BIG thanks to our reader OverTheRainbow for translating this for us (we have the BEST readers)
(Interview took place on 16th July)
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Robert Pattinson
R-Pattz seems ready more than ever to become Robert Pattinson. An intimate conversation with the most famous, and future ex-vampire in the world.
This is it. This is the end. Our last interview for Twilight. With hindsight, how did this experience change you, as an actor and as a person?
It's hard to say... I try to see how this adventure will fit into the plans I had when I started at 17. At the time, I had a pretty good idea of who I wanted to be at 32. The path is perhaps not the one I imagined, but I have the feeling of moving in the same direction. It's funny how things happen sometimes. I never thought something like Twilight could happen to me. In any case, I am very exited by what comes next. The advantage of being part of such a cultural phenomenon is that it makes every choice more exciting, because you know that many people are interested and waiting to see what your next project is. If you make a great film that nobody sees, it doesn't matter. Well, it does, really... I'm just very a superficial guy who needs an audience!
We all seek recognition ... That's it. I want to be cool. (Laughs.) That said, something new happened to me with Cosmopolis. It's the first time that I feel deeply convinced that a film I played was a total successful. If someone were to speak badly of it, I know they're wrong, whereas usually, I'd be the type to say "I quite like this and I quite like that, but OK... whatever!"
The problem is that from now on you will suffer if your future projects do not all live up to this.
And it is far from being a given, believe me. Nowadays, I feel that the Hollywood industry has only one goal: to force you to make shit. The system transforms everything it touches into a dud. Fortunately, there is a small group of directors who resist this, but they are forced to grow on the fringe. It's a miracle they've manage to survive. I'm thinking of someone like Harmony Korine, in particular, whom I find particularly brilliant. He showed me his new film this summer, Spring Breakers, which I loved. I wouldn't want to jinx it, but I feel that it can really be a hit. I want to with directors like him, people who have spent their lives refusing to compromise, whatever the cost. If you look closely, they are often the ones who have longest careers. They are the safest investments in the market!
You still have not answered my first question. What has changed in you after 5 years of Twilight? Wasn't I talking about this just now?
Unless you have transformed into Harmony Korine, no, you weren't...
I don't think I have changed that much, actually.
What do you feel when you come across a picture of yourself in the first Twilight?
I don't recognise myself. You should know one thing: my memory only remembers the the last two years. I feel I am gradually forgetting everything, perhaps because I focus so much on the future. This is probably why I haven't become insane, because I was thinking of what was coming next. I rarely analyse the past, for the simple reason that I don't remember it. (Laughs.) there's no point in looking at what's passed. There will always be someone who's better than you. Best focus on what you’re going to do to be better than them!
If you could go back to 2007, what would you say to the young actor who is about to sign for 5 Twilight films?
Four, at the time. And in my mind, I was signing only for one, because I was convinced that the others would not get made.
What advice would you give yourself?
Nothing. Ultimately, the most important thing is to keep the enthusiasm which prompted you to do this job in the firsrt place, not to arrive on the stage walking backwards. So yes, you sulk when you find yourself suddenly deprived of your privacy. When I was 23-25, I went through a long period of feeling frustrated. I couldn't go anywhere when I wanted to, I was always in the tabloids, and I couldn't get the roles I really wanted. I wanted more, on every level. Then I realised that I needed to earn whatever change I wanted so desperately. That, one way or another, I had to suffer to get there. I thought everything was going to come to me on a platter, but that's not how it happens, strangely enough... When Cronenberg offered Cosmopolis to me, I hadn't read anything as interesting in years. I could see Kristen doing Snow White and the Huntsman, Taylor was also doing his own thing. And I was just going round in circles , wondering if I shouldn't just take a break and go back to music. Then David called, and I want crazy.
