I could look that well getting off a long flight like that!! Secondly, I'm kinda upset that the twitter posts had to come in today. Wished they could have gotten away with being papped. *sigh* Thirdly, I am sooooo glad to see most of the negative comments were removed. I think most of them came on here knowing that Rob visits this site - so they must have been hoping he would see their comments and take their advice. LMFAO, is my response to that. He's a grown man who can make logical and informed decisions on his own without any help from his "fans". Thank you for making this a very pleasant visit. It's been a while since I've been on here.
Yes it was.
Can you imagine rolling out of bed looking like that??? Wonder what they are doing back in NY together and where they'll go next? Trolls just want to get us stirred up and want attention - don't give them either - IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE.
True words.
Looking gorgeous even after a long flight! Glad they made it back safely!
Two very beautiful people! Wish I looked half as good!!
Just came home from watching BD2. 6x already and still going tomorrow after work. Happy to see R/K safe and sound in NYC.
Hey misty ...I'm jealous! You've gone 6 times already!
I don't know if I'll be able to catch up.
Cute pictures of them huh!
I heard on the news that today is the best day to fly in the U.S. because it's one of the least crowded days of the year. What a beautiful couple.
I just had my second viewing. I love it soooo much!
Don't worry bwen, you can catch up when dvd will come out next year:-)
The cutest ever, no doubt! Did you see the vid?
Me too:-) My first viewing was the best one. Too much excitement! The whole Nokia theatre was a perfect pandemonium . I wish there's a recording of fans first reactions to seeing the film in the theatre. It would be awesome!
I'm buying three one for upstairs, one downstairs and one in reserve for when I wear one of the others out.
And yes I saw the vid thanks!
I'm sorry that it was the trolling comments that brought you out. Please feel free to join in with other conversations about Rob, that are definitely more positive and it really is a happy place for his fans.
I'm buying 1 only, lol! I got 1 tv in the living room only. That's it......
that's what i noticed. they look rested and relaxed
so they deleted them. I joined later, could not see any hateful comments and was wondering what bthese people were talking about
lol !!
any work committments in NY? like kristen's "on the road" promo? or just travelling for fun?:)
is there a screening? or premiere?
when is the premiere?
There is a video now too.
What's so funny is the ones who defend their relationship are just as bad as those who diss it. You can still be a fan of their work and not a fan of their personal choices. Their fans are the ones that ensure they are in demand.
It's unfair to belittle a comment just because you don't agree with it. Being a fan can be just as loyal without agreeing with every single one of their choices. I love and support my friends and family but I don't like nor agree with every thing they do or chose. Same should apply here. It's called freedom of speech!
Very good looking after a well deserve break. Rob, your are just an amazing human being. Wish noting but the best for you and and Kristen.
This +1000. Pretty much why I stopped visiting a certain celebrity gossip site because it majorly crossed the line and became incredibly sexist/cruel towards both Rob and Kristen. The ironic thing is, I highly doubt Rob ever wanted to play some macho man action hero anyway (which is what the haters claim he can't do anymore)...Look at the films he's chosen. Somehow, I think Rob would be way happier following the career path of John Hawkes (such an excellent actor, go see The Sessions...he's probably going to get nominated for another Oscar), Colin Firth, or Jude Law than Jeremy Renner, Tom Hanks, Denzel Washington, Colin Farrell or Chris Hemsworth. Does anyone agree with me that Rob will end up following the Jude Law/Colin Firth/John Hawkes path (mostly or only indies) rather than the more mainstream path? Anyway, Sean Penn is a douchebag who beat on Madonna and RDJ went to jail for hard drugs....Liz Taylor, Eddie Fisher, and Debbie Reynolds, Ava Gardner, Lana Turner, Bill Clinton, Jude Law knocking up a one night stand and the whole nanny thing, Brangelina, Ryan Phillipe, Claire Danes, etc... Kristen's terrible choice and Rob and Kristen's reconciliation is a blip compared to the antics of quite a few other famous people, and the tabloids will eventually drop it.
