And here's a pic from the exclusive clip that'll be showing tonight
MTV "Breaking Dawn Part 2" First LIVESTREAM
LIVESTREAM Is OVER. Check the blog for vid and pics
And here's a pic from the exclusive clip that'll be showing tonight

And here's a pic from the exclusive clip that'll be showing tonight
Breaking Dawn,
Kristen Stewart,
Robert Pattinson,
Taylor Lautner
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«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 320 Newer› Newest»YAY!!!!! CAN'T WAIT!!!!
squeee!!! looking forward to some Rob and Josh bromance time))))
I'm gonna miss it!! any chance you'll post the interview after it's done? thx!
Oh will have to stay up late , but hopefully worth it. :)
I have to miss it, too. Will we be able to catch a recorded version later?
You know we will ;-))
I found a picture of Rob dressed up at a Halloween Party!
Thanx Kate!
I can record the first 15 min but not the rest.Poo!
Hi! I have been a Rob's fan for some time now but I don't use the internet very much. I live in Argentina and we don't get a lot of news about Rob here (we do get some, but they aren't always true).
I found this site a few weeks ago, and I want to thank the people who run it because they are clearly very dedicated, and make us fans very happy with all the news, pictures, videos and funny comments you post.
I will definitely keep coming here for information of my favorite actor! So thanks!!
Oh God.....Normally I would not worry that I would fall asleep before midnight but have had a busy day today!
Alarm has been set just in case lol
I'm sure you wont lol I'm just too excited to sleep though I have packed DH off to bed ;)
I love when Josh interviews them. You can tell he's a real fan.
One more hour, can't wait :D
I'm sitting in bed with my laptop which probably isn't the smartest of moves seeing as I am tired anyway.
Less than an hour to go - maybe I'll make a coffee. Wouldn't it just be sod's law that tonight of all nights I fall asleep?
Has anyone noticed how different Stephanie is looking these days - good I hasten to add :)
I think shes lost a lot of weight !!
Yes maybe you should get up and make coffee lol by then there will only be half an hour left !! Don't fall asleep, not tonight you will kick yourself if you do !!
he looks SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO handsome in this pic!!!! could stare at his face FOR HOURS!!!! it`s like he`s the only one in the pic, cause i don`t see the rest of them(most probably cause he`s the only one i care about....apart from Josh , i guess....yeah, Rob and Josh)
That too but her hair is different and her face looks more streamlined too - thanks never thought of that Lyn :)
Can u watch the live stream in the uk? made and half drunk already lol I was thirstier than I realised! Almost instant caffeine boost, not that coffee usually keeps me awake ;-)
That picture is priceless...can Josh look like anymore of a fanboy LOLOL...I can't stop smiling...can't wait until 8 PM!
I sincerely hope so or both myself and Lyn are going to very unhappy bunnies!!
Well guys, can we?
I noticed that in a picture of her yesterday. It's been gradually dropping off since Twilight started I think.
I sincerely hope too, well guess ill find out if it works in about 20 mins too! X
We should be able to we did for comicon :)
LOl :D but you did have to get up and move around !!!
fingers crossed X ;-)
If it doesn't, wherever you are in the UK you will probably hear me howl ;p
Ooh thanks Lyn ;-) The only watching of livestreaming I've done was the Q&A and they sent reminder etc. Do I just click on it at the right time or does it just start to play on here?
Sorry to butt in... I'm strangely NEVER tired if I'm going to see Rob live even if it's in the middle of the night:)
It's already 0.40 a.m. here... and I can't wait to see all of them in a few minutes. Excited! :)))
That's true. 15 mins to go!
I think it will just start and you can make it full screen :)
Me neither I've been watching the clock all evening :) I always stay up to watch anything he's doing live !!
falling asleep here. 10 more minutes !!
Ordinarily I would be fine but it was going on 3.30a.m. before I went to sleep last night and I was awake again at 7am Then walked around London all day and home at 10pm. I ache and I am sore-eyed. I also know that as soon as Rob comes on the screen I will be absolutely fine....its just the getting there that's difficult LOL
Me too :) Just a few more minutes!!
Thank you! I wish I had the forethought to connect the laptop to the TV. I could ask DH but then he'll start fiddling around and I'll end up missing it anyway. Full screen on the laptop will have to suffice ;-)
Oh my, that sounds exhausting! But you have to hold out only for a few more minutes :)
I'm sure it will work.... I watched all the MTV firsts live and it always did work :)
Wow, Stephanie looks like she has a personal trainer. She looks great.