This is what you should say to 2007-Rob : “One day, you'll work with Cronenberg. Be patient." (Laughs.) Quite. It's quite a funny business, really. Sometimes I feel that, career-wise, I have been standing at the edge of a bridge, about to jump off, and someone just catches my arm. I'm exaggerating of course, but it is sometimes difficult to evolve in an environment where everything is so random. I regret waiting so long before meeting with directors I admire, people like Harmony Korine whom I mentioned earlier. I didn’t dare approach them, because I felt the need to prove myself first, but talking with them now, I realise that they are very open. We all want to work, and this little power I have thanks to Twilight can help to materialise this kind of collaboration. I have several exciting projects coming up.
Such as David Michôd's second film, The Rover...
Animal Kingdom is one of the most impressive first film I've seen in a long while. When I met David for the audition, I really felt he was someone special. And that script is just awesome. I've never been very good at auditions, so I can tell you that I really prepared for this one. It lasted just about 3 hours and it was epic. You should have seen the number of actors who came to the casting... Everyone wanted this role. When I found out that I had it, I was so proud that I almost got a Twitter account to list all the actors I managed to beat to get it! (Laughs.)(Kate: The internet would have exploded)
You also mentioned working with David Cronenberg again...
I hope to, yes. We discussed several projects, including one about child stars in Hollywood. The script is very funny and incredibly dark too. In any case, David knows all he has to do is pick up the phone and I'll be there. I'd do anything for him.(Kate: LOVE it)
In five years, you went from being an unknown to being a world-wide star. How do you take it all in? Despite everything, I feel that people still do not know who I really am, and it's probably a good thing. Often, when I meet directors, they eventually tell me at the end of a meeting “You're not at all what I expected." I have to stop myself from asking them "What were you expecting, exactly?" Any success you get in this industry is a plus, and Twilight has clearly opened doors for me. I also know that the infatuation can disappear very rapidly. That's why I plan the next stage very carefully.
If everything was to come to an end tomorrow, how would you take it?
It depends on what you mean by “everything”. If Twilight had never happened, I'd still be trying to get the same roles as those I go for today. My chances to get them would just be much lower. Fortunately, the directors I want to work with don't sign actors on because their fame would help get them an extra 5 million on their budget. They choose you because they think you're good. As for popularity, it would have been great twelve years ago, before smartphones and TMZ. At the time Titanic came out, Leonardo DiCaprio was not constantly followed by dozens of cameras. He really seemed to be have fun, hanging out with the Wu-Tang Clan... Now, you can't step outside without wondering what compromising picture will be published the following day. It makes you paranoid very quickly. I almost threw myself on some people, once. I was certain they followed me to take some pictures ... Turns out they didn't even have a camera. They weren't the big fans I thought they were! (Laughs.)
What do you think people will make of Twilight in 10 years time?
The saga has continuously be attacked over the years, and sometimes totally unfairly. It's not a good comparison, but but nobody has been so vicious about the Backstreet Boys at the time, for example. (Laughs.) The amount of vitriol that has been poured over Twilight is unbelievable. I think this last chapter will be much better received. It's really for the fans; it's almost a love letter addressed to them. The movie is funny, very tender and does not rely on the supernatural aspect unnecessarily in the hope of attracting boys, or a different audience. This is exactly why it will be liked more. Bill Condon showed us a rough cut in April, just before we went back to reshoot a few scenes and I liked the way the film linked with all the previous films. It comes full circle and it's very touching.
I meant the saga itself, and its impact on pop culture ...
Twilight has managed to bring together an audience which had gone unrecognised until then, and one which the studios do not yet know how to capitalise on. The saga has opened a door on an exciting new world, ready to be explored. I'm sure there are smart ways to of recreating whatever drew the audience to Twilight in other movie genres. Actually, this is something I'm also considering at the moment. It's my audience after all!
Scans via Source
Awesome interview, great translation too, it actually sounds like him instead of making me go WHAT???? every other sentence LOL
Great interview. I really like his last answer! He is thinking about us :-)
Probably the best interview of this promo-round. Even though at one time the interviewer sounded like he was conducting a cross-examination or something.
Sorry it took longer than anticipated...
RL came crashing in when I was half-way through...
We are def your fans Rob.
Thank you for translating!! I loved reading it!!