They already had the premiere in Ny
No, this site is not dedicated to Robsten. That site closed after the summer cheating scandal. This site is Robsessed which are for fans of Rob and his work. Makes me wonder what will happen if they do break up and he starts seeing other people. The odds aren't great that this is a HEA. They are very young and lots can happen. If that occurs, will these fan-atics who are fans of the couple leave?
Seems to me that there are lots of other sites dedicated to the two of them together and wish that those who post here will remember that. You can be a fan of his work but not of his choices and that's okay.
There are those who love them together and those that don't. Either should feel comfortable to post their opinions/thoughts here without fear of bullying from those who don't agree.
The moderators are great and I hope Gozde, Kate, Kat & Tink continue to let a difference of opinion continue.
Don't tell people who post that they are not a fan if you disagree with his personal choices. You can love his work and talent but disagree with who he's with. That's okay, it's his choice but it doesn't make you not a fan if you don't like it.
Nice arm advertisement for NIKE.. Well, Nice everything on him.
You're a true blue fan girl! I've only seen it twice so far.
I want an extended edition with a Rob and Kristen commentary.
Really, this drama created by some is getting real old. What does it matter who Rob dates anyway?
OK but if I was sitting on their plane and knew they were sitting up in first class. I think I would have had to claim insanity and just make a break to run up there to actually see them. I would be ok to just see them and leave them alone. Probably.
Ugh, glad I was with family today and missed the ugliness. Kudos to the mods for deleting the Rob hate messages!
third row from the bottom...picture on the far right. is that dude airport SECURITY with his damn iPhone out? WTF?
people just cannot resist can they? Me? I would probably fumble around and drop my camera by the time they were driving down the highway ... not a photo opp for me! LOL :P
they do look AWESOME! well rested (maybe :P) and always keeping the poker face on for the pappz...can't say as I blame them for that at all.
LOL... I would probably be the same, byt the time I find my phone at the bottom of my bag... they'd be in another State...
lol...i know what you mean. i even downsized and everything i NEED always ends up in the bottom of the purse!
well...time to put Ol Rusty to bed ... think I'll join him ! LMAO nite
What gives you or anyone else the right to "disagree with who he's with." Seriously, it's no one's business but Rob's.
They're sooo gorgeous. Love Rob's hair. Those so-called "fans" who are dissing Rob for his choices are not really fans. They're just haters.
The same right that gives you the right to agree who he's with. This is exactly what I was talking about. Feel free to agree or disagree but keep it civil. You remember that! Geez
Being a fan is having respect for Rob and keeping your mouth shut if you don't like his personal choices.
Exactly. Like or dislike her, that's up to the individual. You can still be a fan of his without being a fan of hers. They are individuals and this is Robsessed!
nice everything is right! he's a stud. period.
See? This is what I mean. Seems if someone doesn't go gaga over him and Kristen being back together, they aren't considered a fan of his. Baloney! You can still be a fan and not think this reconciliation is a good thing.
Don't tell me to keep my mouth shut. Keep your mouth shut and don't respond to my opinion/comment if you don't like it.
I like Rob. I like his work. I think he is making interesting and good choices in his professional life. I personally don't condone cheating, based on personal experience so because of that, I'm not that thrilled that he took her back. However, just because I don't agree with that, doesn't make me not a fan. You can be a fan of someone's work alone & not his life.
Honestly, do you really think he bases his personal or professional choices on what his fans think?
I'm sure Rob would tell you where to go if he was reading this.
I must say that he is looking like a man... like a man man.... he looks more grown up..
Doubt it. He'd probably laugh & say to each his own. I don't think he takes it half as seriously as you do.
let's be superficial together :D i just want to pet him 0.0 lol
The other comments that got deleted were unacceptable opinions. The people commenting were typing extremely hateful comments in regard to not approving of Rob's relationship. Hopefully what you're preaching about which is wanting people who don't approve of the relationship to speak their mind, isn't preaching for hate. Because as you'll see comments will get deleted.
Question: What about saying you don't approve of Rob's relationship would make you comfortable? It's something of a negative opinion, so how could you be comfortable ruffling up some feathers which is what negative opinions in any situation does.