They know about us!!
OMG Girls Congrats!!!!!!!! I'm so freaking excited for you. A shout out from HIM!!!!! Get up off the floor! Jesus he knows about the DR??? ahahahahahahaha
put the waders on ladies ... there's gonna be a flood!
OMG OMG OMG :-) ;-)
Do you vist ROBsessed?.....YES
Wow! Major shout out to Robsessed! Good on ya girls. And thanks for always staying on top of everything! Yall rock
Yeah, congrats on the extended shout-out, ladies! It was sort of adorable to see Rob talking so fondly about Robsessed.
it's soooo cool that Rob knows of Robsessed!!! ....and talked about it on MTV.
NICE Shout out to you guys!!!! Now you have confirmation that he does read your site!!!
Congratulations on being announced. That was sooooo COOL!!!!! Great interview :)
Omg, omg, omg! After Rob said do you smell beer - he was looking around sniffing for the beer. It was kind of a boring interview so he was probably thinking how much more fun it would be to get drunk. I definitely like Rob better one on one w Josh. The interview w these 3 together on Jimmy Kimmel for New Moon was funny, otherwise, I don't really love the group interviews w them.
I can't believe they mentioned the board! How cool is that? I could have done without the script thing, but other than that it was good.
Oh my GODS, Goz, Tink, Kat, Kate!!!!!!!! It's like getting a blessing from our own Pope!!!
I'm telling you, I adore that man. He's sofa king adorkable and just owns every venue.
WTG Robsessed!!!!! The object of our affections DOES read this site!!!!! WEll.......he must do alot of blushing when we go toour DR with him lol Our secrets are his secrets ;-)
OH MY GOD! I have to watch what I say now. We all do!
Great Robsessed comment from Rob. You ladies do such fantastic job even Rob has noticed.
You guys must feel great being mentioned. I believe he has said before he looks to you for his schedule. Congratulations. He cut his hair. He looks fantastic as always.
Congratulations ladies for being recognized by Rob. That is huge. I loved the interview, Rob seemed so comfortable and it was nice to see him and Kristen acknowledge their night on Halloween. I wish all of them the best in their careers.
OH MY GOD!!!! they talked about us!!!! AT ROBSESSED!!!*THUD*
annnddddd HE READ OUR COOMENTS???!!!!!! **DEAD**
Yay! Robsessed shout out!
ok after seeing that interview i feel good :) he looked so happy and relaxed and carefree and he knows about you girls!!! AWESOME JOB ROBSESSED!!!!!!
OMG OMG OMG...i swear my heart beats a mile a minute. he is reading ROBsessssssssssssssssssed!!! He migth know ME !!! LOL...did i say OMG already?
Congrats on your mention!! WOW! I was giddy for you! What a pat on the back for jobs well done!!
did I just hear you SQUEEEEEE from across the pond Maria dear????
I was like ...HOLY SHIT!!!! :P
Hey guys! I lurk here a lot but just wanted to say how great it was that Rob (and Josh!) gave ye some recognition for all the hard work ye put into Robsessed! Ye are awesome! x
I can't believe Rob didn't know what a Krisbian is! LOL
your mention nice and love it
fuck the consequences !!
Rob, you just met me,
This is crazy,
But here's my number
So call me maybe.
Loved the Robsessed mention - "yeah - I go there to check what I`m supposed to be doing" - So funny - obviously Rob uses the calendar on the side bar! Bless :)
I think you probably did!!!!!
And then I thought......OMG what have we said??!! Quick = edit, edit!!! LOL
Congrats on the mention! Whoo Hoo Robsessed!!! :)
Great interview, loved them all, but especially Mr Pattinson himself...
Many of us here told in the past, hoped or dreamt that he knows this site, the site we all love and visit every day (more than once, if I may add...)
Well, he knows it. I nearly fainted when they mentioned it (I couldn't stop muttering "OME"... LOL).
I hope that when he visits, he gets even just a glimpse of our love, admiration, faith and devotion to him, his past roles and his future plans.
We'll be here when this series of movies ends, because we're not just Twilight fans. We're Rob's fans, all the way.
The future's yours, Rob, and we're glad we'll be here to watch you conquer it...