Thank you for having corrected a mistake which I had seen in another translation. Much better this way.
It's interesting that Rob's interview is longer than the other 2's.
great interview. enjoyed it immensely
I got my copy today. You made a good translation, because I briefly went through another one, which had a mistake. Thank you on behalf of non-French fans.
Thank you... I had to rush it a bit and there are a few typos, but the gist is there!
ETA: I'm annoyed that my digital copy of Première shows The Hobbit on the cover...
Rob really shows how articulate he is in this interview. He knows what he can accomplish, he is grateful for the opportunities that Twilight has afforded him, and he is respectful of the fans that have supported him in pursuing all his other projects. Besides being The Pretty, Rob seems to be a really down-to Earth, genuine sweetheart.
Okay, enough of my rambling...time to *sigh :)
I have the proper magazine, with Edward of course! It's too bad that inside there are only Twilight pics, but yes I get: it's to celebrate 5 years of Twilight. Still, looking forward to getting L'Uomo Vogue.
I wasn't going to comment anymore because I do not like this format, but I did want to express how blown away I was by this interview. This is one of the best I've read. His insights are brilliant and mature. As always, hoping the best for him always.
Thank you great translation.
TY :)
It's weird when you think that this interview was held in English, translated into French for the mag, then translated back into English so that everyone could read it here!
A bit like Chinese whispers... I wonder if he would recognise his words at all!
Me three, & I've been "selected" for an early peek at something called Disqus Digest
http://help . disqus . com/customer/portal/articles/808919-introducing-disqus-digests
i got that too but immediatelly deleted it. is that something worth looking at ? do they change the format back for me ? lol
He actually did answer the first question and in a very clever and articulate way. loved what he said. very interesting read.
Me too, bloody cheek after this debacle, Im like Mizz , deleted it , they can sod off.
He's just a Beautiful Brainball .
have you noticed that DISQUS was not functioning right and that it had some other "options" like go too fire fox or internet explorer number 9 or whatever else it had I wish it would change back dammit those idiots! what the hell is this honestly!!
well heres my message too DISQUS Digest STICK IT!
great interviews but SHITTY format >.<
I agree why do they have too be idiots and change it honestly!
Yes Rob, we belong to you.
it was a great interview :)
screwed is what it is .
It sounds like a daily or weekly email that tells you who replied to your comments. I don't know if it's of any use though, I guess I'll find out when I get one :-)
I have sent them Feedback telling them that the new format sucks!
Thank you!
oh man!! when he said ``I was so proud`` I had goose bumps... I am quite sure Robert does not know that we all are very proud of him! he has no idea...
Two Thumbs up!
What is amazing about him is that he is so articulate, intelligent and yet humble. He really has grown up in the last few years, and took what could be perceived as negative and turned it into a positive lesson. He is grateful to what Twilight has helped him achieve but also knows it doesn't define him. We don't know him, most of us never will on a personal level, but in these types of interviews he gives us hints as to who he really is and it makes me proud that I am a fan. I genuinely believe that I would enjoy a conversation with him immensely. Not because he is physically beautiful (which hot damn, we know he is), but because he can have an intelligent conversation without constantly talking about himself, discuss different topics and be serious when necessary, yet still be silly and have fun at times.
I wish when I was his age I had even an ounce of that drive and focus. He will be successful in whatever he chooses to do not only because of his talent but because of who he is as a person. Without diving head first into the DR, if I ever met him I would love to sit and have a few beers with him and just talk to him for hours.
Of course, after those few beers and all that interesting conversation I would head straight for the DR.
That wasn't a dig at my beloved Backstreet Boys was it? I love me some BSB. I love how smart Robert is, though through translation, I am not sure I hear his voice in most of this.
I was not able to go from page to page, just the main page, but then I signed in with that alternate method we had a couple months ago, and everything is working.
The thing I was wanting to avoid, because I don't like it when other people go on and on about what KS did last summer, BECAUSE THIS ISN'T THE SITE TO DO IT! I just think the separation was a good thing for Rob professionally.