It is completely pointless Rob fans hating on Kristen, what difference is it going to make, lol, when you think about it's just stupid. I wondered if Rob was in London for Dior thing, if that's happening.
I'm not preaching hate. I don't hate Kristen; I don't know her or Rob for that matter. I also didn't say if I approved or didn't approve of their relationship. I do think there are two sides to everything (if not more) and we are all entitled to an opinion. It could be argued that my expressing my thoughts of their reunion and those who don't agree are the negative ones.
My point is that those that frequent this site have one thing in common; their obsession with Rob, hence the name. Other than that, we should all agree to disagree. Some love them together, others don't and we all have our opinions as to why we think what we do.
As for "unacceptable opinions", whose to say what those are? Just because someone doesn't agree with you, that makes it unacceptable? I don't think so.
I do agree that the different opinions and thoughts should be stated in a non hateful or cruel manner. One can say they are glad they are together, while another can say they don't. Neither is wrong or right...it's just a personal opinion. Mean, nasty names have no place here so if that's what was removed, bravo. But to spew hatred at someone who doesn't agree with you (not you personally, just in general), that's
(Cont) ...what isn't fair. I'm not here to stir up the pot. I'm just expressing my opinion like all the others. I regret I may be in the minority but that doesn't mean I need to be slammed or crucified for my thoughts.
I've said it before, there are other sites devoted to them together. I don't go there because I'm not a fan of them together. Nor would I post my opinion on a site devoted to the two of them jointly. That, to me, would be stirring the pot.
I visit Robsessed because that's who I'm a fan of, Rob. If there are pics of him and whomever he's seeing at the time. It's okay. But if I choose to comment and it not happen to be of the same opinion as everyone else, oh well. I don't attack those that don't agree with me unless I'm attacked first. I try to be respectful of differing opinions and just hope others would extend the same courtesy.
Ok. I am glad I missed the boat on the haters comments.....they must have been ferral by the sounds of it. Glad R&K are travelling ok and of course I am happy to see beautiful man being the babe he is!!!
Love his outfit....love his hair....love the words 'this comment was deleted'.
God he looks beautiful. In fact, they both look great. I wonder what they're doing in NY!!!! Wouldn't it be great if it had something to do with Christian D. I know I know....wishful thinking. Sorry shouldn't speculate, I'm just hoping.
i'm broke already, lol! That's ok as long as i'm happy.
Rob looks good and Kristen looks cute with her glasses. Shame about the paps waiting for him a JFK (not surprising since there were tweets about them flying off from London to NYC). I hope they enjoy their time in NYC.
Bill said no commentary from R/k:-( but we can still hope, right?
A good thing he doesn't... His taking back Kristen is none of our business, it's his life, his choice.
They look lovely...serene even and warm in layered jackets and sweaters. The papz even seemed not quite as terribly annoying as they usually are.. that's good. Maybe this means that situation is gonna improve for them ..let's sure hope so. ...One thing ..since they are through with Summit does that mean no more Dean? Does anyone know?
They probably didnt know the papz would harass theme so they didnt take Dean or other bodyguard with theme.
its kind of sad. They usually can get in to New york with out anyone seeing theme. If that girl hadnt posted that pic, then the papz wouldnt have been there. It important to remember if you have a pic of theme, to wait and post the picture.
They were deleted? Why, did they say mean things about Rob or was it Kristen. They haven't deleted comments before
Dean worked with Rob for WFE promotion and I think he was on set for Bel Ami too. Dean is a great bodyguard, not touchy feely, just doing his job of protecting Rob.
I agree, I don't want to read their comments, reading the ridiculous 'press' headlines is bad enough.
Well isn't that a sight for sore eyes on this chilly UK Saturday morning. Don't they both look wonderful (even after a long flight!). Got to say I love Rob's hair here - short at sides, long on top, very sexy. And I love Kristen's specs, too. Hope they have fun in New York, maybe some Christmas shopping?
Rob doesn't have Dean on his downtime.
Yes, they do look wonderful.