OMG!! After four years you fabulous girls are getting the shout-out you SO DESERVE!!!! I am so proud of you and so happy for your acknowledgement.
I screamed when he mentioned Robsessed. Yayyyyyy!
Congrats on your mention!! You do such fantastic job!!!!!
YAY shoutout from the man himself. LOVE YOU ROB!
Rob looks so beautiful.
How surreal. Watching the Livestream on Robsessed as Rob mentionsknowing and reading Robsessed.
Hi Rob!!!
Congrats ladies.
All he had to do is look in the mirror. lol
Congratulations to all of you. Now it's official - Rob and Josh both check you out. Always said you do an outstanding job and now we have the confirmation. I could see you all screaming and jumping up and down when they said it. I just love the screaming woman, holding the paper cartoon you use. Nicely done!!!
Congrats on the shout out Tink, Kat, Kate and Godze! Rob and us check Robsessed for Rob's schedule. Adorable!!!
and He saw my ME avi, lol!
you r so right Jazz............lets face it......this site is the very best for Rob support and info and as a community. He knows quality when he see's it.
OK Rob - if you are reading this we are SO glad you visit this site - we hope you have had a lot of laughs. First and foremost we all love and support you, secondly we are not nuts and thirdly you don't need us to tell us what to do or where you should be going, you are doing a great job yourself. Finally, thanks for being YOU and not succumbing to the Hollywood hype.
Love it! Awesome interview... congrats on getting a mention...sadly though that means Rob probably reads the negative/hateful things people say about him and Kristen too...
How about bug spray?
well, well :-) RObsessed for the win! ;-)
Who is most likely to google themselves......and Rob's sitting there thinking...............and that ........would
LOL he is so cute
That was pretty awesome how Rob said he goes to Robsessed. Congrats mods!
Robert in Star Wars? "The force is strong with this one"
Great job ladies for being mentioned by Rob thats awesome! haha I dont think he reads the comments but we could all hope! :) You ladies really do a good job on this just gotta make sure you know his schedule so he can keep looking
Excuse me while I lift my ass off the floor...Josh asked about "Robsessed" and Rob knows (though I think not really) but he remembers the gals at the premiere, or maybe Tink? Then mentions getting his schedule from it. I do recall he said something like this a while ago, so he definitely was giving it a peek and did not hesitate for a second in knowing about it. I rather doubt he's checking in here lately, but nevertheless what a moment for our beloved Blog. Thanks Josh!
that's why we try to run them off every chance we get!
I cannot see the livestream and can only hear it in very chopped up fragments...BUT, the one & only thing did hear was Rob saying he knew about Robsessed & was friends with the ladies (something like that)!!!!!!!!!!!!! I KNEW he checked out is the best & coolest R.Pattinson site eva!!!!!!! :))))))))))
liking your comment a thousand times :)
or the flamethrower? lol
"Obi Rob Kenobi - your my only hope"
Everyone down on your knees and bow to the Godesses! Goz, Tink, Kate and Kat not only was Robsessed mentioned but the All Mighty One remembers meeting you! I loved the interview. Rob was as adorkable as ever. The picture of Rob and Kristen from last night was shown. The ice has been broken.!!!! It's time I head to bed. I have someone waiting (see AVI) G'night all!
yeah....I'm pretty much fucked Maria! LOL :P
it's 1:30 am here so i won't say anything smart or clever anymore,
but Rob how much we all adore you. smart, funny, clever, kind, and bautiful...
Tink, Kate, Kat and Goz, i think he just made your and our day !!! ROBsessed is the best site to check his schedule and to know how much we all love him!
my sense of the interview is that they are relieved to do an interview that they don't have to play straight and narrow. Rob is forever adorkable.........part of his charm and LOVE his wit ! I love that he is still shy.....witty........saying the first things that come in his head lol They looked very comfortable together........hmmmm....Rob already staking his claim for Star Wars 7 lol was fun too see the first MTV appearance when there wasn't that mass hysteria how times have changed. Giggles to Rob for going along with interviewers who had him starring in a different movie - they won't make that mistake again.
Oh guys!!! Congrats on the mention. Heck it was more than a mention! So neat! :)
I don't want to be a party pooper, cause I think he actually knows his way to Robsessed, but maybe he remembers that interview that he gave for Pattinson Online, and that's the one he was talking about when he mentions he knows the girls that running it?