I happen to be a wench, so cool it! Also, You don't have any idea what i do or don't think of KS. This sight is about Rob, if you want to discuss someone else take it to their site, but I haven't once criticized you or the cronies that rant on and on about what should be Rob's PL and how we should all agree with you! As someone old enough to be KS's Grandmother, I am perfectly capable of making up my own opinion. I don't need to have it forced on me every other day by people that forget this is a ROB FAN SITE!
I could have, if I felt like it, called KS a homewrecker, slut, witch etc if that is the way I feel. I don't do that! It is not polite and this is not her site. So don't accuse me of doing something I didn't not do!
That really doesn't sound like Rob to me. But it's good information.
He does a lot to keep from sounded self centered most of the time, so this just didn't sound like his voice to me. JMHO
OH THAT'S why this doesn't sound like's a translation?
hahahaa...beautiful that! :)
I know what you mean (I think)...that he matured quite a lot over the past few months, or so it seems...whether that was related to his relationship with DC or with KS, we don't know...probably a combo of all his life events...but, it does seem he has really learned a lot about his career path on many diff levels...looking so forward to see what his future holds...we will be seeing him for a long time, i do believe...lucky, lucky us!!!!
Over the rainbow, translated and English -to- French -to- English article. I wonder how accurate was the first translation. I did a translation once. The person that graded it said my simple mistakes made some of the issues mean different things. I'm just glad we got a translation. Maybe two would be better?
I can only imagine what you think of Rob's decision to take Kristen back, lol, but I won't go into that.
From the way I read this,, Rob basically said he had been lucky and things had fallen into his lap. If it continued, he'd eventually get to do the things he wanted someday. I believe someone older and someone with a lot of Hollywood experience may have steered him a bit until he realized if he wanted it he'd have to work at it and go after those directors and parts that he wanted. Humans don't just wake up one morning with that kind of clarity. It takes a bit of thought and they usually have mentor. I don't think Rob could have had a better mentor than DC.
Is this Rob's actual words or a variation of what he said according to the interpreter? Some of it doesn't quite sound like him. Wish we could see this one.
thanks for doing it so that we can enjoy too
Robs interview with French Premiere are always the best!
Ditto, we are Robsessed not Rob-Stain
Same here Solas. Absolutely and totally blown away. He is so mature he takes my breath away every time. Good questions too. He is slowly realizing his potential which is also great to see.
I shoulda read the comments first...duh.
totally agree...DC, best mentor! so looking forward to their next collaboration...woohooo!!!!
Rob is such a deep thinker and is working so hard to broaden his options out. When there's a drought for us, we now know that he is beavering away at forwarding his career and meeting with key people and doing great photoshoots Like that he talks about directors who won't compromise and are forced to work on the fringe but their careers usually last longer. Doesn't matter about the size of audience if it's a great film that's been made. All great stuff - Rob is so intelligent and I can't wait to see the movies he's going to make!
Great response! I am so sick and tired of the "regulars" jumping all over someone else just because they have an opinion but they are not their "buddies'! Guess what.....a lot of people read this blog and have valid opinions as well. And yes, this is the biggest reason why I don't post.
I love that he says that he still has to prove himself...that he still has to earn things..I love that... he is not taking anything for granted...
I very much like what you said and always am amazed too about his maturity at this young age :)
Such a unique man! I would like to live long enough to see Rob´s life developing for some decades :) I have a feeling it will be utterly fascinating.....
I agree wholeheartedly. He is a unique actor, the leader in his field today, and he's getting better with age!
You know what ? I'm so sick of it too. I don't approve of name calling either but the Robstens have to go after every single negative opinion. EVERY SINGLE ONE ! and never stop.....I agree with you 100 %. I think they would love to call this blog ROBSTENsessed.
Hi Hazeldene! (lovely name :) It is always good to hear that people think alike and we are not alone with our overboarding emotions ;) If he continues his path careerwise and also as a human in the self-challenging, smart and humble way, he will get very far, I´m sure! I am your age btw.....