Dean wasnt there so now Rob is the bodyguard =). So cute how he is protecting kristen, look at the picture where he shielding her when he puts his arms out =). Cutie =)
Nooo...You are completely wrong about that. We love Rob and we love to see him in love and happy ..which he apparently is. She makes him happy and that makes us happy..get it?
If they are together somewhere are we supposed to ignore her and are the mods supposed to blank out her image of photos of them together? They arrived together FFS... And what's this insult "supposed couple"? So now you are insulting Rob, accusing him of being in a fake relationship, nice fan there... So you are lecturing us but you insult Rob himself, so take your advice and shove it up your arse. You clearly belong to the "nonsten" or "prsten" fandom, haters clubs.
I am late to the party too, so I am happy to have missed out the nasty comments. It's enough when we go to general gossip sites like Gossip Cop, EW, Just Jared, etc...
Just wondering..what does that say on your avi?
Dean was at Cannes too for Cosmopolis :)
That's right but I wonder if he was employed thru Summit and so long as they had a vested interest in him they used Dean to watch over him until the saga was complete.
Yes I see what you mean !! Hopefully not though, would be a shame not to see Dean again :(
Then we will have to wait and see... But I doubt Summit would pay for the services of a bodyguard on movie sets and for promotion of movies which are not their own.
That's true and of course he wouldn't be with him now but maybe he will when he's working again.
People who are happy or can respect Rob's an individual grown man who has made his own PERSONAL LIFE choices are positive. Anyone who can't respect that is being negative. There's no way anyone respecting Rob's made his choices without consulting fans, because that will never happen, is being negative.
The comments that have been deleted obviously were out of line and unacceptable. If you think not take it to the moderators. But who is to say what are unacceptable comments, you've found your answer: the moderators. The moderators go through comments and if there's any unacceptable comments they will get deleted.
Yes, as long as you don't go overboard and keep repeating that you don't like them being together then that should be accepted. However, don't you think, even if it's your opinion, that it doesn't achieve anything? The only achievement is that you've shared a negative opinion, one that won't be listened to by Rob. What is the goal in saying "I don't like them together"...Does it actually do anything? In my opinion I'd find it pointless to say something like that. What happens down the line in say ten years, if he's married to Kristen and they have kids together. Will there be a point in saying "I don't like them together"? Do those comments achieve anything?
We know Dean has worked with other stars so I suppose it would depend on his own work commitments !!
Yea that's true. Wonder if it'll calm down a lot for him now ..like maybe he won't need a bodyguard anymore.
I think they will both still need one while they are working !!
Yea I do, too. And when traveling as well..like today. Was that Kris' BG?
That rhymes..lol
I just find it impossible that you'd feel relieved and like you've made a worthwhile point, about not liking them together. I'd find it pointless for anyone to tell me they're a vegetarian out of the blue. Does it matter? Do I care about a stranger's eating habits? Do you find it absolutely crucial to know that I'm happy for them? Is it crucial for you to say you don't like them together? Also, f you think I'm attacking you I'm not.
So it does :)
I'm not sure to be honest !!
Me either,..but I think it was. So that's smart they've got someone to help them get thru the airport. They must know the papz hang out there.
This thread sux. No wonder everybody left. I'm leaving , too.
cute isn't he, what a perfect boyfriend !!!
HBG : Handsome Boyfriend Guard ... ;-)
who needs Dean if you have a very protective Handsome Boyfriend Guard ... ;-)
I was just thinking the same thing. Wow!!!
I got to say I love Rob's hair in any kind of haircut, sexy man all the way ;-)
I agree especially in the pic where she's getting in the car :) but Dean is there to protect Rob !!
They both look really good. Fortunately they got a nice rest and are ready to face the madness again.
Sonja haters like that doesn't get it, don't waste your breath babe. They are just hateful and jealous.
I respect r/k for keeping so calm with all that craziness they have around them. Those poor kids. Rob i love the way you are taking care of who and what you love, don't listen to the haters, because they will always be around.
Look at the way he puts his arm out to protect her? if that doesn't make you love this guy even more, then something is wrong with you. That's so freaking sexy/hot. grrrrrrrrrrr...........HBGR!!!!!!!!!