Well, Jen - I hope he doesn't read THAT !! LOL
Let me just say.....I am wide awake now ;p
Anyways, I just want to say congrats girls at Robsessed! The most amazing site, for sure.
I've said far worse and fairly often ... yeah, that's a pretty good sugar rush right there huh?
WOW! coolness (;
OMG you must be soooo proud! so happy for you. Rob knows who you are!!!
It's not hard for anyone to find their way to Robsessed, but I agree he clearly remembers something, and given all the interviews he's given and people he's met, etc, that he didn't have to scrunch up his eyes and say "uhm" to respond when asked about Robsessed. That was surprising.
Awww, I think it is a real tribute to the ladies behind Robscessed that Josh and Rob talked about your site during the interview. You do a great job and I am delighted your inspiration thinks so too.
Congrats on the mention ladies so well deserved!
Wow, just Wow. Rob Fucking Pattinson. You could knock me over with a feather.
Wow he said he looks at this website almost everyday, yay.......
Smelling salts to revive Tink, please!
Tink! Kat! Kate! Goz! So thrilled that Robsessed was mentioned!!!
Absolutely shot out of my seat when Rob mentioned Robsessed on MTVFirst. He knows a good blog when he sees one. Well done ladies, proud of the mods on here. Keep up the good work.
Ohgd that was so cool...Josh is too funny but don't give up your day job,Lol.
Rob so gorgeous,Kristen so beautiful and Taylor so cute,thank you!...
Which scene from Twilight would you like to reshoot...Rob *The Kiss scene*,Lol,because he kept pre empting the wire pulling him back.
Oh my God! Rob looked GREAT and he was so adorable!! Love, love, love Josh. I immediately watched it again before MTV cuts it into a million little pieces. Kudos to you girls cause Rob has looked at your site and love that he mentioned that he knows you. Long live Robsessed!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't believe for a minute that he visits here on a regular basis or ever, but who knows? He knows about the site and if people want to believe that he's watching and reading, then I'm all for using his now public knowledge as a reinforcment to keep the haters and lunatic fringe away. Thank you Rob!
Absolutely WOW!! Great, fantastic......
I'm sure he'll forgive you ;-)
Must admit to being a tad worried about what might hit the fan on here now though!
I think the ladies have passed out or something !! They're not tweeting or anything! LOL
shell shocked perhaps?
Loved this,I love em all!!I love that he gave a shout out to Robsessed,u all put a lot of work into this and that was awesome!:)
Congrats on the shout out - how incredibly awesome is that?
Jen, You smart girl! Always used your real name.
Rob, my name in Ana and I love you so much.....
Hopefully it doesn't attract the lunatic fringe.
Congrats Robsessed Team!! He admitted to check this out to remind him of his work schedule...that's an honor!
All I care is that HE knows we love HIM and how wonderful we think he is in every aspect of his life..and HE does. <3
nice plug Ana! ;D
CONGRATS ladies!!!!!!! You have worked hard & TOTALLY deserve the mention from Josh AND ROB himself!!!! WOW, so happy for you guys I screamed & my poor dog jumped 3 !!
What a GREAT interview, all the laughter & happiness. Awesome 2 know ALL eye's are on YOUR site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Note 2 self, must remember 2 be more respectful in future mentions of Rob's hands & all other parts.......
Loved Josh saying this site is where he goes for research & Rob saying this is where he goes when he needs 2 know where he is going........LOVE it!!!
OMG OF COURSE he knows YOU!!! ..once i told you, he looks up at the stars...haha LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL
That was my first thought.............if you are a lunatic and want your vitriolic comment seen where would you now put it???
He definitely knows about Robsessed,as Kristen said *He is Robsessed*...
Rob looked great and was his usual charming self. Lautner not so much, as usual. But I think somebody has fallen off her pedestal...
Congratulations! So nice to hear Josh and Rob acknowledge this wonderful site. I always felt it was the best and this proves it. :D
Amen to that.
at first I was like ... holy shit Josh!
then immediately I thought ... the blog is gonna be over run now ... crap!
How cool that he mentioned your amazing site?!?!?!? He knows what all of us know that visit here - that we love him unconditionally no matter what and that we pretty much think he is the best thing since sliced bread!! What a great interview too - R & K were so cute together and the interview just flowed so well! Of course, with Josh there how could it be anything but amazing!