Is there a way I can send you a personal message? The moderators have my email address, you can ask them for it. My online name is a combination of my aunt's name and my middle name. I am disappointed that I am unable to see anything on this site tonight on my ipad, the whole left side is black when I try to open the videos. I will have to come back tomorrow. I'm reading Blood & Lust again tonight since I can't look at the man.
all I say is well said! :D
that pretty much sums it up and it did it to me again this morning! I don't understand how too fix it and too keep it from doing it again and again!
oh you mean instead of(dot) com use (dot) org? If that is what I can do maybe it will slove it it makes me so mad even tho' it is (dot) com but I will try ANYTHING until the thing is fixed :/
oh that is awesome thank you! have you had the same probelm I just described ya know(unless I am wrong?) I think this has happend before I believe it was last year and it got fixed and then here it is a year later and it is happening again and it is driving me crazy and DISQUS is acting like an ass!
7 days!!! :D
lol at twitter joke. and he really seems excited about this harmony korine. need to check him out
I hate the format too Solas, its killed off all the fun, but it doesnt look like its going to change back.
I know you'll be lurking but try not to stay away completely. ;0)
I hate it too! No likes from me for the new format.
I feel the same way Solas loved the interview,hate the format,its so good to hear that Rob will not compromise what a guy.
thank god someone notices the format! I HATE it too! I have been having a problem with DISQUS for days! I thought I would never be able too get on it was not functioning right it was doing weird things like "if you want too comment you will have too go too Fire Fox or internet explorer number 9?! just really senseless crap that did not make any sense at all it was strange I can't explain it really unless you went thru it with me LMAO I am sorry it might have looked like I had deserted but that damned DISQUS! sure made it look I did
I did'nt I got probelms with trying too comment but that is it IDIOTS!
Just a word of advice...
If you don't want to be attacked, you might want to restrain yourself from the name calling. Like for instance...wench. That's usually what triggers it. Unless you meant wench in an endearing way. My ex used to tease me with...'more ale wench'...which I thought was hilarious. Probably cos he was the first one up to clear the dishes and...I've always had a thing for pirates. Anyway...
No name calling and it'll hopefully keep the fist fights down to a minimum. Question tho...I got no problem with people holding a differing opinion of Kristen than I do. What I do have a problem with, is why they have to resort to the catty behavior of name calling. It's the cyber equivilent of hair pulling. And yeah, that's pretty embarrassing behavior for grown women (especially when you consider that a lot of the women pulling that girl's hair, are old enough to be her mother).
your comments are always so spot on. I especially liked the part about a great actor havering an air of mystery.and agree 100% thanks and love judy
So many things in this interview that I love. Two things stick out: One, he likes to pretend he's just randomly taking roles, but here he admits a plan. I know Cosmopolis wasn't planned, but I think 2013 is very planned. He's so smart! Two: He's working on something to capitalize on his female Twilight audience? That's not announced yet! Wow...busy boy.
I sent you a message from my phone so I guess it will come as a Direct message. I have trouble sending things here on my phone!
Thank you!
It's not up to me to second guess Rob's private and personal decisions. He's an adult and I don't remember him asking any of us what he should do with his PL. You are correct this is not the place for people to push the choices he should or shouldnt make on the site. I reserve the same rights as Rob. My thoughts are personal. But if u must know , if he gets hurt again someone better take cover. I know people who know people and I would go out in daylight if I knew they were looking for me. Enuff said1
Although I appreciate the translation, I thought the same. Made him sound a bit full of himself....not the Rob we usually see/hear. He has said himself he doesn't like print interviews.
I'm thinking that although it may not be exactly what he said that it's close enough so we get the gist of it.
It really is a good interview though.
Like your line very much about being grateful but knowing Twilight does not define him. Any actor with craft would like to eschew limitations and interpretation on and off screen. It appears Rob is doing his best to make it more difficult, but it's tough, as his being pinned and down and 'defined' seems to be the grail for many in the media, industry and even fans. Let's hope he keeps surprising us, even as he continues to enjoy the odd beer or two...;-)
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