'this comment was deleted'....what does that means?
First of all, every single person who post here/on any other sites horrible comments about both Rob and Kristen CAN NOT BE CALLED FANS of neither one of them because a real fan is that person that loves his/her idols exactly how they are, without judging them and, most of all, that is happy with the things that make them happy ( in this case is clearly that Kristen's is the only without whom Rob can not live and vice-versa ). So, for all the hatters in the world, bum!!!, mo....er f....rs, get this right in your faces, because we, the real fans, don't give a s....h on what you all are thinking about Rob and Kristen and I bet they do the same! Keep wasting your time saying it's only a PR thing, blah, blah, blah, because all I see, and I not the only one, is your frustration that you were wrong again/Rob and Kristen are stronger then ever , lake of tolerance and forgiveness, incapability of understanding what true love is etc. All this comments should be deleted because this is a place were we share our love for Rob and, in conclusion, our love for what he loves...and he loves the most one person: Kristen. It's clearly like breathing!
This is the last time I will ever talk about hatters because I am sure that the best thing for destroy them is not giving them importance anymore!
So happy to see them again, although this are paps' pictures, because viewing pictures with both of them, from time to time, makes me really, really grateful that they both exist in each other life and also in my life!
P.S. : they look gorgeous like always!!!
Just that the worst 'hate' comments from earlier were deleted, so I didn't have to read the bullshit, Sorry...I was a bit cryptic....!!!!
Oh...ok, got it. It's crazy how vile some of those comments were. Down right hateful.
yea..I gave up already. I think they pose as 2 people then argue with themselves. Pretty sad, huh?
Yeah it is crazy ! I assume a lot of this aggression stems from jealousy, maybe frustration, I don't know !! Such a waste of emotion....could be directed towards something much more rewarding....anyway they (the haters) come and go, hopefully one day they'll just go..!!
Pretty pathetic. I don't get it? How can people be so hateful towards someone they don't know. Someone who has never hurt or done them any wrong personally to them? I really feel sorry for them Sonja. Why can't they see that Rob is happy, he is fine, he love this young lady, why can't these so call fans see that? The bad thing about the comments are that they are not just a little negative, they are don't right vile and hateful, to the point where I am scared for them. All it take is one crazy fuck like what we saw here earlier to go after them?
I'm a little confused, if you were happy to have missed the nasty comments here, why on earth do you go to those other sites at all ?
I know, I just find it very disturbing and down right scary.
I agree. It all seems a little cowardly to me as well, I doubt they behave like that in public, at least I hope they don't !! Come on kids, get angry about the injustices in the world....get out of your homes and go on a march or something...!!!!! (Jeeez, I sound so old...!!!)
I am here because I am a Robert Pattinson fan. I love him because he brings joy to my life through his work & because he seems to be a good soul. It's nice to be aware of where he happens to be at a particular point in time but I really don't enjoy these sort of photos. He always looks so miserable & pissed off & it kinda bothers me.This is not a part of his job & he should be allowed to move freely in the world without people always being in his face all the time. He loves his job, but after a while this shit is gonna get really old & he might just say "fuck it" & disappear & then we will ALL lose out. Leo DiCaprio did that after Titanic hit & he disappeared for a few years. After all, there is only so much stress that a person can endure before they finally decide that they've had enough. I certainly hope that it never comes to this. Every human has the right to pick their friends without having to endure reading comments, good or bad,about the choices that they've made. On this site, the only person that we should be swooning over is Rob. It doesn't matter who he's with or where his hand is or how close he's standing to someone. Speculation & comments are intrusive & invasive to his basic human rights.So lets stop getting carried away with ourselves & remember who we're here for. Sorry. I know I'm a bitch sometimes.
Well on Nov 22 on twitter Charles Gillibert a producer of "On the Road" alluded to a premier in New York prior to the Dec 21 US release date. Take from it what you will.
Rob looks so HOT. and that's all i care about these pics.
If they are bold enough to write it, and they are bold enough to say it, then i do believe they are bold enough to behave/act it out. Holding on to this type of hate for so long is not normal. You are right they could use this type of persistence/ dedication/anger towards something more useful, like a political cause, maybe? instead of on a young couple who are just in love!