He loves your avi,sure ! lol
I don't either Lallie ... he has a life! He is a busy guy and has much more to do with his time than sit around reading comments on a blog. But he didn't hesitate to answer did he? That was kinda cool!
I'm always proudly Robsessed ... tonight even more so! ;D
Of course he knows about Robsessed...the man has class !
OMG Rob knows us at Robsessed, way to go girls!
I wonder if people who hadn't heard of it before will come check it out....
Rob: Rayban??
I wonder how long it takes for Rayban to contact him? lol
Bravisima to the brilliant mods of this site on Rob's acknowledgement of your work! Many of us have known for a long time that this is the go to site for all Rob related events. Delighted for you that Rob seems to know this too!
And exactly WTF does that mean? Never knew she was on one, so kind of hard deciphering what you mean other than just wanting to inject some snark towards her. Forgive me if I've misinterpreted you.
Nice to see you popping in here...long time, no see.
Of course he knows...he has to be kidding, as usual!
Welcome Lucia - there are fans here from all over the world, we are one big happy family. I hope Rob gets a chance to visit your country one day - my daughter spent a month there two years ago and said how beautiful it was.
Huzzah, Mizzar!!
Congrats, girls for the mention. It's well deserved, especially since Rob said that he knew you all, too. Nice interview. They all seemed relaxed(even though Kristen was her usual edgy self) and glad to be with each other. They are comfortable with Josh as an interviewer. I liked how he brought the Halloween picture in without making a big deal of it. Poor Taylor didn't have a lot to do, but he looked good. He's been a third wheel since Breaking Dawn 1. Thanks for the livestream!
IKR,Probably so...:D
Lallie it's just a typical Vanessa comment
Congrats on your mention!! You have worked hard and totally deserve it....
I agree...
When he said that, I literally YELLED at my screen "NOOOOOOOOO it was PERFECT!!!!!" Once he explained he actually meant the part AFTER the kiss, I felt slightly better. LOL!
Yeah, remember Rob is checking the blog:-)
No, that was me!!! I almost fell of my chair :)
OH MY GODS!!! Mizzz your avi!!! Going all throw-back for BD2.... bad! lol
how about that OCV? what a night eh?
What a beautiful, and well deserved tribute from Robert to our wonderful robsessed creator's. You all bring us so many wonderful things here on this site. I for one, want to thank you.
It was wonderful to see Robert & Kristen & Taylor in a interview again. Josh with MTV is a class act.
My heart warmed when I watched Rob & Kristen kidding each other again. So my prayers were answered to see them re-kindle their friendship. It is good to see someone follow their heart. Life is too short not to.
I look forward to seeing them once more in LA this year, God willing. Also to experience the ending to this beautiful "Twilight" love story on the screen.
Here's wishing them all only the best. They have brought so much joy into this "seniors" life. It has been a great ride. So once again I say:
"Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intenion of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, wine in the other, wearing a "Team Edward/Robert shirt" body thoughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO what a ride" Thanks for the memories!!!!!
I will make sure he will sign my ME avi on the premiere.
This just occurred to me, too. And I've already seen some unknown names, but so far so good. What's that expression "gird your loins", we may be in for an onslaught of the curious. Let's hope they all bring good will for Rob. The lunatic fringe will be dealt with by the guard...YOU, Bwen, and a few others, myself included.
I still haven't seen the whole 30 mins. Reading the comments below, I have not seen what some of you are commenting about. The interview last only a few minutes. Where are you seeing the rest of the interview. In between Rob yawning and Kristen swinging her leg, Taylor is the only one that made sense.
Wasn't Robsessed given some credit for raising the amount of charitable donation raised for the baseball plate? Rob's assistant was somehow involved with that charity wasn't he? Rob could have definitely heard how this site helped raise his artwork to $6000? Correct me ladies if I am wrong. But I am raising my wine class in a toast (any excuse to have a glass of Merlot) to the beautiful ladies at this site! Congragulations and I am sure he remembers you:)
Kate,Tink,Godze and Kat Congrats!!! ROBsessed Rocks!!!
Jennifer all of us here are his guardian angels especially Gos, Kate, Kat and Tink. We all lone him and respect him. God bless you Rob.
