Edward & Bella Look like they mean business in this still! We had it before but it was a scan and this is better quality
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And check out this great look at how some the fight scene was made
There's not really any spoilers but if you haven't looked at any trailers or clips then you might want to avoid it if you haven't seen the movie.
Thanks to Scott Broock for sending to us
Got to say, I thought the wolves were fantastic in BD2 - they have come on a thousand times since New Moon..
i much prefer them in wolf form!!! ;)
lol kate....does look like they mean business. good caption type of photo
I love behind-the-scenes videos, shows us how they make it look so real, and how much work goes into a movie. This was a bit spolierish for me since I have yet to see BD2 (I'm watching it tonight, yey!) but enjoyed the little bit I saw. Can't wait to see more!
I really like Bella's outfit...Edward's not bad either.
really nice wolves gotta give them that
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