But you are a good bitch!
I read on IMDB he signed on for 2013 movie called Map to the Stars with Vitto Morgenstern directed by David Cronenberg....yea
I like the way you comment for the most part you are very tactful and succinct that's much appreciate ...at least by me.
Hmm, I think political cause is aiming a bit high...!! How about Disqus...that would unite everyone !! And I like your words, young couple in love, I for one believe they are.
I don't like dredging up the past and I've been trying to keep my mouth shut...but think back to August on the blog and what was happening then. You may have moved past that but many people obviously haven't ...I can only feel sorry for them.
Lol.... political cause aiming too high....so true....Disqus is perfect.
People were still in shock, including me, but to carry a grudge for this long especially when it doesn't affect their live is freaking crazy and ridiculous. I have come to realizes long ago that we as fans knows nothing about what really happened. Rob is the only one Kristen needs forgiveness from, and she has to also be able to forgive herself, which is going to be the hardest for her to do. I do remember, I haven't forgotten, but i do know one thing we are just fans and not their personal advisors.
I think you misunderstood my post. I don't think it's anyone's business what he does personally or professionally....it's my opinion.
As for replying to my comment (like I'm doing to yours), I welcome a difference of opinion. What I don't care for is the personal attacks. I'm not mean or nasty when it comes to an opinion that differs from mine. That's why I said what I said. Those who aren't a fan of the reconciliation and have the audacity to post here, get flamed, attacked and yes, even bullied. It appears that if I comment that I am not a fan of the reconciliation, then I'm not a fan of Rob. As stated before, which you seem to agree, you can like the persons professional choices but not the personal and still be a fan.
Lastly, I applaud Rob's ability and choice to forgive Kristen's summer "indiscretion". I'm not the one she hurt and humiliated. There's nothing for me to forgive since it didn't affect me personally. I wasn't surprised, hurt, blind sided or embarrassed when it came out in July so when it seemed they were going to try and make it work a few months later, I opined that I thought it was a mistake but its their lives. I couldn't do what he did. Forgive? Yes. Reconcile? No. Again, that's me.
I don't think you're attacking me but I do find it interesting that you find my opinion pointless and worthless about not liking them together. Do you find the other opinions that scream Robsten Forever pointless and worthless as well? Is it "crucial" for the others to announce they are thrilled to see them together?
Again....my opinion, just like everyone else's.
I was never interested in his person life that's why I was able to move pass whatever happened between them! It's like no existence to me right now, I honestly never think about that anymore, I only see a young couple who are living in this crazy world of our, who are gonna make mistake and grow, and learn from them. 22 and 26 yrs old fighting for love, makes me cry, but in a good way!
December 13th apparently.
Statement of a boy (he is not a fan) that took the same flight that Robert Pattinson y Kristen Stewart:
were of the hand, he saw a movie while she was sleeping supported on
her place. They were taken of the hands the whole trip. When the
stewardess said to us that we were going to have to go down, Robert
began to wake her up with sweet kisses and whispered: “Baby wakes up, we
come, wakes up, angel”. She smiled and exchanged a rapid kiss. They are
a couple’
yes that you and who are you?
the supposed couple dont waste your time here if you dont believe that they were and still are a couple they know each other since 2008 she had 17 and him 21 years old now after 5 tears of beign together you have still doubt so what are you doing on a site dedicate to Rob.
it's sad that a man showing forgiveness to his partner is a sign of weakness for our culture. It's also sad that these posts of his private life are the ones with the most comments and interest.
Since there are many pro-K fans here, I must qualify that I am actually one of those who think it's a mistake for them to reunite -- as I would if anyone cheats. Something is obviously flawed in their relationship and she expressed several times a need to live dangerously. That does not strike me as someone ready for a healthy and steady relationship (even if it's what Rob wants). BUT this outcome of reconciliation happens all the time and we just have to wait and see what comes of it. They may make it work or may not.