Congrats! to all the ladies on Robsessed!!..Rob certainly knows about your always..Josh never disappoints..Fantastic interview...Rob and Kristen look happy's nearly 2am UK time goodnight all..:-D
*deep cleansing breath*
Some of the commenters on Gossip Cop are already recommending that all the Kristen haters come to ROBsessed ...thank you very much GC!
Changed your name?
LMAO now you're a Marine!!
lol ... told you there are a lot of veterans in my family :P
lol that's cute....:)
I forget. Erratic. Sometimes she's good and then sometimes...she can't help herself?
ohhhh nooo!
Did I hear Josh correctly? Did he say that ROBsessed is a "global phenomenon?" Okay I quit. I thought it was just us farting around here, not the entire freaking globe peeking in. Just kidding. Not surprised at all that he's aware of this place cos I've always been under the impression that this is the biggest Rob Pattinson website on the internet. But I am surprised that people would think he's completely unaware. I mean, the comment boards are instant feedback, how public opinion is gaged nowadays and we know they've googled themselves cos they've teased each other about it. And I don't care who you are, no one is completely immune when they're being talked about...for good or ill. I remember him once mentioning that he had fans on the internet who were his defenders and I must admit, I wondered if he was talking about this place. Cos god knows more than a few of us have gotten into a few fist fights defending him/her/them (which is why I've said more than once to the particularly nasty ones, be careful what you say as you never know on any given day, just who is reading your words). But guys, don't feel self conscious cos you're now thinking that he may pop in now and again. Just be yourselves. And if you're being decent, then you've got nothing to worry about. This blog is what is it because of the people who frequent here...the funny, the thoughtful, the gobsmacked, the naughty, the hot airbags (**waves**) and if what he's found here has turned him off, then I seriously doubt he'd have mentioned this place on television.
But a gratifying shout out from the man himself. You done good Goz, Kat, Kate and Tink. You've created something here you have every right to be proud of...even on our worst days. Cos like I once told Tink, even on those days, I'd rather be here than anywhere else. No question.
With a comment like that it's probably the reason Rob knows about Robsessed,he's heard about the nastiness that came from some on here...How do you feel about him reading your comments,do you think he get's a kick out of them or that he'd like to give you a quick swift one..
Yep, fixin' to get crowded up in here...Bwen might have to get her haggy on..
I've just managed to come on Wendy and of course someone had to annoy me..but hey,don't they look good,love seeing them doing interviews together.
Ill man the search lights !
Yes, Sonja!
Well it wouldn't be ROBsessed without it these days would it Kiri.
yep, lallie dear:-) I don't know, i just like it.
I like it too Carol !
Quick and excellent, Younglove!
Yeah...well Haggy is back in her cage until next year.
Sorry Sonja I'm working the next two days ...well one day and one night which means you have double duty lady.
But I'll help when I can...
Maybe I better dust off Gandhi...I can baffle them with his quotes.
well its 2am here so Im off to beddybydos....Ill set the alarms as I leave !
Nite soldier!
How fitting that Rob acknowledges Robsessed during the press for Breaking Dawn 2, the film that is expected to be the high point of the Twilight series in terms of box office success! Surely this is the all time high point for the wonderful ladies who run this blog. Congratulations, you deserve the recognition!!
OMGosh! i have been trying to leave a comment all night!! I literally SCREAMED out loud when they mentioned Robsessed! Congrats ladies all the hard work has definitely paid off! Oh, and Rob if you're reading, God bless your parents for the FINE-NESS that they produced in you!!!!
That's exactly what I was thinking, every troll in the world will probably find their way here now :-(
INDEED!!! I'm kind of sleepless in Germany now.. but I really have to call it a night, it's 3.25 a.m. already!! But Josh and Rob obviously turned the possibility of sleeping upsite down. But I don't mind... I will lay awake and recall the fabulous interview... and Rob <3
So, good night and hold the fort, girls!!
Yep...well General Jennifer in charge...
If he reads this then he'll know that some have noticed a few changes in the way that he looks at Kristen now. And guess what, it's called Robsessed, not Robsten.
Of course, he still loves her, but he has taken off his rose tinted glasses and sees her in a more realistic way. And maybe it's better.
Best wishes for your happy meeting ! :)
"if you're not being a fucktard" that. And the guard is up to keep them out. He surely remembered something about Robsessed and I had to laugh about his schedule. I recall you saying once that you knew his schedule better than your own, apparently he actually had to check for himself.
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