I just wish some of his fans who are losing their minds over this (whether for or against) would realize all the complaining and name calling is pointless. He probably feels sympathy for all the hate she is getting and perhaps that has brought them closer. Who knows. None of my business really and I support his career and him regardless.
Same as you...a person who has an opinion.
Geez....enough. Sorry I'm not one of the masses. Robsessed, yes. Robsten, no.
i know right!
i went to bed right after i posted this, i'm glad i did after reading some of the nasty ridiculous comments after ours :((((
I don't think that Rob gives a crap about the hate Kristen gets from people who don't know them.
I think that quite a few actors would like to have Denzel Washington's career, thank you... He can equally play goodies and baddies and in between. Jude Law's career is full of flops, in fact most of his movies were flops and he is now playing 2nd wheel to RDJ. Colin Firth was in Bridget Jones (popular books and movies), he does both small and bigger movies. Jeremy Renner and Tom Hanks are both excellent actors.
Comment like this makes me roll my eyes and think... what nonsense... everybody have something silly to say..."baby "wakes" up, we come, wakes up angel." LOL... oh geez!
people just need to get on with their lives. he's obviously forgiven her and willing to move past it. i think we all should too....<<and this is coming from someone that doesn't like Kristen Stewart and not because of what she did, I've never really been a fan of her.
all the people saying sh*t about her need to take a long look in the mirror and ask themselves "am i one to judge?" because really is anyone perfect? I'm sure the hell's not lol
Dear God, just the right amount of scruff and my favorite shades too. Impossible that someone could look so good after a long flight like that.
On another note: I am glad Robsessed is deleting hate comments. We know for a fact that Rob has been to this site, and therefore you never know when he might visit and he does not need to see anymore crap like that. Also, I don't need to read anymore crap like that.
Huh? I love Denzel, and think highly of Jeremy Renner. Seriously, I think Denzel and DDL are the best actors out there right now... I just was stating that I could not see Rob wanting to do a film like Safe House, Unstoppable, Pelham, etc (more mainstream, action roles of Denzel's). I could see him wanting to do a film like Flight (less mainstream, action movie role that Denzel took). On the other hand, I could see Rob doing mainly non mainstream films like DDL does. Nothing to do with baddies or goodies, just pointing out that some actors follow a more mainstream path (and still win lots of awards) while others prefer a more indie oriented path while winning awards (Daniel Day Lewis). You can't honestly tell me that you don't see the difference between Daniel Day Lewis and Denzel's career! Both are highly respected, but have followed very different career paths...Jude Law also hasn't been in mostly flops! Very, very strange that you have reduced him to playing second fiddle to RDJ for playing Watson to RDJ's Holmes.. The man is in Anna Karenina and is getting Oscar buzz for a BSA...He's also the lead male actor in an upcoming Soderbergh film, was in a Coppola film, Contagion etc. I don't know....Maybe you only look at films like The Hangover as indicators of success. Colin Firth RARELY does big films too...He's done a handful of mainstream films, like Bridget Jones, but he tends to do films with directors like the Coen Brothers and films like A Single Man. Colin most definitely does far less mainstream films than non mainstream films. I simply said I could see Rob doing the more off beat, indie films that tend to not be as mainstream and less of the mainstream films instead of vice versa.
Hell, I tend to prefer the non-mainstream films. Give me Holy Motors and Beasts of the Southern Wild over Life of Pi...
I think it's bad translation from Spanish into English, so it makes it appear even worse.
Gossip Cop debunks tabloid BS, EW is mostly about entertainment news (general stuff like movies, music, reviews with which I don't always agree with, etc..., but they like my favorite singer), and Just Jared is for pictures, but sometimes unfortunately I do see the comments.
Ah... but it still sound off... do you think it's something he would say? ^.^
LOL How can anyone of us possibly know what Rob would actually say to the woman he loves?
I thought the same thing bwen. new avi??
Yes it is a new avi...you like?
absolutely :)
hey....Alabama destroyed Auburn today! :P
I'm sharing this with you even though you're not a huge football fan ... lol
Hey I know enough about you and care enough to say GO BAMA!!!
I shoulda put up the tree today. Didn't. *sigh*
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